American Pravda: Piers Morgan, Dan Bilzerian, and Holocaust Denial (2025)

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For decades the British journalist Piers Morgan has been a fully mainstream media figure, though having a career with the ups and downs typical of the tabloid wing of that profession.

According to his very extensive 11,000 word Wikipedia article, he was born in 1965, started at Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun in 1988, then at the age of 29 was named editor of the sibling News of the World in 1994, becoming the youngest individual to head a national British newspaper in more than half a century. From 1995, he served as editor of the Daily Mirror before being fired in 2004, and eventually relocated to the U.S., becoming the host of the CNN talk show Piers Morgan Live from 2011 to 2014, which was when I first heard his name. He later hosted Piers Morgan Uncensored on TalkTV for a couple of years, before leaving that network and shifting his show to YouTube earlier this year.

His personal views seem rather conventional and moderate, and as one of the handful of mainstream media figures who crossed over into YouTube independence, he quickly amassed 3.5 million subscribers for his channel, providing him a large and fairly mainstream audience. As a result, his individual shows regularly reach a million or more views, easily surpassing most of those still aired on the rapidly-declining world of cable TV. Operating on a video platform free from management oversight, he has been willing to feature guests and topics that have long been banned from the corporate media, thereby bringing him to my attention.

For example, back in March he interviewed the eminent political scientist John Mearsheimer and seemed entirely shocked by the latter’s views on Russia and its president Vladimir Putin, along with the origins of the disastrous Ukraine War and the Israel-Gaza conflict, perspectives radically different from those uniformly presented in our mainstream media. This important segment may have exposed both Morgan and much of his audience to those controversial ideas for the first time, and although he strongly disputed such claims, he scheduled additional subsequent interviews with the celebrated scholar.

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A few weeks after that first interview, Morgan similarly hosted Prof. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, one of our most prominent international public intellectuals, who offered a very similar account of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, drawing upon his decades of high-level personal involvement in that region, and he was also invited back for a subsequent interview.

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During the last couple of years, both those very high ranking academics have become towering figures in the alternative media, including their regular weekly appearances on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s channel. But Morgan’s shows have far larger and more mainstream audiences, so the public impact of his interviews may have been considerably greater.

I recently decided to refresh my memory of those five shows featuring Mearsheimer and Sachs, and spent a couple of hours watching all of them a second time. I was quite surprised by how unsophisticated the host seemed to be about the matters being discussed, merely regurgitating the standard propaganda talking-points of the official media narrative on Russia, the Middle East, and even World War II, and apparently doing so without any careful thought or critical analysis. According to Morgan, Vladimir Putin was an evil dictator, Hamas was a vile terrorist organization, and so forth, with such simple declarative statements assumed to be unquestionably true and correct.

Having witnessed more than two hours of such ignorant behavior, I had the strong impression that Morgan was neither particularly intelligent nor well-educated, and after checking, I discovered that his only higher education had been completing a one-year program in journalism at a technical school, after which he began working for British tabloids.

Despite the obvious gaps in his personal knowledge, Morgan deserves considerable credit for regularly exposing his generally mainstream audience to important perspectives they never would have encountered in the corporate media, airing numerous interviews and debates on the very bloody Israel-Gaza conflict, involving such figures as Norman Finkelstein and Alan Dershowitz.

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Some of Morgan’s shows have been extremely rancorous. Several months ago I watched the bitter debate he hosted between black conservative influencer Candace Owens and the fiercely Zionist Rabbi Shmuley on Israel’s Gaza war, thinking that the former handled herself very well and certainly got the better of the exchange. Owens had been accused of being a Holocaust Denier and she effectively refuted that charge, while Shmuley came across as unhinged and ridiculous, severely damaging his own cause and boosting that of his opponent.

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Although Morgan’s broadcast career had been on a far lesser scale, his trajectory seems somewhat similar to that of Tucker Carlson. After spending years as the most popular figure on television, Carlson had been fired from FoxNews in April 2023 but then soon reestablished his interview show with great success on Twitter, now freed from the numerous corporate restrictions he had previously faced.

Carlson’s interview of presidential candidate Donald Trump came during the first 2024 Republican Primary debate between the other candidates and drew a much larger audience, demonstrating once again that Internet video platforms had come of age compared to the fading world of cable television.

Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 24, 2023

A few months later, Carlson landed an interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, which accrued an absolutely gigantic global audience numbering many tens of millions, both on YouTube and on Twitter:

Ep. 73 The Vladimir Putin Interview

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 8, 2024

Carlson’s erstwhile corporate competitors were green with envy at his media triumph and they reacted by denouncing him as a Russian stooge, but that merely left them looking ridiculous.

Carlson’s important interview of Prof. Sachs ran more than two hours and attracted millions of views:

Jeffrey Sachs with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape.

(20:17) Why did America push for Ukraine to Join NATO?
(58:34) What is a Neocon?
(1:25:28) Regime Change Never Works

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) May 28, 2024

I also was very impressed by his long interview with a Christian evangelical pastor in the holy city of Bethlehem, who described the severe oppression that he and his flock regularly faced at the hands of Zionist militants, fiercely anti-Christian groups that bizarrely received the complete support of America’s own Christian establishment.

Ep. 91 How does the government of Israel treat Christians? In the West, Christian leaders don’t seem interested in knowing the answer. They should be. Here’s the view of a pastor from Bethlehem.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 9, 2024

More recently, Carlson’s long interview with Rep. Thomas Massie revealed the important information that every member of our Congress is assigned a personal AIPAC minder, who monitors and directs our elected representative on all issues important to the enormously powerful Israel Lobby.

Rep. Thomas Massie doesn’t care what you think of him, which is pretty great.

(3:19) Where Does US Debt End?
(10:32) Why Massie Voted 15 Times Against Funding Israel
(14:53) AIPAC
(34:04) Mitch McConnell
(42:25) Area 51
(50:32) Massie's Relationship with Trump
(57:09) Kill…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 7, 2024

Near unanimous rulings by the esteemed jurists of the International Court of Justice have declared that Israel is plausibly guilty of genocide and the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has requested an arrest-warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also faces massive charges of personal corruption in his own country. Yet despite all this, Netanyahu was invited to speak before a joint session of Congress and received an unprecedented 58 standing ovations, so Massie’s revelations provide a better understanding of that strange paradox.

Another very controversial Carlson segment was his lengthy interview with history podcaster Darryl Cooper, whose unorthodox theories on the true history of World War II immediately provoked a huge wave of media vilification, falsely accusing him of being a Holocaust Denier.

Darryl Cooper may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States. His latest project is the most forbidden of all: trying to understand World War Two.

(1:20) History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
(12:39) The Jonestown Cult
(32:10) World War Two
(45:04) How…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) September 2, 2024

Soon afterward, I published a long article discussing this illuminating ideological controversy:

  • American Pravda: Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • September 16, 2024 • 15,400 Words

Piers Morgan also quickly hosted a debate on Cooper’s historical theories, which racked up several million views.

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I was hardly surprised that two of the interviews by Carlson and Morgan that provoked the greatest controversy and interest involved individuals falsely accused of Holocaust Denial, with the former instance even prompting a White House spokesman to issue a lengthy denunciation.

During the last several generations, belief in traditional Christianity has largely decayed away throughout most of the Western world. As a consequence, many observers have noted that energetic Jewish activists have gradually been able to transform the Holocaust of World War II into a quasi-religion and elevate it to fill that spiritual void, with “Holocaustianity” possessing its own sacred dogma, includling miraculous stories, martyred saints, and holy relics.

Under this framework, Auschwitz has become the spiritual pilgrimage site of that doctrine, with individuals traveling there to demonstrate their adherence to the faith, and this sometimes includes those of the greatest influence and power. Earlier this year I noted that Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest man and one of its most influential, undertook exactly that step earlier this year to remove any doubts regarding his personal beliefs.

  • Elon Musk Goes to Canossa
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • February 12, 2024 • 5,400 Words

As part of this theological transformation, most European countries have also now enacted new blasphemy laws criminalizing any challenge to Holocaust dogma, with considerable numbers of individuals being fined or imprisoned for expressing their heretical notions on that subject.

I’ve noted that even the Roman Catholic Church has elevated belief in Holocaustianity above its own traditional religion doctrines, as was demonstrated fifteen years ago:

In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI sought to heal the long-standing Vatican II rift within the Catholic Church and reconcile with the breakaway Society of St. Pius X faction. But this became a major media controversy when it was discovered that Bishop Richard Williamson, one of the leading members of that latter organization, had long been a Holocaust Denier and also believed that Jews should convert to Christianity. Although the many other differences in Catholic doctrinal faith were fully negotiable, apparently refusing to accept the reality of the Holocaust was not, and Williamson remained estranged from the Catholic Church. Soon afterward he was even prosecuted for heresy by the German government.

As a natural consequence, accusations of Holocaust Denial have acquired the utmost gravity:

For decades, Hollywood has sanctified the Holocaust, and in our deeply secular society accusations of Holocaust Denial are a bit like shouting “Witch!” in Old Salem or leveling charges of Trotskyism in the Court of the Red Czar.

Yet just a few days ago, Piers Morgan’s popular show aired a lengthy interview with exactly one such individual, and the potential impact may be quite significant.

Not being someone who spent any time on social media, until a couple of months ago I’d never heard of Dan Bilzerian, apparently a wealthy and successful playboy gambler with a huge following on such platforms. But over the last year, he had become totally outraged over Israel’s ongoing massacre of so many helpless Palestinian civilians in Gaza. As a result, he finally began speaking his mind on that subject and related ones regardless of the personal consequences, with some of his Tweets condemning the Jewish State for committing those terrible atrocities.

In mid-August he was interviewed at length by a podcaster, and he devoted more than twenty minutes to very sharp criticism both of Israel’s crimes and also the broader behavior of Jews as well. Although I didn’t watch it at the time, he crossed all sorts of red lines on that show, including brief mentions of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the likely role of Mossad in the JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks, and the extremely pernicious elements of the Jewish Talmud. These explosive statements by a prominent social media star quickly went viral, eventually drawing some 1.5 million views on YouTube along with more than 21,000 comments, and his interview was eagerly promoted by some Internet columnists who shared his strong opinions.

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In another interview a few days later, he explained the huge negative backlash he had experienced for his support for the Palestinians, which had cost him many millions of dollars. But he said that he simply couldn’t remain silent any longer regarding what was happening in the world and felt compelled to speak out. A single Tweet including a brief clip of those remarks got nearly 900,000 impressions:

🚨BREAKING 🚨Dan Bilzerian reveals he's been illegally kicked off the board of his own company. @DanBilzerian tells Myron Gaines @unplugfitx of the Fresh & Fit podcast that he's also lost an undisclosed amount of $Millions and been extorted by jewish ex-employees since speaking…

— Sam Parker-ucas Gage🇺🇲 (@SamParkerSenate) August 29, 2024

Some commenters on one of my own articles brought these developments to my attention, but since I’d never previously heard of Bilzerian nor the podcasters who had interviewed him, I was rather dismissive at the time, and didn’t bother watching most of the interview. No further mention of Bilzerian came up during the next couple of months and I mostly forgot about him. Meanwhile, various Internet websites unsurprisingly launched nasty attacks against him for strident criticism of Israel.

But then a few days ago, Bilzerian was interviewed for a half hour by Piers Morgan.

The initial conversation was innocuous enough, focusing on the changes in Bilzerian’s personal lifestyle, but Morgan soon began aggressively questioning him about his apparent sympathy for Hamas in the Israel-Gaza conflict. The gullible host repeated all the ridiculous media propaganda-hoaxes claiming that Hamas terrorists had gang-raped and sexually-mutilated Israeli women, burned Israeli civilians alive, and generally committed some of the worst atrocities in human history, being shocked that his guest seemed rather skeptical of those stories.

When Bilzerian pointed to many of the terrible war-crimes and massacres that the Israelis had themselves committed over the last couple of generations, Morgan played the ultimate trump-card of the Jewish Holocaust, explaining that harsh Israeli actions were easily understandable given that the Nazis had exterminated six million Jews. But the interviewer was utterly dumbfounded when Bilzerian declared that he was just as skeptical of those World War II atrocity stories, suggesting that the traditional Holocaust narrative seemed very unlikely to be true, instead concocted by Jewish activists to excuse and justify their criminal activities. He briefly noted some of the absurdities in those stories, which seemed just as ridiculous as the much more recent claims of forty beheaded Israeli babies.

As might be imagined, his very mainstream British host could barely believe what he was hearing, declaring himself “gob-smacked.” But the interview went viral, quickly accumulating over two million views, far more than most of Morgan’s other recent shows, with key clips viewed many hundreds of thousands of additional times on various platforms.

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Internet provocateur Andrew Anglin heavily promoted the Bilzerian interview, highlighting several viral Tweets that contained some of the most explosive clips:

Dan Bilzerian and Piers Morgan Debate H*l*caust numbers 🫣🫣

“I’ll bet my entire net worth it wasn’t 6 million”

— Charging… (@RedPillSayian) November 12, 2024

Piers Morgan asks Dan Bilzerian if he hates J*wish people 😧

“No i just believe J*wish supremacy is the greatest threat to the world today”

— Charging… (@RedPillSayian) November 12, 2024

Dan Bilzerian tells Piers Morgan how J*ws feel about Christians and muslims 😲

“They believe Jesus is in hell burning in…”

— Charging… (@RedPillSayian) November 12, 2024

"It sounds to me Dan, like you do actually hate Jewish people…

"…I'm honestly gobsmacked."

Piers Morgan's interview with Instagram's former king of hedonism, Dan Bilzerian, drops on YouTube at 3pm (EST).

SUBSCRIBE: | @piersmorgan

— Piers Morgan Uncensored (@PiersUncensored) November 12, 2024

Having now carefully watched the entire interview a couple of times, I thought that Bilzerian handled himself very well, being neither defensive nor overly aggressive, but merely mentioning some of the most obvious problems with both the anti-Hamas atrocity-propaganda and the Holocaust narrative, elements well known to everyone who has investigated those subjects but totally unfamiliar to Morgan and probably nearly all of his mainstream audience.

Bilzerian is obviously not a specialist on those complex topics nor an academic scholar, but I thought that at least 80-90% of the points he made were very likely correct, with another 5-10% being possibly true but much less solidly established. Meanwhile, despite the decades Morgan had spent as a prominent journalist, his hostile responses seemed almost 100% factually wrong about everything.

For a YouTube video to accumulate more than two million views after just a few days is an impressive result, far surpassing that of a typical show on cable television. So I can’t remember the last time that any extended declaration of Holocaust Denial had attracted such a huge and apparently mainstream audience.

Another important factor to consider is the weight or standing of the individual expressing such heretical notions, and once I looked into the matter, Bilzerian seemed a much more formidable figure than I had realized.

Although he’d apparently dropped out of college and spent years involved with drugs, he certainly came across as very intelligent, and when asked by an earlier interviewer, he’d said his tested IQ had been at the 99th percentile and he’d won a scholarship to Duke, claims that hardly surprised me. His father Paul Bilzerian had been a prominent corporate raider of the 1980s, who had left him a trust-fund, so under those circumstances, the younger Bilzerian’s lack of academic focus and hedonistic life-style seemed quite understandable.

Apparently, he’d become a highly successful poker-player and gambler, who also created a company that had made him very wealthy, giving him a personal fortune of a couple of hundred million dollars. But he said that as he’d grown older, he’d begun to focus far less on money, realizing that the things he actually most enjoyed in life didn’t really cost all that much.

Born in 1980, he was now in his early 40s but his extreme activities during his younger years had gained him an enormous presence on social media. He had become known as “the king of Instagram” with 30 million followers, plus another couple of million on Twitter.

In our modern society, media weight is one of the most important metrics of power and influence, and under that framework Bilzerian seemed an extremely substantial figure, probably more so than the vast majority of our senators, congressmen, or governors. So across the last three generations, I think no other Westerner of similar stature may have ever publicly challenged the Holocaust narrative in such direct and forceful terms. Moreover, he has combined this with equally strong statements highlighting the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the central Israeli role in both the JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks, the huge threat that “Jewish supremacism” posed to the entire world, and the extremely pernicious aspects of the Jewish Talmud.

No other individual of large media presence comes to mind who has been willing to raise even one of those topics, and for someone to have promoted all of them together to a large and mainstream audience seems quite unprecedented.

I have absolutely no idea whether Bilzerian is aware of my own American Pravda series, but if he had read and absorbed much of that material, his public statements would hardly have been any different.

Yet oddly enough, although I had never heard of Bilzerian and was absolutely shocked at the public statements he made a few days ago, many of my own articles on the Israel-Gaza conflict during the last year had actually anticipated and predicted exactly this striking sort of ideological eruption.

Because of the growing power of Internet video platforms and social media, the Israeli assault on Gaza had become the greatest televised massacre of helpless civilians in the history of the world, probably horrifying billions all across the globe. Meanwhile, the tight political control exercised by America’s Israel Lobby had kept our own government and mainstream media in lockstep support of those terrible atrocities, a situation that outraged large portions of our population and that in the rest of the world.

With so many millions now recognizing the blatant lies promoted by our establishment sources on the alleged Hamas atrocities, ranging from forty beheaded Israeli babies to babies baked in ovens to Hamas gang-rapes and sexual mutilations, many of these same individuals might naturally begin to also question the Holocaust atrocity stories they had been told for decades. Moreover, with the Holocaust being regularly employed to justify and excuse Israel’s current massacres, those strongly opposed to the latter events would develop a powerful psychological incentive to question and doubt the protecting narrative embodied in the former. For the first time, hundreds of millions of mainstream individuals around the world had acquired a strong personal motive to challenge the Holocaust narrative, an enormously fateful development.

During the past year, many of my articles on the Israel-Gaza conflict had closed by emphasizing that the Israeli government may have thus now unwittingly taken actions whose consequences they would eventually regret, opening doors that they would wish had been kept tightly shut.

On November 27, 2023:

I have explained that decades ago a small handful of shocking discoveries caused me to completely reassess my understanding of the world and begin considering ideas that I previously would have dismissed. I suspect that the graphic images coming out of destroyed Gaza and some of the surprising behavior of Israel’s governmental leaders and its committed advocates may now be having a similar effect upon hundreds of millions of individuals around the world, including some in our own country. And this may be the most important long-term consequence of the sanguinary events that were triggered by the Hamas attack last month.

We must carefully distinguish between the realities of the world and the extreme beliefs that agitated Jewish propagandists have often projected upon their various adversaries, both past and present.

On January 8, 2024:

The Grayzone editors noted that any skeptical analysis of those outrageous Hamas atrocity stories has prompted pro-Israel advocates to fiercely denounce such critics while stubbornly refusing to provide any solid evidence.

This is obviously correct. However, I think an equally skeptical approach must also be applied to the conventional narrative of the Holocaust, which constitutes the central ideological pillar of the Jewish State, its political leadership, and its committed supporters, both Jewish and Gentile alike. Unfortunately, applying such analytical methods may be quite psychologically difficult for many Westerners because over the last couple of generations Hollywood has elevated that historical event of the 1940s into something resembling a quasi-religion.

On January 15, 2024:

Thus, the enormous public controversy regarding the Israel/Gaza conflict may be opening many doors to other very touchy issues that had long been kept tightly shut.

On April 15, 2024:

If even just a fraction of the material I had presented were correct and became widely known in American society, our entire political landscape would be radically transformed. Six months of unrelenting Israeli attacks upon the population of Gaza may have caused enormous numbers of Americans to begin asking questions they had never previously considered. This may constitute the most important lasting legacy of the current Gaza war.

On May 6, 2024:

Several months ago a young military serviceman named Aaron Bushnell from a strongly Christian background became so distraught at his country’s active involvement in what he regarded as the supreme crime of genocide that he set himself on fire and died in an act of protest, an event certainly without precedent in American history and extraordinarily rare elsewhere in the world. Although the story quickly vanished from our own media, the coverage on global social media was enormous, and may have lasting consequences.

After discussing that tragic incident, I went on to suggest that the dire fate of Gaza’s Palestinians might ultimately be seen as having played a similar role. Their deaths may have now suddenly revealed America’s long-concealed rulers both to our own people and to the rest of the world.

For similar reasons, I think that the tens of thousands of dead Gazans did not lose their lives in vain. Instead, their martyrdom has dominated the global media for the last five months, conclusively revealing to the entire world the moral bankruptcy of the international system that had condemned them to their fate.

Probably hundreds of millions of people worldwide have now begun asking themselves questions that they never would have previously considered. I suspect that those responsible for the destruction of Gaza may come to rue the day when they helped open doors that they may eventually wish had been kept tightly shut.

On August 5, 2024:

However, I think that in the longer-term the Israelis face a very serious problem. Each of their individual assassinations or terrorist attacks may succeed on the tactical level with the compliant American media carefully hiding many of the facts discussed above. But over time, the enormous number of those very high-profile and daring assassinations of important foreign figures and even high-ranking leaders creates a pattern that most intelligent Americans will quietly recognize. And at that point, such individuals may begin to consider all the top American political figures over the last couple of generations who were strongly opposed to crucial Israeli policies and then died by assassination or under other very strange circumstances, with President John F. Kennedy and his younger brother Robert being the most notable examples.

Stacking up a huge barrel of gunpowder is a dangerous thing to do when sparks might occasionally fly. And indeed, many people have pointed out that if and when the American public discovers that the Israeli Mossad was behind the 9/11 Attacks, a certain small Middle Eastern country will probably cease to exist along with nearly its entire population.

On August 12, 2024:

Over the last few years I have discussed these matters at very considerable length in quite a number of articles and interviews. Those who have recognized the lies recently told about Russia, Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah should consider that much of what they believe about the history of the last one hundred years may have been based upon very similar lies, long congealed into accepted history.

On September 9, 2024:

I believe that during the last eleven months since October 7th, Israeli operations in Gaza have provided all willing individuals with exactly such a pair of special sunglasses, allowing them to pierce the decades of illusion and distortion produced by our mainstream media. Using those powerful tools, they can finally begin to unravel the true facts of the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the JFK Assassination, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. So each of them must decide whether to use those special sunglasses or instead fearfully cast them aside.

On September 23, 2024:

Yet oddly enough, while most of us freely admit that only an organization with Mossad’s superb resources, brilliance, and training could have carried out the exploding pager attacks, according to the official story, the even greater 9/11 terrorist attacks were merely the work of a rag-tag band of poorly-trained Arabs directed by an eccentric with severe health problems dwelling in an Afghanistan cave. The contrast between the supposed actors behind those two operations is so extreme as to defy rationality, and the recent events in Lebanon must surely raise 9/11 doubts even among the most credulous and gullible…

But if the successful 9/11 terrorist attacks were not the work of Osama bin Laden and his small band of Arabs, then who was responsible? If the Israeli Mossad recently carried out what was arguably the second boldest, most successful terrorist attack in the history of the world, does that not suggest an obvious suspect?…

Given the gigantic mass of very strong evidence implicating Israel and its Mossad in the worst attacks ever launched against the United States, the consequences when and if this becomes widely known are likely to be terminal both for the Jewish State and the bulk of its population.

For a variety of different reasons, large portions of America’s political, financial, and media elites, both Jewish and Gentile, have bound themselves very tightly to support for that foreign nation. So unless they take strong steps to sever that connection in the loudest and most emphatic manner, they would probably share its fate.

On September 30, 2024:

Indeed, I would go so far as to suggest that anyone who merely confined his investigation of the Holocaust to a critical reading of books by some of its leading scholars such as Lipstadt, Lucy S. Dawidowiz, and Peter Novick would soon become very skeptical of its reality. And if the content of their works was then compared with that of leading Holocaust Deniers such as Arthur Butz, Nicholas Kollerstrom, and Germar Rudolf, the inescapable, overwhelming conclusion would be that the Holocaust is largely, perhaps almost entirely, a hoax.

For decades, Jewish financier Bernie Madoff successfully maintained his gigantic Ponzi scheme, convincing almost everyone that he controlled many tens of billions in investment capital that did not actually exist, thereby establishing himself as one of the most powerful market-makers on Wall Street.

Similarly, for nearly three generations Jewish and Zionist groups have maintained their gigantic ideological Ponzi scheme, successfully indoctrinating nearly all Westerners with enormous guilt over the six million murdered Jewish civilians, mostly killed in Nazi gas chambers, a historical event that almost certainly never happened. And by regularly drawing upon that nearly bottomless moral bank account, the Israelis have been empowered to commit some of the worst crimes in modern world history, perhaps now even bringing all of human civilization to the brink of nuclear annihilation in a Third World War.

Gigantic Ponzi schemes, whether financial or ideological, do eventually collapse, so the crucial question is whether the collapse of the Holocaust Hoax will come quickly enough to avoid taking much of the world down with it.

That deeply-rooted historical belief has gradually been elevated into becoming the widespread secular religion of “Holocaustianity,” so challenging that dogma is a difficult and psychologically-painful undertaking. But that doctrine constitutes the central power source behind Israel’s total impunity, thereby enabling that country’s regular campaigns of mass-murder. So regardless of any of their other activities, those critics of Israel who nervously shy away from directly confronting the Holocaust Hoax are effectively allowing that country to continue the massacres they so loudly condemn.

Based upon his statements, exactly these sorts of factors had eventually led a major social media figure such as Dan Bilzerian to risk his public standing by challenging both the current Israeli propaganda regarding the ongoing genocidal rampage in Gaza and the equally false but far more deeply rooted past propaganda regarding the alleged Holocaust of World War II.

While I have no evidence, it’s possible that his views on that latter event may have been partly influenced either directly or indirectly by my own extensive articles from the last half-dozen years, which together have been viewed well over 600,000 times:

  • American Pravda: Holocaust Denial
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • August 27, 2018 • 17,600 Words
  • Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • June 12, 2023 • 12,600 Words
  • American Pravda: Understanding World War II
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • September 23, 2019 • 20,500 Words
  • More Falsehoods of World War II
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • June 19, 2023 • 7,500 Words
  • Hitler, Churchill, the Holocaust, and the War in Ukraine
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • July 17, 2023 • 9,700 Words
  • American Pravda: Secrets of Military Intelligence
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • June 10, 2019 • 12,500 Words

Related Reading:

  • Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society
  • American Pravda: Hamas, Nazis, and the Right to Rape
  • American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion
  • American Pravda: Holocaust Denial
  • Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong
  • American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations
American Pravda: Piers Morgan, Dan Bilzerian, and Holocaust Denial (2025)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.