Elizabethton Star from Elizabethton, Tennessee (2024)

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Elizabethton Stari

Elizabethton, Tennessee

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ANGUS bulls for sple i DUPLEX IBR off Logj RENTALS: arm brtok WANTED: Land to 423 753 8360' Cabin Road Slam frame pets RTO's All lease for upcoming ANGUS COWS' $250 'month plus prices and locatlonsl hunting season Re 20 teditaed Cowl $125 deposit dppll No charge to land sponsible ethical ances furnished lordsCall 282 6486 hunter Reasonably (423)543 5638 1 11111 jii jiwm priced 725 2146 (423)543 Call I to Eliza HI I spacious home with :1 4 A 1 4 4 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 32 HOUSES OR RENT anytime oversized wofflce MUST SEEI (423)543 5261 16 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 39 WANTED TO BUY 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 1 28 CHILD CARE HELPSERVICES 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 19 BUILDINGS SALERENT 20 ARTICLES OR SALE 40 LOTS OR RENT 15 SERVICES OERED 27 LIVESTOCK BREEDING 36 LAND OR SALE 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 21 ARTICLES WPHOTO 25 PETS SUPPLIES 42 HOUSES OR SALE 31 APARTMENT OR RENT 2BR unfurnished $350 month $100 deposit water furnished no pets 543 3452 38 WANTED TO RENT I BUSINESS OR SALEH5yr old family owned business In Elizabeth an Owner has other nterests wants to sell BROOME REAL ESTATE (423)542 4386 ASK OR RICK IREWOOD sale Hardwood $50 load Poplar $40 'load (423) 725 2946 33 MOBILE HOME OR RENT 26 COAL OIL WOOD OR SALE UTILITY BUILDINGS for sale all sizes availa ble Call (423)542 8988 35 TOWNHOUSES WPHOTO 31 APARTMENT OR RENT SHELL 543 2393 Sid or Undo Davidson 543 4019 ILL Do workaddltlons new houses ree Estimates Call (423)474 3087 LARGE 2BR mobile home Powder Branch area Call 423)542 8683 MILLIGAN AREA 2BR 1BA $375 month $300 deposit no pets (423)543 6126 HUNTER COMMUNITY: 3BR 1BA private lot $350 month $250 deposit No pets 349 4096 Kingsport HUNTER GUNS Buying quality used guns BuySellTrade 543 1994 Passport loaded $9750 Call (423)743 0554(423)727 9294 32 HOUSES OR RENT' STATELINE Store ltofflce space 2 front lots 232 1762 pA 'r 1 HUGE 10 amily sale: Labor Day 8 5 No early sales Laurels picnic area NANA'S KID (Next to un Time Video Biltmore) 547 0048 Baby clothes furni ture toys accesso ries We now have la dies clothing NEW TRAILER PARK Beautiful views Paved Roads 3mln from downtown $125mth Lots Available Nowll 543 6126 WILL Buy Your Base ment Garage At tic Shed or Barn Items Call Roger (423)543 6488 be tween 7 1 0pm CONDOS 4 unlts 1 sold $55000 $57000 2BR1BA Hunt er level lot ow maintenance SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 DONNIE SHEPHERD (423)543 4773 WOULD like to buy to bacco sticks (828)297 2739 NICE 2BR 2BA stove refrigerator water furnished excellent location (423)543 6238 (423)768 3460 leave message 3BR house in town $450 month $450 deposit WD hook up garbage pick up 542 3712 A roommate wanted to share large house Low Rent! I Everything furnished Call 474 2150 OLD Stoney Creek Rd near City limits suit able for slnglewlde or doublewiae $120 month $120 deposit 543 2578 BY OWNER: Near JC Beauty 5BR3BA IN Hunter 2BR WD hook up applian ces garbage and water furnished $350 $200 deposit 474 6364 ARD WORK: Hus bandWlfe Team Miscellaneous jobs of any kind ree es timates 542 2238 CONDOS 1I1HYLANDER 4 units 2BR1BA great income No vacancies at present Level lot Low Maintenance SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 DONNIE SHEPHERD (423)543 4773 BROOME REAL ESTATE (423)542 4386 Charite Street East Side area 2BR1BA half basement aooll nce stay large deck w2 acres very private East Side school district $48000 BEAUTIUL new home nestled In SlamVal ley orge school dis trict 3BR2BA level land scaped lot paved drive maintenance free call 543 7088 days 725 2036 eve nings and week ends CHOCOLATE Lab 7 months old asking $30000 Call 474 2034 after 5pm 2BR mobile home low er Blue Springs area $285 month plus de posit Call (423)542 8683 2BR mobile home wa tergarbage includ ed $350 month $200 deposit (423)543 8893 S'! 23 YARD SALES OR SALERENT: 3BR WD hook up appll once $295 month $200 deposit Hamp ton area In park 725 2381 CARTER BRANCH RD 3BR brick rancher hardwood floors full basement carport and views to knock your socks off Check this one outll $76900 RAINBOW REALTY 547 2800 TRAIN your dog to be a good Citizen Obedience classes starting September 9 542 3392 929 9163 LADY will sit with eld erly' 8 1 2 hour shifts 542 2BR Keenburg area water and garbage pick up furnished $275 mth $150 dep Call 474 4310 2BR unfurnished WD hookup 115 Townview off Hart Road $375mth $100dep no pets (423)349 6665 1112 State Line Rd: 2BR 1 BA" references re quired $375 per month $50 deposit 543 4513543 8558 '5 STAR SUNDAY SEPTEMBERS 1999 Page 11 BROAD STREET EXT Completely Remod eled 3BR2BA on ap orox 3oc wrlverfront citchen Includes: anae and dishwash er Carpet tile and parquet flooring level orooerty excellent locctlon just outside City $129900 SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 Sid or Linda Davidson (423)543 4019 3BR brick home kitch en and dining room combination fire place In living room double carport con crete driveway Nice lot Great neighbor hood $64900 REALTY 543 4094 PIANO for sale Take on low monthly pay ments Beautiful console piano No money down 1 SOO 371 1220 2BR appliances fur nished no pets must have referen ces Call 542 2357 STONEY CREEK: Private quite 2BR appllan ces wqter trdsh pickup furnished $350 month plus de posit 543 3146416 4925 LARGE 2BR2BA Excellent condition prlvcte lot No pets prefer couple References $350 month 542 911Q GARAGE sole Monday 8 3 165 Mayfield Drive Lots of teens clothing household items rnlsc 2BR 1BA In Elizabeth ton mopth $250 deposit call (423)928 1904 leave message sn Ads can be re scheduled for another day If you call and change jad before 2pm the day prior to publication date Ex berlenced Classified 3BR unfurnished apart ment no pets refer ences $300 month $125 deposit Call(423)543 3236 219 JUDGE BEN ALLEN ROAD Beautiful one level brick ranch on 316 acres 2637 sqft garage $189200 RUSS SWANAY REALTY 543 5741 $25 REWARD for any sewing machine I can't repair Special: Cleanolladjust tension $499 Kuy kendalls 929 1082 WEST END: 2BR Availa ble Oct 1st Christian Couple preferred (423)542 3593 Laws Apartments West Street 2BR 1BA wa ter garbage pick up appliances furnished garage very quite professionally land scaped 542 2442542 0608 MAIN INDEPENDENT In your own can stay we rcan assist you Aff ordable compan tonship and domes itlc care HOME IN STEAD SENIOR CARE 1(423)477 8321 HILLSVILLE In Central SaturdayMonday 8 3 next to Central School off Hwy 91 several families arm equipment utility trailer display tables tools wood lathe cars old stuff guns Set up avail able call 928 8677 158 Taylortown Rd Central Community $159000 Between Elizabethton and JC nice brick 3BR 2 12BA fireplace wgas logs new roof and insulat ed windows double garage all on drre level Basement lots of storage all onap prox 1 acre Also available 7 acres barn sheds and fencing Call for more Information SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 Sid or Linda Davidson (423)543 4019 2 acres and renovat ed home In City wupdated heatalr glossy Oak floors hisher workshops new bath etc $64500 SHELL ASSOCIATES 543 2393 DEAN BLEVINS 542 2092 ROCKY Top Gun Per mit School Certlfir ed Instructor Call for weeklynightly weekend classes $55 543 6048 542 8064 IN town quite area off street parking gas heat waterap pllances furnished $265 deposit 543 5018 NKC Registered Yor kies 9 wks old vet checked first shots Wormed $350 Call (423)542 5097 any time 1BR stove refrigerat or water garbage pick up furnished mlnl bllnds No pets Adults onlyl Call (423)542 9200 BARN for sale (wormy chestnut) in sldeout Antique post cards Pre WWll Over 100 to choose from725 4125 Watauga Road 2BR 1 12BA WD hook up watergarbage pick up furnished Adults No pets (423)542 3877 BROOME REAL ESTATE 423)542 4386 Honeycutt Street 3BR1BA hqrdwood floors full basement 1 car garage direc tions from Elizabeth ton to Hampton sec ond right past Eliza bethton Lumber Com Ipany $56500 QUAIL HOLLOW CLUB HOUSE Monday 8 2 Multi family Lots of everything New Home Interior can dles rnlsc 128 DANNY MATHES ROAD 4BR2BA split foyer vinyl siding 2 car ga rage basement 12 acre electric heat satellite pool patio 58MJU SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 DONNIE SHEPHERD (423)543 4773 1281 RinERTOWW DEAL CENTURY i Super 3BR airbrick cottage enlarge lev el lot Very clean ASHLEY wood and coal stove Good condition $400 Shown by appoint ment only 542 2769 leave message fn 148 Ruby Avenue Avail 9 1 99 2BR 1BA $500 month plus deposit 232 1762 615 NORTH ROAN ST REDUCED $529(X) Excellent Location I Nice 23BR nice leve lot (50x1386 DTG) ront porch gas heat storage building large kitchen wnew vinyl appliances new carpet SHELL ASSOCIATES 543 2393 Sid or Linda Davidson 543 4019 IT 147 MUSE AVENUE 3BR home with extra lot for building or dou blewlde: Owner may sell separately Great Opportunity! $54900 JENNIER UPORD (423)543 3259 CENTURY 21 WHITEHEAD REALTY (423)543 4663 116 REX HARRELL 23BR with New Oak Cabinetsnd more Also 2BR mobile home includ ed for total price of $89900 RAINBOW REALTY (423)547 2800 HAMPTON On Rlver Approx lac on river garage wired workshop 3 large bedrooms hard wood floors newly renovated REDUCED TO $49900 543 4428 for appointment 122 ITZSIMMONS RD Custom designed by builderownerl 2BR 2BA sunny kitchen with skylights gor geous yard Must See Homel Call Today! $94000 RUSS SWANAY REALTY 543 5741 2BR apt new paint WD Hookup $350mth Close to Wal Mart and Ingles 795 5587 pager (423)282 1373 REE IREWOOD In town You must cut Approximately 200 cords 542 4004 AKC Registered Labs 8wks old 1 choco late female 2 black females 1 black male parents on premlses first shotswormed $250 (423)543 7489543 BED Queen size ortho pedic firm set never used 5yr Warranty $125 Call 543 0599 leave message 50 LB 21 Dog ood $10 7 way Puppy Shots $2 each or $45 flat Call (423)542 8000 CEMETERY PLOTS lo cated in Crown Sec tion Happy Valley Memorial Park call (423)725 5091 after a a 11 15 GLENVIEW An outstanding buy on this Immaculate 3BR3BA brick river front home Living Room Dining Room 15x25 den plus londc Room overlooking Watauga River A Rare ind Irr A Choice Locatlonll $189900 SHELL ASSOCIATES 543 2393 Sid or Linda Davidson 543 4019 2BR Stoney Creek ap plianceswater gar bage pickup furnish ed WD hookup mlnl bllnds $350mth deposit no pets (423)474 3168 REE IRST MONTHI1 Happy Valley 13 acre $125 month plus deposit Slngledoublewlde Call (423)543 2651 'ACTOR work: Plow Ing' bush didJevelz Ing etc ree esti mates Call' (423)542 3836 126 RUNION STREET Great 2BR home with large lot on dead end street Very well maintained Great Buyl $49900 JENNIER LIPORD 423)543 3259 CENTURY 21 WHITEHEAD REALTY (423)543 4663 CONVENIENT oethtonBrlstol 3BR 2 12BA 2 car garage iots or srorage iuxzu covered deck patio custorrvfence Below $1 14900 Owners motivated (423)538 0465? 2BR 1BA Keenburg area partially fur nished Prefer adult No pets $250month plus deposit 542 0394 5474)418 10 ACRES bordering the National orestry Service with cabin some cleared acreage out building and spring PRIVACY? This Is Hl RAINBOW REALTY' (423)547 2800 Star A ll woru rates 1 DAY $450 2 DAYS $660 3DAYS 4 DAYS $1035 208 OLD SIAM ROAD (MLS 1 06674) Very atge home 2403 fin shed square feet sol id walnut cabinets 45BRs 25BA mature fruit trees excellent location Inside city limits Priced to Sell! $109900 CENTURY 21 WHITEHEAD REALTY (423)543 4663 Ext 17 ED MILLER (423)610 2813 (423)747 1707 SATURDAYMONDAY 9am 7pm 1418 Dry Creek Rd off Gap Creek Kids jackets 2 way radio mlsc RIVERS EDGE Mobile Home Park Hwy 19E Hampton seven mlns from down town Elizabethton Nice level lots easy access street lights garbage pick up centralized locked mailboxes Single wide $125 Double wide $150 (423)725 4815 DAYBED White Victori an "Styles 2 i $in or thopedic mats and trundle never used $300 543 0599 leave message 1246 HWY 91 Beautiful log home w4BAs pond fireplace wpropane logs 16x24 LR borders creek priced less than ap praisal $165900 'RAINBOW REALTY (423)547 2600 pie to assist you when placing your ad BIG garage sale Satur day 4th jond Monday September 6th 8 3 809 East St' IBR appliances furnish ed $275 deposit $275 per month Call 542 0700 or 543 8507 IBR Lynn Avenue large utility room with WD stove air mini blinds gas heat (423)543 2865 COLONIAL ACRES Chalet style contem porary with uniquepen floor plan on pri vate wooded lot 3BR2BA attached garage designed for entertaining $114900 RUSS SWANAY REALTY 543 5741 2BR Valley orge no pets $250 month $100 deposit refer ences (423)725 2254 ME REAL ESTATE (423)542 4386 Race Street Doe Riv er's Condos end unit very private 2BR 2BAII appliances stay REDUCED NICE 2BR Close to City private lot adults preferred no pets GarbageWa rer urnished dam age deposit (423)543 5161 2BR Hunter Communi ty WD hook up (vatergarbage fur nished $350month $200deposit 543 8363 days 926 9760 after 6pm NEW 2BR spacious apt Piney lats $450 month deposit WD hook up 538 7313 days 538 8776 nights varlan Chalet In Woodnote Subdivi sion could be yoursl 32 2 car detached garage fruit trees decks orf three sides 29ac $159900 CENTURY 21 WHITEHEAD REALTY (423)543 4663 Bob McCullough (423)542 6655 HAIR REMOVAI PERMANENT'State Licensed hr $30 REE CONSULTATION 15yrs experience One Rejuvenation acelift £1 ONLY PERMANENT REMOVAL METHOD ON MARKL Diane' 542 8557929 0898 2BR Valley orge newly remodeled appliances WD connections wa tergarbage Adults NO PETS DepRefer ences $300mth 543 3885 I This Is Your Chance I Make It Happen! Become the owner of Elizabethton's new MAILBOXES PARCEL DEPOT Business Center So open soon No fran chise fees or royalties! Investment package of $59894 Includes all equipment supply Inventory leased site selection full in store training support Call now toll free for Infoappllcatlon pack et by mall 24hrs 1 888 374 3136 AKC adorable regis tered German Shep herd puppies Malesemafes $200each 1st shots wormed Parents on premlses542 5726 510 JIM ELLIOTT ROAD $139900 Private Secludedll 39 Acres just minutes from Milligan Hlgh 632 RIDGEIELD ROAD BRIARCU SD ASKING $229000 LocationPrlceQuall tyll It's all here with this 4BR3BA house Open floor plan wover 3000 sqft living space on one level 2 Master Suites 2 dens LR DR kitchen has top of line appli ances walk in clos ets lots of storage car garage Definitely not a Drive By If Call for your private showing SHELL ASSOCIATES 543 2393 Sid or Undo Davidson 543 4019 401 ALLEN AVENUE Move In condition 3BR 1 BA brick large kitchen formal DR LR gas heatcentral air gas in fire place $75000 (423)543 7020 for ap pointment 101 WEST MILL STREET Cute ranch In the city Level lot 3BR1BA utll ty room carport up dated roof and siding $54900 RUSS SWANAY REALTY (423)543 5741 $300mth $200dep ered front porch call (423)542 0021 1846 Gap Creek Rd days (423)542 4635 i $200month after 6pm $200deposlt 725 GARAGE SALE POLICYJW All Garage Sales Rummage Sales etc are to be paid for In advance A ree Ga rage Sale sign wlll be given when' 'ad is placed NO REUNDS BEAUTIUL NEIGHBORHOOD MOTIVATED SELLERIh REDUCED $74000 Extremely well kept 2BR between JC Ellz HP basement newer windows vi nyl fireplace Additional lot for $18000 CENTURY 21 REALTY ear 543 4663 A nt 854 7194 4 ILL do dozer work also will buy timber Call after 5pm 725 4430 ILL clean out garag es1 rental property attics basements clean put mobile? personnel are availa I IU1 1 IVO I lJUooa4 2622 542 9455 i 155 MILL CREEK ROAD $22800 (MLS1 06088) 34BRS 3BAs 2 car garage 4 car detached ga rage 610 acres strong creek Call foi your private showing CENTURY 21 WHITEHEAD REALTY (423)543 4663 Bob McCullough (423)542 6655 WOODLAND DRIVI 4BR3BA Log Home 10 room ranch wcar ort Happy Valley School District gas heat central air $159000 SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 DONNIE SHEPHERD (423)543 4773 2BR Gap Creek Rd appliances water furnished $350 month Couple pre ferred Call (423)543 3910 after 4pm 2BR 1BA 125 Hyder Street (Hunter Area) No pets $325month depos it 2BR 1 BA luxury apt 117 Cedar Grove Rd Milligan College area No pets $450month deposit 543 3737 JONESBORO acre farm w3 Dorps milking parloind sllo: 25 acres of alfalfa and tobacco allotment $245000 SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 DEMPSEY SHELL JR (423)547 9377 WATAUGA VALLEY LAND AUCTION COMPANY 543 3803 Jz inn S2400 1 way 4 large bed rooms 3BAs living room plus den (16x23) wwoodbutner new Pergo wood flooring lots of decking excel lent locatlonll SHELL ASSOCIATES (423)543 2393 Sid or Linda Davidson (423)543 4019 beautiful hardwooc flooring Also Includes dlnfng room living room with fireplace Only $64900 This truly I won i last can jona than Century 21 Whitehead Realty 737 2027 or 543 4663 Ext25' MORTAR mixer 3 years old Like new 55 Honda motor $995 543 0529 OLYMPICS Weights 545 pounds with curl bar York pro fessional workout bench $900 OBO (423)474 2220 ARE YOU TIRED RENTING? Landlord not living up to his obligations! I Call Perry at Smith Homes and let him tell you how to be come a home own er (423)542 2131(423)928 9224 HUNTER COMMUNITY: 2BR mlnl COMMUNITY DAY blinds oak cabinets CARE LEARNING WD hook up Trash CENTER: Openings 1 pick up 542 5060 i '5yxs Early Child 474 6480 nooa taucanonMn dergarten Readi ness mealssnacks 543 3751 3BR apphancesheat pump garage $425 mth $400 se curity Harold McCormick School area available 9 16 99 702 John son Avenue (423)543 5652 4BR1BA 708 irst Street Gas heat no pets $400 mth $400 dep (423)474 '3766 or (423)542 Buzr ALLEN AVENUE 305: 3BR 1 BA basement carport garage very clean month $525 depos It 753 7895 477 2141 BILTMORE: 3BR month $450 depos It WD hook up AC No Inside pets Curtalnsstove pro Vlded (423)542 5915 1605 WEST STREET REDUCED: 5 $43000 7 Great for irst tlrne buyersll 7 Clean 3BR1BA with rangend refrigerator "hard wood floors electric baseboard heat vlnv! siding Convenient lo 1BR apt stoverefrlg eraior water fur nlshed West End area off street parking $275mth $275dep (423)926 8343 IBR furnished apart ment includes wa ter lights cable garbage pickup $350mth $200dep No pets Call (423)542 8988 AEI nikl2 to Cli horse Gliding Ara RDjNIce 11 9RD1RA Thinlex x1 LJlLII iVI VII WUmI I Ol 1AVCA TOft 1 horse tack newly remodeled 10X50 IBR with cov horse tag a long trailer?) 023)543 Quality 2 acres privacy view cover for 5 vehlcles or motor homeboat Lots of Storagel Many cus tom features AKC Sheltle Pup pies Sable and White Call (423)232 0538 AKC white male Toy Poodle 3 yrs old $300 Proven breed er 543 3517 A LOCATION! Near Moody Aviation Cendant ana Norrn east State on Stoney Creek Nice 2BR stove refrigerator garoage pick up furnished Laundromat on site $300month $200 de posit References 474 43704502 3546 Avnllnhl ttav Hampton IBR ap 7 HUNTER area: 2BR $400 pllances WD hook month $350 depos up water furnished It References No In VNo chlldrenNo pets side pets 474 3308 1 926 2728 leave leave message message NtCE 6 Rooms' 2BAs BOB Little Rd 2BR stoverefrlg SEASONED Hardwood townhouse applian Aerator5 storage' Stacked" In Truck' ces garbage pick $450 mtn Delivered up Included private $200dep no pets" Stacked PU load deck $325 month I "Riverside Drive Call $50 543 1151 (423)543 4307' IN TOWN: Like new 2BR WD hook up appli ances $3507month deposit water fur nlsned References required 543 5841 JENKINS HOLLOW: 2BR duplex No pets $3u0 month $200 deposit Nice coun try setting 725 2164 LARGE IBR apt in City recently remodeled $295 month WdD hookup depositreferences required (423)542 8683 542 1530W A 928 4151 EllzabelNon Jotimon City AKC Registered Shih Tzu puppies blackwhlte $250 AKC Registered Chi huahuas apple heads Tmale 3 fe males $250 (423)547 2868 BEAUTIUL AKC Bas sets trl color shots and wormed vet checked Parents on premises $200" each 543 7428 UNEADDEADUNES MONDAY 7 RIQW230PM' TUESDAY MONDAY 700PM TUESDAY 200 PM 7 WEDNESDAY 200 PM 'RIDAY THURSDAY 200 SUNDAY RIDAY 2 00 PM IBR appliances furnish ed basement apt must have jeferen ces Call 542 2357 IBR applian ceswater furnished $250 $150deposlt No pets References required 543 8939 IBR oak cabinets cell ing fans refrigerator wlce maker water garbage pickup $290mfh $200dep (423)543 3960 12 8 b( 11 11111 1 Mi 1 kJ 1 'ffvr 1 1 1 I I Zr vmI uu BMHBKoB MLS 105703) BROO EGQsIB feZOiV'M "'j' 'Pawl 1 r' 1 HMMBagiMMi i 5 wk 1 1 i ft tif IL I fib A I I I I I I to X5Sy I' I wi I III IIMI EKKmMkibmiI I JiSiiia Ji I IKi Tim 2 I 11 2 I it' 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 38 WANTED TO RENT 32 HOUSES OR RENT' 31 APARTMENT OR RENT 27 LIVESTOCK BREEDING 15 SERVICES OERED 33 MOBILE HOME OR RENT 39 WANTED TO BUY 28 CHILD CARE HELPSERVICES 40 LOTS OR RENT 31 APARTMENT OR RENT 16 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 42 HOUSES OR SALE 19 BUILDINGS SALERENT 43 HOUSES WPHOTO 25 PETS SUPPLIES 20 ARTICLES OR SALE 35 TOWNHOUSES WPHOTO 32 HOUSES OR RENT "to 26 COAL OIL WOOD OR SALE 36 LAND OR SALE 21 ARTICLES WPHOTO.

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Elizabethton Star from Elizabethton, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 6020

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.