New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)

Road Map

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- Estimated achievement difficulty:4/10 [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
- Offline:54 [1000New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (1)]
- Online: 0
- Approximate amount of time to 1000New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (2):10-12 hours if you've completed the original release or are good at platformers; 15-20 otherwise [Estimated Time to 100%]
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed:1
- Missable achievements:None [level select]
- Does difficulty affect achievements:No difficulty option
- Unobtainable/glitched achievements:Fashion Icon (25G)is reportedly buggy, although I didn't experience any noticeable issues

Welcome to New Super Lucky's Tale, a re-release of Super Lucky's Tale. If you're wondering why there's a re-release on the exact same console generation, join the club. The only noticeable change (and this is only because I read about it, not because I remember it) is that camera controls for all 3D aspects of the game were added, making it much easier to platform, see where you're going, and find/collect collectibles. Otherwise, the rest of the game seems the same, which isn't a bad thing. If you haven't played the original, this is your typical "mascot platformer" like Donkey Kong Country, Kao the Kangaroo, Banjo Kazooie, etc. The graphics are great, the gameplay is tight and fun, and there is plenty of content. This re-release bundles the two DLCs with the base game and combines it all into a single achievement list totaling 1000New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (3), but all of the same requirements for the completion are there from the original release. Let's get started.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
As noted above, relative to the original release of this game, this achievement list has four fewer achievements. However, you still need to do all of the same things for this version's completion. All that's missing are four miscellaneous achievements whose actions are still required for the completion. There is therefore no difference in time or difficulty between the two versions.

The game is split into five worlds - Sky Castle, Veggie Village, Wrestful Retreat, Hauntingham, and Gilly Island. Within each of these are multiple levels you’ll need to complete. There are four clover pages that are in each level: one for completing the level; one for finding the hidden page (typically hidden behind a puzzle); one for collecting 300 coins in a single run; one for collecting all five LUCKY letter pieces. In the hubs, there are additional pages to collect. Each of these is inside a foxhole scattered around each hub. Some hubs have puzzles to solve, and some hubs have marble minigames to navigate. Either way, for the completion, you'll need to get all pages in all hubs, meaning all four in every level and then all of the hub pages too. Nothing is missable since you can replay levels as needed for whatever you missed. The coin pages must be done in a single run (i.e. all 300 coins in one playthrough of a level) but the LUCKY page does not need to be. Any letters you get are saved when you complete the level, allowing you to replay a level and only collect the letter(s) you missed to get this page.

I recommend to burrow in the ground whenever you can. The 10,000 Leagues Under The Ground (10G)achievement can take some time, so it’s best to get a head start on it right from the beginning. So, instead of walking around, burrow around to work on that achievement to save time grinding at the end of this completion.

Apart from the clovers, all other achievements can be unlocked just by plaything through or on certain levels. None are missable as you can replay any level again from each world at any point in the game. Here is a quick summary of where to get the various miscellaneous achievements.

Sky Castle

Beetrayal (10G)(first of many opportunities)

Veggie Village

Gather 'Round, Chicken (20G)(Egg Roll stage)
Pancaked (5G)(first of many opportunities)

Wrestful Retreat

Sticky Situation (5G)(General Buttons boss fight)

Gilly Island (5G)(in the hub)
Cashing Out (5G)(in the hub)
Jump, Man! (10G)(Securing The Talent stage)
Treasure Hunter (10G)(Securing The Talent stage)
Who Needs Walls? (10G)(Trapped In Paradise stage)
If There's A Place You Gotta Go... (10G)(Trapped In Paradise Stage)
Lucky Is My Name (15G)(Three Cannon Salute stage)
Smooth Criminal (15G)(Lady Meowmalade boss fight)


You're A Fungi! (20G)(Grave Awakening stage)

Refer to the guide for each one as you get to each stage to make sure you don't have to replay stages yet another time to get achievements you missed.

With those five areas done and the story completed, you'll unlock Foxington hub, which is where the Guardian's Trials from the original release take place. Same thing here: there are 16 trials that you must complete, as well as a bunch of miscellaneous achievements to grab in some. The trials are broken up into three types: marble trials like the minigame in the base game, platforming challenges, and combat challenges. The trials themselves aren't very difficult at all, but the achievements add an extra layer of challenge. Speaking of achievements, you can grab That Went Swimmingly (5G), Soap, Please! (5G), and Get Set Radio (10G)in the hub itself. Here is a rundown of the miscellaneous achievements for the various trials.

Platforming Trials

Under Pressure - Grey Fox (10G)
Top That! - On Top Of Things (15G)
Step By Step - Everything Is Mine (5G)
A Road To Nowhere -A "Diamond" Dozen (10G)

Marble Trials

None, but you need to complete all of these to unlock the Maxi Mullet for purchase, which is needed for 80s Ready (10G)below

Combat Trials

Wrigglemania - 80s Ready (10G)and The New Champ (20G)

The last one in Wrigglemania will be the hardest one. All of the others are simple enough to do while completing the trial. Beat all 16 trials, and practice to get through Wrigglemania without getting hit, and you'll be done with the Guardian Trials. At that point, you may still need money to purchase outfits for Fashion Icon (25G)and you also may still need to grind out burrowing for 10,000 Leagues Under The Ground (10G). Refer to each achievement for where to quickly and easily grind each out, wrapping up this completion.

The original release was a very solid platformer, and this version just added some quality of life improvements like a 3D camera control, and grouped everything together into a single cohesive narrative. Whether you played the original or not, this is a really fun game, albeit a bit on the easy side for the most part, that delivers the fun carefree nature of a mascot platformer like back in the N64 days. If you survived a couple of those no-hit achievements, congrats on the completion!

[XBA would like to thank Necrophage33for this Roadmap]

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There are 54 achievements with a total of 1000 points

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (4)

    Gotta Run!


    Finish a Burrow Run level.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    Each of the hub areas has a single Burrow Run (auto scroller) level to complete. This will unlock after finishing your first one.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (5)

    Don't Need A Third Dimension


    Finish a 2D level.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    Each of the hub areas has one or two 2D (side scrolling) levels to complete. This will unlock after finishing your first one.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (6)

    A New Tale


    Complete the Prologue.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (7)

    Slide To The Left


    Complete a Sliding Block Puzzle.

    The sliding block puzzles are the foxholes present around the hubs. You'll need to complete all of these to collect all pages for each of the hubs. Refer to the associated achievements for each hub for the sliding block puzzles solutions.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (8)

    Marble Madness!


    Complete a Tess Marble Minigame.

    Two of the hubs, instead of having sliding block puzzles in their foxholes, have marble minigames that are akin to Super Monkey Ball. You're inside a ball, and you have to tilt the platform you're on to roll yourself around and collect all the coins, then enter the green target to finish the level. You'll need to complete all of these to collect all of the pages in each hub.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (9)

    What's Down Here?


    Use a foxhole.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    You'll be using foxholes in nearly every level in the game, not to mention in the hubs to earn the pages there too.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (10)

    Sticky Situation


    Fall into a tar pit.

    I'm not aware of anywhere this can be done other than the fight against General Buttons in the Wrestful Retreat boss fight. Simply jump off the platform into the tar below and you'll unlock this.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (11)



    Get crushed.

    This achievement requires you to get flattened by any of the flower enemies who smash face first onto the ground when you get near them. Simply let one smash you and you'll unlock this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (12)

    You Got LUCKY


    Collect all the LUCKY letters in a single level.

    As the description says, this achievement unlocks upon finding all LUCKY letters in a single level. You'll need to do this in every single level in the game to collect all pages in each hub. Refer to the achievements for each hub's pages for guides on the locations of all LUCKY letters in all levels.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (13)



    Collect all Pages in Sky Castle.

    This achievement requires you to collect all four pages in all of the levels in this hub. The four pages in each level are for:

    1. Beating the level
    2. Collecting 300 coins in a single run
    3. Collecting the hidden page
    4. Collecting all LUCKY letters (doesn't need to be in a single run)

    In addition to those pages within the levels, there are minigames in each hub that each reward you with a page. These are all located down foxholes in the hubs. Some hubs have all sliding block puzzles, and some have marble minigames.

    The video below shows all pages in all levels, as well as the pages in the hub (where to find the foxholes and how to solve the sliding block puzzles). Refer to it as needed for any pages you miss. I will say that most pages in this game don't require a guide, especially in the levels. You will likely have no problems getting 300 coins in all levels (since there is typically 400-600 coins available). Most hidden pages and LUCKY letters are also easy to find and grab. Some are deviously hidden though. Refer to the video as need to find what you're missing.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (14)

    A Real Veggie Villager


    Collect all Pages in Veggie Village.

    This achievement requires you to collect all four pages in all of the levels in this hub. The four pages in each level are for:

    1. Beating the level
    2. Collecting 300 coins in a single run
    3. Collecting the hidden page
    4. Collecting all LUCKY letters (doesn't need to be in a single run)

    In addition to those pages within the levels, there are minigames in each hub that each reward you with a page. These are all located down foxholes in the hubs. Some hubs have all sliding block puzzles, and some have marble minigames.

    The video below shows all pages in all levels, as well as the pages in the hub (where to find the foxholes and how to solve the sliding block puzzles). Refer to it as needed for any pages you miss. I will say that most pages in this game don't require a guide, especially in the levels. You will likely have no problems getting 300 coins in all levels (since there is typically 400-600 coins available). Most hidden pages and LUCKY letters are also easy to find and grab. Some are deviously hidden though. Refer to the video as need to find what you're missing.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (15)

    This achievement requires you to collect all four pages in all of the levels in this hub. The four pages in each level are for:

    1. Beating the level
    2. Collecting 300 coins in a single run
    3. Collecting the hidden page
    4. Collecting all LUCKY letters (doesn't need to be in a single run)

    In addition to those pages within the levels, there are minigames in each hub that each reward you with a page. These are all located down foxholes in the hubs. Some hubs have all sliding block puzzles, and some have marble minigames.

    The video below shows all pages in all levels, as well as the pages in the hub (where to find the foxholes and how to solve the sliding block puzzles). Refer to it as needed for any pages you miss. I will say that most pages in this game don't require a guide, especially in the levels. You will likely have no problems getting 300 coins in all levels (since there is typically 400-600 coins available). Most hidden pages and LUCKY letters are also easy to find and grab. Some are deviously hidden though. Refer to the video as need to find what you're missing.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (16)

    Not Spooped


    Collect all Pages in Hauntingham.

    This achievement requires you to collect all four pages in all of the levels in this hub. The four pages in each level are for:

    1. Beating the level
    2. Collecting 300 coins in a single run
    3. Collecting the hidden page
    4. Collecting all LUCKY letters (doesn't need to be in a single run)

    In addition to those pages within the levels, there are minigames in each hub that each reward you with a page. These are all located down foxholes in the hubs. Some hubs have all sliding block puzzles, and some have marble minigames.

    The video below shows all pages in all levels, as well as the pages in the hub (where to find the foxholes and how to solve the sliding block puzzles). Refer to it as needed for any pages you miss. I will say that most pages in this game don't require a guide, especially in the levels. You will likely have no problems getting 300 coins in all levels (since there is typically 400-600 coins available). Most hidden pages and LUCKY letters are also easy to find and grab. Some are deviously hidden though. Refer to the video as need to find what you're missing.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (17)


    Must... destroy... sandcastles!


    This achievement takes place in the Gilly Island hub. Once there, from where you spawn into the hub, immediately off to your right is a sandcastle on the beach. Simply hit it to unlock this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (18)

    A Sinking Feeling


    Defeat General Buttons and Lt. Fluffinstuff in Three Cannon Salute.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    This is one of the 2D levels in Gilly Island. Simply beat it to unlock this achievement. It isn't a boss fight, as the description seems to imply. All you do is bait them into shooting cannonballs at each of the three explosive barrels on their ship, which sinks it and unlocks this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (19)

    Under My Umbrella


    Complete Trapped in Paradise.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    This is one of the levels in Gilly Island. You need to raise the five umbrellas around the level. Simply complete it to unlock this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (20)



    Rescue the Soggy Boggy Boys' audience.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    This unlocks upon completing the level Securing The Talent in Gilly Island.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (21)



    Defeat Lady Meowmalade in her dance club.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    This is the boss of Gilly Island. It's basically a platforming/jumping test, where you need to dodge stuff until Lady Meowmalade lowers down so you can hit her. Don't overthink it. Simply stand in the center of the dance floor and wait for the blue tiles to stop moving. From the center, you can easily double jump and spin to any spot that turns blue, so don't run around. The rest is just a matter of jumping on enemies (or just avoiding them, since they disappear eventually), and then the lasers, which are pretty slow and predictable. Each time she lowers, hit her three times. Repeat two more times with smaller blue platforms and more lasers to beat her.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (22)

    Treasure Hunter


    Collect all Diamonds in Securing the Talent.

    This level, located in Gilly Island, has six diamonds you need to collect for this achievement. You will also unavoidably find four of them, and a fifth one is easily spotted out at one of the sets of speakers in the water. The six one is strangely invisible and on a platform that you'd otherwise never jump to. The video below shows all six, with the tricky invisible one shown at the end, at 4:45 in the video. Full credit to the creator.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (23)

    If There's A Place You Gotta Go...


    Look at every map in Trapped in Paradise.

    This level, located on Gilly Island, has five umbrellas you need to hit to raise. Right by each umbrella is a map you can interact with. Do so at all five maps to unlock this achievement. There is no way to track which ones you've done, so make a mental note at each of the five umbrellas to interact with each map. The video in Who Needs Walls? (10G)shows all five, for reference.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (24)

    Who Needs Walls?


    Beat Trapped in Paradise without flipping a switch.

    As the description says, you need to complete Trapped In Paradise, in Gilly Island, without hitting any of the switches on the ground that move the walls around. This actually isn't bad to do, since there are some trampolines you can use, places you can burrow, and then other spots you can just double jump/spin over the wall. Refer to the video below for how to do this. Full credit to the creator of the video.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (25)

    Smooth Criminal


    Defeat Lady Meowmalade without getting hit.


    This is one of the tougher achievements in the game. You need to beat the Lady Meowmalade boss fight on Gilly Island without getting hit at all. I found most of this fight to be relatively simple actually. For the sections with the blue platforms moving around, just stay right in the center of the dance floor. From there, you can double jump and spin to any spot on the floor. Wait until the blue platforms stop, then jump to them. You'll need to be careful when the enemies spawn so one doesn't spawn on top of you and hit you, which unfortunately can happen. Double jump into the air when you see their purple wisps to be above them when they spawn. The first two rounds of lasers are easy, but the third round not only has a lot of lasers, but the safe platforms are small too. Try to stay as far away from the boss as possible to maximize the distance between lasers so you have time to land and then jump again. Depth perception will be huge in this part to accurately jump around the lasers. There isn't much else to say here in terms of strategy; practice ultimately makes perfect. Try and try again to learn the patterns, and hopefully get good spots for the blue platforms so you can easily dodge enemies and lasers.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (26)

    Gone Fishin'


    Collect all Pages in Gilly Island.

    This achievement requires you to collect all four pages in all of the levels in this hub. The four pages in each level are for:

    1. Beating the level
    2. Collecting 300 coins in a single run
    3. Collecting the hidden page
    4. Collecting all LUCKY letters (doesn't need to be in a single run)

    In addition to those pages within the levels, there are minigames in each hub that each reward you with a page. These are all located down foxholes in the hubs. Some hubs have all sliding block puzzles, and some have marble minigames.

    The video below shows all pages in all levels, as well as the pages in the hub (where to find the foxholes and how to solve the sliding block puzzles). Refer to it as needed for any pages you miss. I will say that most pages in this game don't require a guide, especially in the levels. You will likely have no problems getting 300 coins in all levels (since there is typically 400-600 coins available). Most hidden pages and LUCKY letters are also easy to find and grab. Some are deviously hidden though. Refer to the video as need to find what you're missing.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (27)

    Jump, Man!


    Defeat the Yeti in Securing the Talent.

    This takes place inside a foxhole in Securing The Talent, and is required for Treasure Hunter (10G)because there is a diamond at the top of this minigame. Refer to that achievement solution for this one.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (28)

    Lucky Is My Name


    Take no damage at the end of Three Cannon Salute.

    This achievement takes place in the level Three Cannon Salute in Gilly Island. Despite the achievement only specifying you need to avoid taking damage at the end of the level, there are reports of needing to complete the entire level without taking damage. I personally didn't take any damage at the end but didn't get the achievement (I took damage in the beginning), and then did another run through the whole level without taking damage, and the achievement unlocked. This is tough to do while collecting all of the pages, so I recommend splitting them up. Get all the pages, then replay the level and ignore everything, just proceeding to the right. As long as you stay moving, the cannons shooting at you pose no real threat. The end should be easy too: just stand at a barrel until you see the cannons fire, then move out of the way.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (29)

    Cashing Out


    Activate all the Cash Registers.

    This achievement takes place in the Gilly Island hub. There are only two of them: one right at the stand where you spawn into the area, and another at the stand off on the left path from where you spawn in. Just hit each one to get some coins and unlock this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (30)

    Fistful Of Dollars


    Collect 1,500 Coins.

    Refer to The Good, The Bad, And The Wealthy (50G)for more information.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (31)

    A Few Dollars More


    Collect 5,000 Coins.

    Refer to The Good, The Bad, And The Wealthy (50G)for more information.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (32)

    The Good, The Bad, And The Wealthy


    Collect 12,000 Coins.

    These achievements are cumulative over all aspects of this game. You do NOT need to have 12,000 coins in your possession at once, so feel free to spend the money on outfits for Fashion Icon (25G)along the way.

    If you're getting the 300-coin pages in all of the levels, you will unavoidably unlock this achievement by the time you finish the first five hubs. I personally didn't have to replay almost any levels, and I still unlocked this before Foxington. You'll be getting thousands more in Foxington, so no need to go out of your way for these achievements.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (33)

    A Real Hero


    Watch the Credits.

    I'm not sure the credits are even skippable, but after beating Jinx in Hauntingham, just let the (short) credits roll and this achievement will unlock at the end.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (34)

    Robot Rock


    Complete all Ch1p levels.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    These are the platforming trials in Foxington. Complete them all for this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (35)



    Complete all PW levels.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    These are the combat trials in Foxington. Complete them all for this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (36)



    Complete all Anna Lyd levels.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    These are the marble trials in Foxington. Complete them all for this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (37)

    A True Guardian


    Complete all of the levels in Foxington.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    Complete all 16 trials above to unlock this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (38)

    Get Set Radio


    Interact with all 5 radios in Foxington.

    There are five radios around the Foxington hub that you need to attack to activate. They're all relatively big and gray and pretty easy to spot by just walking around the hub area, but refer to the following video if you want to see their locations.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (39)

    Grey Fox


    Never get caught in a single run through of Under Pressure.

    This trial has you burrowing throughout almost its entirety, and you'll need to swerve around mines while moving across various small and mobile platforms. In general it's not too tough at all, although some of the moving platforms toward the end can be a little challenging. Just do small tight circles whenever you need to wait for an opportunity to move forward. It might take a couple tries, but once you learn the level it shouldn't pose much of an issue.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (40)

    On Top Of Things


    Defeat all of the enemies in Top That!

    This trial has lots of enemies to kill, but they are all on your path. Multiple areas have you moving quickly before the platforms sink back down, but there is plenty of time to defeat all enemies along the way. If you miss an enemy, simply jump into the water(?) to die so you can start at a checkpoint and try again. The only tight part is the bees as you cross the platforms pulling back into the walls. You'll need to be quick there to jump around the spikes and hop on each bee before the platforms pull back too far that you can't proceed.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (41)

    Soap, Please!


    Take a shower in Foxington.

    In the "back left" corner of Foxington, in the far corner of the combat challenge area, is a blue shower area. Jump up and swat the pipes up top to make some water squirt out, unlocking this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (42)



    Have a Buzzkill kill a fellow Buzzkill.

    As the description says, you need to have a bee's stinger projectile hit another bee and kill it. This will almost assuredly happen naturally multiple times throughout your time with this game. The Wrigglemania trial is a particularly surefire place to get this. Round 3 has groups of bees that always shot each other when I played. This can be done in almost any level though, barring the Burrow Runs and the 2D levels.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (43)

    The New Champ


    Take no damage in WriggleMania.

    This is definitely the hardest achievement in the game. As the description says, you need to beat the Wrigglemania trial without getting hit. This isn't easy, and will likely take a bunch of tries. Here's the breakdown of the four waves.

    Wave 1 - This one is easy. Just take your time if you want to be safe. Jump on one chicken, then get out of that corner so no flowers spawn on you. Take care of all four, then move on to the next chicken, and repeating until this wave is done. Slow and steady is easiest here.

    Wave 2 - This wave is short but can get chaotic if you aren't careful. You have to jump on four caterpillars while a fireball cannon pops up in a random spot and shoots in all four directions. Keep jumping to stay in the air and you should be able to avoid the fireballs easier. Just be careful - if you jump on the caterpillars too quickly, more fireball cannons will spawn before the previous one leaves, forcing you to dodge two cannons instead of one, which can get hectic.

    Wave 3 - This is where it gets tougher. Spikes are present in set spots, and you have to defeat four bees, three times. Depth perception is key here, to make sure you land on the bees and not on the spikes. You also need to be careful of their stingers they shoot. If you stay in the air, the stinger projectile will go up into the air too and you risk running right into it instead of jumping over it. If you need to head directly toward a bee, do so on the ground and only jump after it shoots at you.

    Wave 4 - This one is chaotic but not too bad after the previous wave. Three sets again, with a couple regular enemies and a rock enemy, all while lasers are rotating around. For each set, always save the rock enemy for last, because after you defeat it, a homing purple projectile comes after you. It's much easier to dodge when all other enemies are already dead.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (44)

    New Fit


    Equip your first costume.

    You'll need to buy a bunch of costumes for Fashion Icon (25G). Simply equip your first one for this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (45)

    Is My Shirt On Backwards?


    Equip a mismatched costume.

    As the description says, equip two different pieces of a costume to unlock this achievement. You'll be buying many sets for Fashion Icon (25G).

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (46)

    Fashion Icon


    Purchase all of the costumes from Sky Castle, Veggie Village, Wrestful Retreat, and Hauntingham.

    Despite the description, you don't need to buy all costumes in the game. There are a few costumes from Gilly Island and Foxington, and so you can "swap out" ones from those hubs instead of ones from the four listed in the description. It should be noted that there are many reports of bugginess with this achievement, and that it doesn't unlock properly unless you buy costumes one at a time, back out after each purchase, or buy the last one separate. Personally, I didn't have to do anything special with purchases. However, I did need to grind money to be able to afford them.

    I'm not sure if there's a faster way to grind money, but I just replayed Wrigglemania. It's a guaranteed 750 coins from the first three waves, which only take a couple minutes to do if you're being aggressive and not worried about getting hit. This means one costume piece per run of this level.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (47)

    A "Diamond" Dozen


    Find all 4 diamonds in A Road to Nowhere.

    All four diamonds in this stage are relatively straightforward to see and find. The first one is the only not obvious one. You need to climb up a ladder on the rotating pillar, then jump across the platform to it. The other diamonds are pretty obvious on your path through the level.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (48)

    That Went Swimmingly


    Take a dip in Foxington.

    Simply jump into the water around the hub island anywhere and you'll unlock this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (49)

    Everything Is Mine


    Collect all of the collectibles during the cross ladder section of Step by Step.

    This platformer trial focuses on moving ladders that you need to traverse. The middle chunk of this level has cross-shaped ladders you need to traverse. From here until toward the end of the level, you need to collect all of the coins and gems in each section. They're all on your path, it's just a matter of grabbing them all. If you miss any and can't return for whatever reason, just jump into the water to die and try again.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (50)

    80s Ready


    Defeat WriggleMania while wearing the Maxi-Mullet.

    The Maxi-Mullet is unlocked by completing all of the platformer trials in Foxington. Once you do that, head to the shop in the center and buy the mullet for 700 coins. Now, beat the Wrigglemania combat trial while wearing it to unlock this achievement.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (51)

    Black Belt


    Defeat Master Mittens.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    Master Mittens is the boss of the first hub, Sky Castle. This boss doesn't have any direct attacks, and instead just alternates between spawning regular enemies and having fireballs shoot across the screen at you. Dodge the fireballs, and then swat the enemies' exploding heads into the boss in the background to damage him. Do this three times to beat him.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (52)

    10,000 Leagues Under The Ground


    Burrow 10,000 meters.

    This achievement is cumulative across your entire time with this game. If you just play normally and only burrow when required, you're unlikely to be much farther than halfway done with this achievement once you finish everything else, although that depends on how many times you die or need to replay Burrow Run levels. There unfortunately is no faster way to grind this out. Just go back and forth or in circles until it unlocks. Personally, I was around 50% done when I got to the trials in Foxington, and I made it a point to burrow from level to level, and when done I only have to grind for maybe two or three minutes to wrap up this achievement. So, it's not bad at all once you start focusing on it, and you'll unlikely to need to spend more than ten or so minutes grinding.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (53)

    Brawn Over Brains


    Defeat Tess.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    Tess is the second boss, at the end of Veggie Village. This boss is mainly about dodging attacks. She'll lunge forward right in the center of the screen, send regular enemies at you, and then switches will rise up around the outer edge of the platform. You need to hit all of the switches while dodging the lasers. Repeat this two more times to defeat her. After the first hit, she'll do smash attacks right after the lunge, and these also release shockwaves you need to jump over. Simply double jump and spin when she smashes and you can avoid them no problem.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (54)

    Cannon Fodder


    Defeat General Buttons and Lt. Fluffinstuff.

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    This is the boss fight of the third area, Wrestful Retreat. You'll start with needing to run around to avoid Fluff trying to squash you. Then, you'll need to dodge waves of fireballs shooting across the screen. Bombs will then land on the platform in various spots. You need to hit any one of them toward the boss in the background to damage him. Some of those flying enemies that throw bombs at you will then spawn, so defeat them all. This exact same process repeats two more times, with the third bomb hit defeating this boss.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (55)

    The End Of A Tale


    Defeat Jinx once and for all!

    Story-related; cannot be missed.

    This is the final boss of the game, located at the end of Hauntington. This final boss fight is surprisingly simple. You'll start off by needing to dodge shockwave attacks and then laser attacks, which are easy to avoid by just jumping and running back and forth across the screen. Eventually, he'll spawn ghost enemies. You need to defeat them all by jumping on them. After that, he'll come onto the platform. Simply jump on his head three times. This process then repeats two more times, but there will be two Jinx's to jump on the second time and three the third time. Just be careful because each time you jump on one's head, shockwaves come out, so if you're jumping around on all three, you might have a lot of shockwaves to avoid. After the set of three Jinx's are jumped on three times each, you'll beat him.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (56)

    Gather 'Round, Chicken


    Help the Wormal farmer gather his chickens.

    This achievement takes place in Veggie Village, level Egg Roll.

    After clearing out the first huge chicken on your path, on your left will be a farmer with a pen and chickens around. You'll need to hit the chickens around this immediate area into the pen. Doing so rewards you with the U in LUCKY for this level, so this is required to collect all pages in this hub.

  • New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (57)

    You're A Fungi!


    Solve the mushroom puzzle in Grave Awakening.

    This achievement takes place in Hauntington, level Grave Awakening.

    I believe this is actually story related. You'll need to light up six mushrooms in the final area of this level to wake up the final ghost that helps open the door to the end of the level. It isn't really a puzzle, since you're just going around to the six mushrooms in this immediate area to hit them all and wake up the ghost. Doing so unlocks this achievement.

New Super Lucky's Tale Printable Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.