St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


BAYARD. 13042 or 4 housekeeping rooms; I AUTOMOBILES I Solid agate 10c line, exceet attorney, do-ttctivea. lie: toilet articles, tic: medical. t5o. BOYLE.

701 8 Three rooms, bath, fixtures, gas grates, $15 E. KAIME st BRO. R. pe Menil 1 1 N. st (c4 14N4 M-irn I to good tenant.

9 1 prion i.eiri.wr CATES, 5tlM i-room flat, steam heat; brstiful fixtures; perfect condition Csbsnv 1UA '41 DELMAR BeaJtllul. new at; large, bright rooms, hardwood floors, bot- wster heat EASTON! 457 -5 large rtti and bath: heat: I convenience, t.t. -i 4-room new fiat. neat, lan-! Hot service. $25: heated garaae reasonable ir wanted: adoita.

KING REALTY S'CI Easton av. ff4 FINNEV. 3' '-4A Seven rooms, furnace, bath, electric shower, fixtures; $22.5. A. T.

JOHNSON, 227 Title (iaarsnty Bldg. GRATIOT. 40IOA 3 rooms, bath; electric- it i McMlLLAN. Six rooms, furnace, bath, combination fixtures: $25. A.

T. JOHNSON. 227 Title Guaranty Bldg. PAGE 56JO Four-room flat, ll.le bath. gss furntshfd: rent $2...

"'(' PAGE 3t.t5A Fle rooms, rent. Including hot-water heat, shades. screens and elect rir xt es $2s. Cal a ny PAGE BU. 4317A evn rooms and bath, furnace, gaa.

electrleuy. newly decorated, rent $28. PAGE 4640 Six rooms, bath, electricity furnace, shades: $25. vv R. 212 Avatnerignt nine 1EMPLE I204 Lower 5-room fiat; ail conveniences; good cond'ti with gaiag'.

rent reasonable Delmar IVIf.R tc8l ARNElT 75211 (Richmond Ilelghtsi Flat. 4 rooms, reception hall, bath: $10 '7i WHITT1ER. 327 Eight rooms, t-econd floor: furnace, both: newly decorated. $25. A.

T. JQllJSON1227 Title (itiaianty Bldg. 1317A Near Page; new beautifully decorated 3 rooms and hall room, hath. hall, furnace, laundry, shades, com 61 -nation fixtures, noeaktrtg tubes. WATERMAN, 6007 6 rooms, steam-heating furnace; llghttne fixtures, shsdis- Forest 14l.

NORTH BELT. 1IKWA Four rooms, bath, furnace itinihlnalliin tWtures' 1H. A. T. JOHNSON, 227 Title Guaranty Rldg.

.111 ruoi. null m.iw room: bath, hot and cold water; laundry: newlv decorated: ures: $1 COTE Bit! LLI ANTE. 4012A Three good WW tl'l iiiviiifli i e. 1 1 ii i A. T.

JOHNSON. 227 Title C.tiamnty RMg. t-AIR. 4.U. ii.iee iili.

brign: looms hath. $13 Olive Wiu 'clt-'l FLAT Jefferson 3 routes; 0 per moni Call Delmar 2472X. 'c. GARFIELD. 58S5A Five rooms, bath, steam heating plant; A.

T. JOHNSON. 227 Title Guaranty Bid 2fM kussi TR 4232A New flat, steam heat rooms, all modern: phone Delmar c4i LABAD1E. 4vIiA Five rooms, will decorate: rent $ls Central 2427. (c5) 1.ABAD1E.

4521 l-rooin lower fiat, furna. Khu.Ua flitiirM. hot water heater: $1H ODen. lA) LEE. 31H2 flat.

bath. gaa. wi i i decorate: $15 'c-i rooms, tile bath, marble sink. china closet: open: $10.50. (c4l LEXINGTON.

4121A Thiee large roomi. newlv decorated: $8: open. t62l LEXINGTON. 3H50A 5 rot.pis and bath: combination fixtures; furnace heat; rent $27. (C62) LEXINGTON.

4042 flat: bath and electric fixtures; 2 blocks from Fairground Park: steam heat: hot water furnished free. 'J5. ST. LOUIS. 4271 Four rooms, bath, furnace, combination fixtures: $20.

A. T. JOHNSON, .227 Title Guaranty Bldg. 232SA KEI RID AV. Verv dslruhle 6-room flat, furnace, shades and fixtures; rent $28.

Phone Main i J. FEDERAL INV. 107 N. 7th St. LINCOLN, 3728B Four large rooms and bath; hot and cold water, gas fixtures, newly decorated; cement laundry: rent 14 per month.

WM A. RUTLEDGE. 524(1 Mlnervs. Forert 141KV 'c62t DWELLINGS FOR RENT JSCJEULAJNOUS SUTTER. 1152 Cozy Ik-room brick decorate! and painted- only $14.


3023 10-room residence, bath, furnace; good order: SOUTH CAROLINE. 301 1-3015 Two nice detached brick cottages; gas. bath: Inside toilet; $15: open. CONCORDIA, 4154 4 rooms Slid bath frame cottage: $13 per month; will put In first-class condition; rent to start Jan. 1.

Apply Theadore Degenhardt 31)10 California. Ic-lor 32011. Sidney 1612. (7) IDAHO. 4tK Four-room brick, bath, gas.

cellar, newly papered, painted. ei; central 435(t. c7 NAGEL, Four rooms, brick cottage, bath, fixtures; $14. A. T.

JOHNSON, 227 Title Otisranty Hldg. Ol MANCHESTER. 7oo2 8-room cottage: bath, hot and cold water: $12 M. GEO 3 WANWTRATH. 717', Chestnut.

(c4i WEST LENOX. 0323 Five rooms. $14; Including water. WEKER. 212 Walnwrlght Bldg.

t.Vi. PAGE 4715 10 rooms redecorated new furnace, with rolls; shades', combination fixtures; $45. Magee. STEWART PL. 141)3 Go.

look at this 1-room dwelling; 50 feet' atabls; pelnttd rent reduced. See JOHN McME.NAMT I. AND E. Mm uranq av ice 48 Mrf'II F.RSON. Eleven-room residence, will put In first-class condition: rent $70.

I hone Main w3. FEDERAL INV. 107 N. Seventh st. NORTH ARLINGTON.

2637 E. Four rooms, bsth, newly decorated; chicken bouse. $15: Olive 1120. 75 6IW7 A two-story six-room Balti- mote cottage, turnace ana an conven- lences: 5(1. W3l FuHNIOi-ibD HOUSES FOR REN MISCELLANEOUS ST.

LOUIS. 4325 Furnished 5-room mttaga. $5: everv convenience; room and kitchen. phone, eli-ctrjcitv. APARTMENTS OUTH APARIMENT.

Spring and Russell, four room 2 1 and Sd floors: $5 anil $32.50. Grand 2-VmW IcMt WEST FOREST PARK 4352 New t-roora apartment, sua and outside porches. ail con enieaces. (Ct2) HoDIAMoNT 1273 rooms and barn, not-waier heating furnace, combination tlx fires, tiled betn newlv d-coraled: rent $18 W-n. a.

Itiitieige. 5246 Minerva: roreat i cC2j 'tit-HN. 730 beven rooms and two bathrootna 2d floor, east apartment; elegant and modern; best of rervh-e. tfe JOHN McMENAMV 1. AND I.Ttei N.

(rati'1 a v. (cdi OLIVE. 447b Elegant 7-room apartment, heal. gas. electric laundry, newly decorated; worm 4o, reduced to $34; open: anltor In jsrd.

m) a a ni it inarinitttii all lara fftMHtis: ref. requlrel; Main 3PJ. I r.PbHA i 4123 Mrl'IIKIIMOM AV. Very n-Tiim nn.wui; pif'n beat: hot water, lenltor service reference ...1 Am Ukln SOI KKDKRAl. INV.

N. Seventh st. 8-R00M APARTMENT R310A A f'LE AV. Pteam heat, hot water. Janitor, modern la every particular: decorate to suit: this Is a very light apartment: beat service: special B.

VROOMAN. toe ft. tb rt. Phones- Main 5o. Centra! 88Q.

Sherwood Court par.nian.s N. W. Cor. Taylor and McPhentn Avs. THREE TO KIOHT ROOMS.

FURNISHED OR CN tV BNUIItO. This building has every modern special indutemente will l-e made te desirable tenants: romplet eervloe of every 0e-rlPtlon. Irx ludinjr ii'toi reai. not water, lanitor and maid eervlce; also private telephone: decoration to suit; everything in pee. Ie new condition: open fur loapettloa ee time, day or nisht.

Aooiv to nianaaer on premises Pnc-nse, Foreat IX10O Iwimar or dawniown tfv CLAUDE F. VRisialAN. N. tight et. Iimim jwatn iub.

KtlAN PR0PTY FOR RENT Hot SE 15 acree. with aaodera -rmra laeuee. bath, furnace, orchard, cuod e-htrkea himme and eutbuiidinae; 6 irinm-a waia ie Crete nr I.lne. in- -r i nitia FOR COLORED PEOPLK AtAM ID CHEjalNCT. i-JA 4 raou-a.

bath, onlj $14 wiRAirYOirB-AriT 4J7 Mlcke ma. twth gee laun-cra: aood wder: $14. sUUtMMT. 5l Lasloa. () "fopTsaCe COAU WAGON For sale; (tood as new; large horse; pulls bushels coal, harness: out-ftt 75.

31ia Cass. COAl WAUO.N8. aiiMj suitable lor Ire: combination one and two horse spring; truck rears: cheap, ftiefllnjc's. W1H N. Broadway DELI V'ERK WAGONS, coal wauoni waffons.

new and secondhand: cash or time. Rlrf ling's. 1S N. Lioadway. (C URAFT HORSE For tale; aim coal and feed wagon.

Call HH4 Hodlamont. ic4i HAKNEsi.S For iie. noroes. mar, mules'. Kuaranteed as represented.

Coal Co ThiH Morgan. IIOR8E.S For sale; 8: suitable any purpose; i) up; cash or tlin 40 Evans. flORSE For sa.e: good, sound delivery: rhrap. Colfax 471: Greer. Ic) HOK.HE For sale; outfit; horse pulls 50 bushels coal; 1-horse coal wagon and har-nr: cash or time.

3K05 Easton! HORSE For sale; good delivery; fine traveler; 8 years; 1150 pounds; must sell. feOl llmlngton. I'nr anlo- ROkinfl SIO: bav horse. 20. Weiss Beer Brewery, 2520 B.

Jeffer-rxn. HORSE For sale. Kood delivery: fine traveler: 8 years; 110O pounds; must sell. hOl yv llmlngton. HOUSE For sale: good: top wagon, ex.

press wagon, spring wagon, harness. 2OS S. 7th1 MARE For sale; good, fnut, $2S; good trial; taken for debt. Magazine. For sale, team r'ercneron mares, team mules, horses.

$2U. btorage corn-pan KI-'O N. Vandeventer. (51 MARES For sale; bv widow; two black mares. 5 and tt years old; weighing 2-ino pounds; good condition; harness: lost haul- tOK.

a.a. MI LE For sale, large fat mule, dark sorrel, good worker, sound wind. $25. 23(4 Pine. ici fciECONDH AND sand wagon gears, almost new, cash or time: cheap.

Riefling'a, IH N. Broadway. (c62 ETLAXD PON For sale: buggy, harness; tine Christmas present. 8112 cas. STORM Bl'GGY For sale, and harness; cheap.

3044 A Easton. BICYCLES AND MOJORCVLES BICYCLE For sale: new bicycles. $15 up: secondhand bicycles. $5 to $12.50. Supreme Cycle and Motor 103 N.

12th st. (02) BICiCLES For sale: new; $15 up; secondhand bicycles. (5 to $12.50. Supreme Cycio sc Motor IPS N. 12th st.

(4) ANIMALS COW For sale: part Jersey: fresh. 8281 Lallte av. PUP8 For sale. 4 months old. half fox and bloodhound; price $10.

850U Pennsylvania. (Cil2) BOOKS AND PERIODICALS BOOKS All kinds, bought and sold; call or send address to Mills' Book Store. 005 Chestnut. left CLOTHING CLOTHING Caat-of ults. overcoats, pants.

bought, sold and exchanged. Yatkeman. 230 MarkeC (ci CLOTHING cast-otf. bought. 500 summer and winter suits, overcoats, pay $5 up, also ladles' dresses.

Delmar eili. forest 7b7. Gel ber. 44o page. teat LLOiMiMi to: sale.

2UO suits and over coats, uncalled for; cheap; suits from $3.50 up; overcoats. (3 up; pants, 1 5c up; It will pay you to Investigate this. Weinberg 3022 Easton. (c8l CAST-OFF CLOTHING Wtd. Will pay the highest prices.

Nessenfeld. 3H14 Olive. Phone Bomont 302i or call at store. icS) CAS 1' -OFF men's suits, overcoats, pants. bought and sold: best prices paid: try me.

L. Sol. 14CHI Cass av. Tyler 2S33. iclil GENTLEMEN'S overcoats.

88, 40. 42. good condition, inn Mcrnerson. 4 OVERCOATS For sale. 2 beautiful gents' overcoats, $10 and lady must sell quick.

Flat. 8856A Olive St. t4i uVKUt'OAlS For sale, and suits: cheap. all sizes. 711 N.

bth 2d floor. Olive 46411. Green's. (c73 1 SUIT For sale, new Prince Albert and tuxedo suit, size 36, perfect condition; phone Llndell 450. (c76) SUITS For sale, sample suits.

$50 value for $la. Schwartz Ladles Tailoring. 44H0 Delmar. (c) VAN1SHINE removes shine from your old clothes. Economy Cleaning G22 Pine.

Main 41185 (CM) SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINE For sale; good as new; golden oak. 7-drawer drophead Singer; $10. ail today, dimn inney. 111113 rt BKS1 place to buy used machines in at An derson Dox-top. up: uropnead machines, guaranteed perfect, up: renting.

$2 per month; repairing a specialty; let us know your wants. Anderson, 1710 Franklin. Central 82731,. Olive 2120. tcH2i STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES DESKS For sale, slightly used, chairs, tables, card Index and filing cabinets; at a bargain.

402 a. 3d st. cs) UEf KIGERATDRS For sale: and fixtures n.U rl. ITlW.r. It Lull.

f.l I. and any kind of store. National Refrigera tor and fixture atn and Jark. cfi SHOWCASES, wall rases, large Jewelry safe, fan. bench, tools, latnes and stock, at auction.

Monday. Dec. 20, at 10 a. at 1553 S. Jefferson av.

(ctl; TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE What have you to trade tor $4QO uprignt piano. Box U-I05. HAHNESS Wtd. For trade. gaa stove.

Bridge A Beach, for double set of strong harness. 4431 Henrietta. LABOR Wtd. Will exchange equity in modern Webster bungalow, for labor and material for building: bargain for someone. b20 Mermod-Jaccard Bltig.

TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Selling any make: repairs. rental. Fletcher Typewriting H1-land 211 N. 7th st. (C55i JPEWKITEKS For sale, factory rebuilt Underwood.

Smith. Royal. Oliver and Remington typewriters. $15, $25. $5o; rentals.

8 months. $6 ud. St. Louis Typewriter Exchange. 211 N.

10th st Main 11 02. central 48MH. 8l MOST complete line, all makes: repairs, rentals. Union Typewriter Exchange, ill N. 9th st.

ic55i WATCHES AND JEWELRY DIAMOND 8TUD For sale: H-karat; $30: need money at once. KH St. Louis av. (0) EARRINGS Wtd. To buy pair diamond earrings, about or 2 karats, blue white and clear; desire to put In as part payment a smaller pair.

Box D-70. Post-Dispatch. 1 PAWN TICKET For sale: 14-karat solid gold striking watch, worth $100; pawned for $25; ticket cheaj). 2215A N. 12th.

ir5) PAWN TICKET For sale. 14-karat solid gold watch and chain. 10 size: cost $75; Fawned for $2o; ticket cheap. Box Y-210. ost-Dlspatch.

(c) WATCHES, DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. cirsn, iiohLAit a r. r. iv.

ALDORE JEWELRY 213 N. 14TH AT OUYE. JjlAiVLuNDS, WA1CHES, JtWtLnY, FuR CHdlblMAS-FiitSiiNTS Our great Christmas sales of genuine Diamonds, reliable watches and artistic jewelry on such easy credit terms are almost unbelievable until you actual. see the goods, opeu a charge account with us and know for yourself. A beautiful sparkling diamond or a reliable watch for a Christmas present gives supreme pleasure.

and la a gut you may in proud to make. Vrirea to suit any purse. You are alwnva sure of the best values for the least money I UUOfi A. Tilt' l-, at Ijv ii tip 1 HEAUT1FUL DIAMONDS AND WATCHES ON CREDIT FOR CHRISTMAS PRES- IiiN I 1 OU "UI enure list or i Christmas presents without leaving our store, anu nave viriinmi cnargea in one account. Open r.very nigni intu f.

nrlntmas. rail or write for Christmas Catalog Mo 97. containing over JU00 Illustrations. Special attention given to mall orders. N.

Sixth St. A 6tUd eoat. 10c le. minimum toe. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION LATAL'R Violin School.

1127 N. Grand: fur- nlsh violin free to students; lessons fsir.trsi i'REE p.ano for one or two pupils. by leading teacher, to demonstrate nieth- rare opportunity. Box Y-142. 1 4) I1AN18T Thoroughly uompeleul.

will leach a few more pupil" at their homes or at studio for AAc per lesson to Introduce work. 1'lsnlet. 44QW West 1 lie pi. Ul KAG1IME and itlrture how oiating tauxhi anyone In 2o leeeona. Write for cataloeue.

Chrlelenaen Schools. Odoua Hldg. branch Meramee and Virginia. ici TUNING AND REPAIR NO, ri RUT-CLAP 8 tuning and repairing, plaaoe and players. $1 3o tuning: 25 years experience.

H. Kauts 30tn n. Jaftersua. Sidney IIVIK. ttoUf telex Mlsi CENTRAL MORGAN.

5 rooma. furnished romtl-ia for 1 2 furr; $4 WEST A I'BERT. 721 Second-floor rneme; ket. electrrcity. gas.

running hot water; Oiie sr-' "ltarrtont cars. MINERVA. M31A lare roona. bt heauttfuily fumlshMl. rMtulet; heat.

Jan. Itor: i-holi location; rasonsdle OLIVK. 3715 Three-roont furnish-! iiiin meats steam beat, hut water, every tkinir. $. PAGE 43H Nlrelv furnished 4-fwn fiat: piano, heat: .1 mts on second, fuir-nlKhe-1; a rn ge, for houken tug PAGE IiL 42222 or 3 o.V turaisse r.mms.

linens, gaa. iwatata eua- vtHiena phone UNION RL. 11 Refined wou l.t telr lieautlfuily furnished -morn ment rnmslaia, to mucle fir the rtiention or two rooms and their (wtrd roomn. oath. ii7v furnished: eertMn complete, condition strictly clean.

NORTH KENNERI.T. Three rmntt prettl! furniahe-1. bath, ess rne. linen furnish-. rt.

it v. $5 wklv. rili FLATS WANTED FURNISHED FLATS WANTED FURNISHED APARTMKNTH Wtd List once olive 374 Reliable tenants yrni-l Trust MISCELLANEOUS as it a a anil ranoi. a w. corner.

upper floore lor ligni manufaci uriiig tr hotel, haeeraenta for prodiK.e or etoraae. GRAND, louo Oiricea. and up; will build on Pell av. GRATIOT. 12tm-5-7- Oa the new viaduct; Iron-clad building, will build and you as much as yon need, lermlual, rlsco and Mlaeourl Pacific switches.

OIALLON. 5ot 8mall Ibree-atory and haament, mercantile or niantifac-ering Churchill Whlttemure N. 4th. CENTRAL DESK ROOM tee this before renting elee. where.

tl2Q Mermod-Jaccerd DESX ROOM Hoth Phones; with private operator: 1500 Central National See Seitert. SIXTH AND O'FALIAON. oo the southeast coraer: splendid light; open all sides, automatic sprinkler, lowest insurance rates, attain heat, electric elevator, A floors. 4o.i. cUa leet In corner section.

In adjoining -tlon; will suhdlvlde: allow moving eipeoaee. F. Churcbtli Wl.lttemore Ila-l2u N. 4tn. STOREROOM I hsve some'hlnr very desirable for a etoreroom or lobbing bustneae on 1st floor also on Sd and 4th floor, -a same building on Wwshtnatoa (Mrtwean loth and lltn ets: rail and are ine If Inte -ested in the best vacancy on Washlnatoo r.

W. Homhln. Wsshrngton av. H-tt OAriAGES AN STABLES AUTOMOBILES Dead storage. roadsters.

$2.50 per month; Is tee care. $3 per month Eureka Auto Parte Mlg. Pine. Ho-mont H' (.41 GARAGE ('ommoilious riiinltoid garage at 5('2U Von Versen av. rent $5.

OFFICE Wtd Part of office In down town bank building only. Address Whitley Chandler. HemMtrn trrc. SOUTH South of Chouteau nue-Forest Park; NORTH North of Casu-Eatton avenues; CENTRAL Levee to Grand, Chouteau to Cast' Easton; WEST Grand to city limits, Chouteau avenue-Forest Park to Cass-Easton. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SOUTH LOT For sale.

JI500 Giles; front 30 or CO or Ml ft lnnulre 2 '27 A Nel.rnska -i ill'JLnia. mm ill i i 'sJ iX'i i'i in si "i M.iTi''l'lilPar TEtH REAL ESTATE WAN I tO REAL ESTATE Wtd. Par cash for bargains, flats, residences, business property. Hot 4 7 Poet-1 Mennlrh. it Nt ricAL Eil A I El-UK EACMANUe EXCELLENT new 3-famlly ensrtment foe exchange.

RIDINOTO.N OFFICE. Hide. 7th sn.j Pine (cl.s HANGE New single fist at loax lim rent $552 Kldlngloa Ofdce. Kulleri i Hldg icIK'i EXCHANGE wanted for excellent apartment tenting for per annum- tioa N-e-l. l'ot-Dlsiiaich. EXCHANGE Have new double l-nwm fit. on Mouth bide. Rlddlngtoo Office. vul--tnn Hldg. irlii.ii "TRADE Dandy single 6m room fist.

47 McMiitaa av HlJligton Office, Fuilern.n Rltlg. Itl'S'l TRADE good 4-6 room single flat. 12g Walton rent tiiX Kldingtos Ofllce, I. ton Hldg. trpi TRADE South Bide B-room 2-stor rottase.

tile roof. Rldtngloa Office, Ilid. (clts'i TRADE o-famliy apartment, rntln d. i. Rldinsiton Office.

ulinaii Hldg (rl'-i. wllAl will veu exchsnse for Meet ud ni-erty ran tin (or Uus N-eo. WANT to trade beautiful Cabs one av. ai4rl. ment renting for $37'a for su.

alter nmpent. RIDING ION R. E. OFFICE. I2la) REAL ESTATE Wtd.

CHv Improved, ret-taae or dwelling, for pai-a. re Improved, clear farm; 10 miles of halam. Mo. HKirZ. "2 Mermod erd $300 CASH And t-W pr month boys silndM rlrnce of a beautiful ro.itns.

2 batbs. goo-l coodllion. will decorate: oa tteet. near Cathedral: price 'Whm). must if ou are Intel sated, address lk.a I'm' I 'taps tch irli" Apartments for Exchange g.

a and 12 rsmtilea, noutn nine anu nt End: price 112 i to If you bae property to exchange fur aa apart mnl let us send your our list. 'i nmm rrm WHY NOT TRADE? Whea veu think af exoMuietna sow Prop erty tor a farm, give ue a cl.aixe, eur larua Hat la larg. our oirere aiireciive. KimTKil ai KEY RaA LTT 410 Csrlten I.owle' Double Flat for Exchange fhaw 4)i iNewl 3 rooms end siti-hew- ettea, the le-he. hardwood floors and Ihi-nace; rent $117 year; will take eld property or vacant ground ae pert payment.

Ifavette. 4 and ronms. tile bath, hardwood floors and separate plants: two garages. rm year; exchange for saodera single oi dwelling. Ruaeu jmxi-b nve ana sis renme.

beihe. urnacee. henae for small dwelling abanne I and rouma, t.atl.s steam heel, lot; em. dense for dw.i-Ing. a.aat ground er

Labedle. Almost new. a ana a renins, tile lathe, br porch, exhenfe f'ar litiauar place of prr-ii or aaraitt Pt. Clara 1X1 to 141 i.Vewi a-rootn Pate, bull Urge. rooms arh.

ill eir rant $7x2 yeer esfh. price eh. will take a sntalirr piece of proiHiy or taM Im aa rt payment; or will eacbenge Ine 3 fculidlncs for a i-d dwelling. Kvene 4a-4--4 end 4 ena, ttKe and furnacaa; rent $4 yeer: prw-e eaehanae for emaller pleoe ut proaertr, atna l-ulldtng preferred. bhswiriol, 1414-44 (cor.

Wl Twe vare eld. and 3 rooms, t. hatha and um. irlck rnantele: rent year: will taae mailer prwyirty as tsart raimtnl. Rl-tge 'I and imim.

heih and lunani, lt S-HO rem $1K harure fur eit.all' dw-uing or slikgle tf we have reel eeiate for exchange let tte end ru aftiaria pat "ifilHTUIII It r1 r.rai'. at SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FARM For IS arrea. with re l--e -y aw modarn l-atorv 4-t worn fr-. bath, fiirnw-e, large attic, reus. ra I o.

well Biilai-4. rowatv and rlta water la a bard e-xxl Ihmm and maibuildinare: lorated ce fcieb in ft. Lamis County, en main au Otmoura-fere; mlnutee" ia a'reae CV-jr Ui. Ire. nr.

ail and sorxiiiae Mere vn have the edvaataew of et and emmlra (va bane4 owner law vine slat. aae ell Jan I l'iw" WEBSTER kvkn woom nrN.mpw, Oak lr Aeer Or larea rnnswe east pari-, bath let ri r. J1 fVnar larea rm and ei-ae KMmai Kardee4 fvwie aee and r'ra cheat, furnare beat -wilju: net aatli trade, l-eUs Vii see JA a. DA TIC tl CbeMae. m.

OTAL ESTATE umn. eiecinc sno. steam neat. CATES, 500A Warm, steam-heated room; hot and cold bath at all times; $2. COOK.

3WW Furnished room, for light nouseKeeping; all conveniences. 4344 Ni-elv tumithed rnoma. house keeping; also hall room, phone, furnace heat, hot water: reasonable. mi DELMAR 3X17 Light housekeeping rooms: all conveniences: phone Llndell 31 In. DELMAR 5214 2 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; modern con- venlences; very comfortable: phone.

DELMAR 3S70 Dandy housekeeping room; clean, complete: hot water, electric lights, free phone; reasonable. (7 DELMAR 41362 lovely second-flKr housekeeping rooms; southern exposure, continuous hot water, phone. DELMAR 3121 Two connecting front rooms, nrat floor. Tor light housekeeping; Bell phone. DELMAR 4148 Beautiful room, first floor; kitchenette; housekeeping; see It, get price.

DELMAR 4471 Single roomt $6 month; continuous hot water, electricity, furnace; gentleman. Forest 322. DELMAR 3873 Front housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple or lady alone; telephone. DELMAR 4363 Elegant front and connecting rooms for housekeeping; modern conveniences; also large single room with kitchen; reasonable. DELMAR 4035 Elegantly furnished rooms; easy chairs: good heat, electric lights, piano: private: kitchen If desired; owner has auto.

Llndell 4117W. DELMAR 41130 Nicely furnished front room; steam heat, running hot water; private family; Bell phone; reasonable; use of wnL-nen ii qesirea. DELMAR 513S Housekeeping rooms. 2. connecting, front, with kitchenette: southern exposure, all newlv fitted up; hot-water heat, continuous hot water.

Immaculate, refine couple: references. EASTON. 4104A 2 connecting rooms furnished for housekeeping; private bath, gas and phone; $4 EiZEL, 6426 Furnished rooms; bath, tele- hone; for 2 gentlemen or couple. ELCL1D. 740 Two rooms, complete for housekeeping: clean; continuous hot wa-ter: no children.

(5) EUCLID TERRACE. 4W04 Very desirable room in steam-neatea apartment; private, reasonable. Phone Forest 6809R. 5" Ft VVITV Tnra U'arm r.rv, A floor front: complete for free Phone. (41 GAMBLETOX 6147 Front room; southern exposure: for two: convenient to 3 car lines.

HAMILTON. 1125 Two rooms, furnished for housekeeping: sink in kitchen: not water, electric light. JoNES. Light housekeeping rooms gas range, electric lights, heat: Bell phone Linden 151 LINDELL 3631 Large front rooms; steam heat, electric lights, telephone; new management. LINDELL 3912 Front room with board; single or double; all conveniences.

Llndell 3X21R. 15) McMlLLAN. 453U Second-floor front house keeping room: gas range, heat, phone. laundry. $2.

$2.50. $3. (4J McPHERSON. 4047A 2d-noor rooms, steam heat, electrlo light. Bell phone: Olive cars: gentlemen.

(4 McPHERSON. 3144 Nicely furnished rooms. southern exposure: all modern conveniences. for ladies or gentlemen employed. (51 McPHERSON.

406s Beautiful front room; southern exposure: modern home; contln-uoub hot water: Bell phone. (6j MORGAN, 4061 Front room for housekeeping; also connecting rooms: gas range, run-ning water, excellent heat, clean and com-fortable: very reasonable. Ol.J 4327 Nicely furnished rooms; private. 5i PAGE 4468 An Ideal bedroom for one or two persons; all conveniences. PAGE 4431 Nicely furnished single and connecting housekeeping rooms, elec- tricity, hot water; pnone; reasonaoie.

(, ROOM Large, elegant; by day or week: quiet, convenient location. Phone Llndell 4668. 17) lvooMS Two furnished housekeeping rooms. $20 montn; tnree rooms, s-o: steam heat; two front connecting well-furnished, vicinity 5500 Delmar: best references. Box M-130.

Post-Dispatch. (4 RIDGE, 6207 2 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; $3. RIDGE. 5064 Furnlsned and unfurnished rooms, second floor: all conveniences; prl-vate family: reasonable. (4) ROOM Front room In modern apartment convenient to 3 car lines.

(Jaoany 3317M. ROOM Second floor, south front, all conveniences, hot-water heat. Delmar cars; Forest 5622. (5) WASHINGTON 4403 Neatly furnished south front room; nil conveniences; home cooking: free phone: gentlemen. (7 WASHINGTON 41t3 Large front room.

everv convenience, xor nousekeeping: rea- sonable: Llndell 4585 W. WASHINGTON 3S74 Large second-floor front alcove room: light housekeeping; steam heat, conveniences, phone. WASHINGTON 4759A Excellently heated. conveniences, nicely furnished, south front room; reasonable. Forest 5571.

3a7 1 Newly lurmslied rooms; elegant home; separate bath on eaes floor'. Mrst-clasB. (si ASHING ION Housekeeping: 2 connecting, regular kitchen, steam heat; everything furnished; like new; reasonable. (5) WESTMINSTER 3065 Nice. large rooms: electricity: hot-water heat: all con-veniences: also garage: reasonable.

till WESTMINSTER 4038 Large room with kitchenette; first floor; also third-floor rooms: privilege housekeeping WESTMINSTER. 4215 Elegnnfly furnished rooms. In steam-heated apartment; every conveniences, third floor west. 1 WES'l MINSTER. 3751) Nicely furnished rooms, with or without housekeeping; good heat; block Olive, Grand.

WESTMINSTER 3928 Desirable 2d-floor front room, furnished: modern con- venience. Llndell 4364: reasonable. WESTMINSTER. 304OA Strictly private family of 3 adults; will rent steam heated front room to gentleman; boar If desired: every convenience; both phones; Llndell 8710. 16) WEST PINE 32 Beautiful furnished housekeeping rooms, with private bath: electricity; hot water: phone.

(41 NORTH KENNERLY. 3960 rooms, furnished complete; housekeeping; gas. heat; refer- ences; 3 car lines. THEODOSIA. 50O3A Nicely furnished front room and kitchen: $2.50 weekly; Hodla-mont and Wellston cars.

'IHlRiEENlH. 2113 N. Desirable rooms: hot bath, electric lights: cheap; light housekeeping rooms, with gas: one room, two rooms. $3.23. 021 ROOMS FOR RENT COLORED PINE, 3211 Furnished rooms, all conven-lences; for colored.

Bomont 1413. 11 WITH BOARD -CIT MJjSCJELXAJEjOJJS MYRTLE, 7318 (Maple wood) Room and hoard. $4 per week; private family. ROOM AND BOARD Beautiful southern front room, twin beds. 2 closets, private famllv: board; references; Forest flsoS.

(02) ROOM AND BOARD Single room, steam-heated apartment; board optional. Llndell 2763 ROOM AND BOARD Beautiful room, for couple or gentlemen, in Home ut refinement; excellent table; hot-water heat. Llndell 461 4W, (55) JSJHJTH CLEVELAND. Light, warm, nicely furnished double and single room, with good board, in private residence; 00 children; Grand (7) COLOGNE. 5415 Kind lady wants Infant to board: best of care.

LOUISIANA. 2352 Attractively furnished. large. 2d-fioor front and connecting single rooms: private family: excellent meals; modern conveniences; near car lines; very rea sonable. 4t MISSISSIPPI.

l.Vtfi Rooms, with board, hot-water heat, home cooking; facing Lafayette Park; Sidney 1214W. (50) ROOM AND BOARD Private family, having large front room, will give room and board to first-class people. Grand 372UR. WEST BELT. 1432 Large front room, with board; 2 gentlemen: private residence: every convenience.

()) CaBANNE. 512 Refined people wanting nrst-clase home, elegant south room. In- Vestlgate; cuisine excellent. CABANNE. 5o8h Front room, with hard.

suitable for two: all conveniences: reasonable Forest 71 WW. t4j 1 CARANNE, 3555 Large front room: southern exposure: hot-water beat: good board. Monroe 2115. li' CABANNE. large, light, well-furnlshed southern-exposed front room, steam hea running hot water, electric and gaa lights; excellent table: reasonable.

For- est Vi'uvl. 15) CATEel. M79 I arge front and other desirable rooms: excellent table; continuous hot wa- ter, pnone CLEMENS. 373a Large, bright room lt! grd board for all conveniences. (6) FOREST PARK BU.

Board, two gen. tleman or couple: hot-water beat: everv comfort: i.VSO. (4i UkD FELLOW. 14-11 Furnished room a. with or without board: private family.

Phore rihn i3.1. HORTO tieeond-floor room- wet' furnished: 1 young men; board reaeon-aMet references. (1 KENSINGTON. 5136 I-erge. warm, double room, with por; board.

private faou- Solid agate. So tine: minimum 1 Ue. FOR HIRE FOR HIRE Five-passenger Ford, tl an hour; driven by own r. i-orest 1439 W. (ci) FOR HIRE 3 new ItTli Ford.

1 boor. Forest 20DTW. Delmar 3317L. tcN FoK H1KK-LH5 Fori. 1 pjr tour; careful driver.

Call Bomont Foil HIKE llilo Limousine. 2 Delmar 833. Forest 4070: nights. Forest 234. S2i Fun HIRE Fine heated limousine.

$1.60 per wsridtnaa and all occaolona. Victor I'oat tiiRE Three eiH)tMOr wiSS limousines, careiuj onvaire. 2f71. For HIRE Beautiful new 11 Studebaker; hour, van 11 lUlt HIKE Ford limousine. Tu wlvale; hour; careful driver.

-abanv 1 FOR HIRE Cadillac. new 7-paasenger touiinc car. $2 hour. Delmar B6K. Forest a 2 lit.

tM 1 mi(t-rutd limousine, louun meiv mr. tl hour. special ratee py oav ti. li or fin, Bomont m. am-NT limouaune.

anppping ana hour: touring car. 1. hour, rot- 1 ivAJtl or hire; One allien tourinsr cars: careiui driver. Lin- d'j' lt3. i.l7k!- For rent: 5-ton: bv day or nontii.

Rolilnson Ktorftj Wtd. And some cash, tor 1:1 equity In 10-room house and lot on Flmiev itood renting property. Ad- ,..) H. 5s01 Page. l- A 1 Wtd.

Good exchange for Long's crlspette machine, rotary oopper. coat 2W. nexer unpacked; even u. (5 Cu.

I RACT liA ULING Wtd. or 5-tou dump trucks. Robinson Storage Grand 77a, i tuKU!) Wtd. We will taite in saleable rorrt touring; cars and roaJstere on new ana used etudebakere: submit them lo us. vVeber Moior Car 17 Locust.

Vc. 5S5Jt5iJiSjSXSx miouagE BATTERIES of all makes for sale. Batteries repaired, recnargea. eiecuw vehicles a specialty, JSfuatern Battery 1514 Maiket, ll imi -Minus vuleanixed: work guar anteed. Magnolia Garage.

3u6 Magnolia. Victor 142BR MEN Wtd. Learn automobile trade: practical course, night and day classes; good positions open. bt. Louis Automobile College 2,37 Olive.

'lo make yoursell a good utomobiie miiii man. go to Berry Aato and Aviation Rrhonl. 'A'HtCl WtuhitlgtOn. ICal COUPES FOR SALE CHALMERS For sale. 1912 30 torpedo: In excellent snape: eieciric usoib hu amiMJi, Park Auto 5201 Delmar.

Monroe 1 too. Delmar 1100. loimi vnp auin model a. bargain. 225.

3tto Olive, 'cui El'PP For sale, coupe, good condition; must sell: make an offer. 3U07 Olive. icoj UP 32 For sale; coupe: electric starter and lights; will stand rigid examination: $000. Phone Forest 4W7W. (c5) It.

C. H. For sale, coupe. 6-pansenger. newly painted, electric lights.

demountable rims: $4K. Park Auto B201 Delmar. Monroe 1100. Delmar 1100. Ic5) ELEG1H1G Wm $350.00 My elegant Coupe, newly painted and completely overhauled, fitted with No.

Iron-clad batteries with S2 cells: -will guarantee batteries for one year; will gladly demonstrate, fcee UEINKICH AUTOMOBILE 6123 Delmar Bl. i' 8 LlJUSUSFC8ALE HUDSON For sale. llmouBine. 7-pasenger, tut'4 it onrlltlon: or will trade for vacant cltv lot or county property, dlamon is anything of value. Box Y-1S7.

IcWHI UlMOUtilNKH, Olds. 7-passenger, $500 Plerce-Arrow. 7-pasrwnger. 450; Packard, f-pasaenger. 550, Park Auto 601 DeW inar.

Monroe 1100. Delmar 1100. IcSJ ROADSTERS FOR SALE FORD Roadster, with touring body; excellent condition. RlcfBng's. 918 N.

Broad- way. 1J ROADSTER For sale, equipped for wlnler or summer driving; in gooa ranuiu, liosrh electric lights and Ignition; best offer tHkes It. oeiniar. wi TOURING CARS FOR SALE ki'HMHT For sale. 1H14 touring car.

6-cyl- Iniier. electric lights and starter; excellent orulltlon: terms. see Mr. i-incaara, l.o 1 lorrst I'ark bl. (c) HitiM.

Fk-nHNMenger touring car. HM4 model: line running order; $250. 2630 lie. 1 NG Harntiln. ll'13.

5-passenger. in excel lent condition; 3o; or win trade tor goon I'finl; must have lighter car tor calling on rale. all t.HQany atier p. m. ViAltioN For sale, touring car; fine condition: Continental motor.

1013 model, double gmtion nvstem. extra tires ana inner tunes, I Hkld chains, storage bauery; worth $500; vl'l take 2.t5 cash. 3040A Botanical. (c) I Ol KING CAR For sale, 5-llght. In good running order; terms if desired.

See Mr. Mni kurd. 4300 Forest Park bl. Phone Lln-lell 'otiilTi, (c) liikXINO CAR For sale light, brand-new. latest creation; won in aavertising con-t; have no use for same: fine Christmas tieent: will sacrifice for $360, less than ot.

Box Y-lv. l'ost-I'lspatch. TRUCKS FOR SALE FORD With new delivery body; chea 1ep. (cb5) Klrtiings, ins w. Broadway.

htriK i'or sale: i-ton: Al condition: bargain, $350: express body, like new; for 1-ton truck, cost $325; sell at your own price. Tmver Grove. cti2) roRlV-2-Kor sale. 118 model, perfect condl-tlon; fully jtilpped. 2716 Lafayette, (c) F77l For sa ll'ift Coupelet; self-starter; run only 40oi miles; see same at 1421 Lo- niFt garaF.e; like new; bargain.

Phone reer. imve -too Sit DE HAKE it 25 For sale; electric lights. new tires: rant Auto oUi iiei- iiar. Monroe 1100. IHilmar 1100.

Ic5) I'CIIKHAKEH For sale. 5-Dassenger 1H1 electric atartrr and lights. 2 extra tires. rrand-new battery; bargain for cash. 1H Old rchard Webster Groves; phone Webster a 1I iN li will store your auto $5 per month.

Call i.injsu B410. ICS) USED CARS. Koon roadster, speedster. 4-cyl $250 Maxwell roadster, fine 275 Hercules. lights and starter.

3hi verland roadster. new paint. itudebaker. 6-paaa. new 3.V I'eerleaa.

7 -pass. good 450 "ord coupe, 4-cyl 475 luumobile coupe, electrlo lights iV rillllac lights A starter. 750 Mitchell, lights starter. b50 Also many others. Bodies In various styles.

$23 to $700. Terms: Cash payment, balance notes. IS Kit IMIT. ALTO. 1 WOO Locust.

(0) RRIS lHirlng the winter months we offer special ndtjeements on the following cars; llul.k roadster. Himldsrd-l'syton touring car. Marquette-Itul-k touring car. Sdillac K. 8.

touring car. Kissel touring car. Mandard Six limousine. National K. L.

A touring car. I'athnntler B. L. 8. touring car.

Wesvolt louring car. 'elie in HI K. UAH. touring car Moon touring car. extra Bedan top.

L. S. Ctisimers Mter Six touring car. E. L.

I Mil rl limousines, touring cars, wagon mt truck chassis that ht bn rebuilt DOURlfl. 4IOO Laclede av. (cSl ACCESSORIES. PARTb, ETC. HRt delivery todles.

2S style, put on while you wait; sbsoluteiy beet body In the Pis N. Hroadswy, trl. 1'ol KING cowl style, new: mImi cither models Ktefllng'a. 81S N. i.

jwav. c2 iliCCK For wile; panel budv. good cotidl-iloti: suitable for 15uti pound truck, $2t. ni t.rove ictui "UdblES, CHEAP. 14t limousine tiodlee.

ITS.OO each. nt lMml-iierlln ihkIv, tym tutipe boly, (125.00, shipenape, at iXVl Washington v. MOTOR CAW CO. (4i i i MACHINERY i WANTED bm rtf aTwt 1 tubular boll-1 Dloe: shaft 100 to im n. 1 10 won fee and light ral Landretn l9lln.

Mo. Mautlnerv Co FOR ALI New a elnale-nhaae motors. bora-power, J5qrri H.DO TUNING; factory experience; work guaranteed. E. J.

White. 17-tf -Uillfomlii. Grarii 104i). Victor 2325X. (c3 tl.iiu EXPERT piano tuning, nrst-claas repairing 'it pianos and player-pianos; reasonable; all work guaranteed.

M. Feldmao, 27 ia i'ark. Phona G.and SyOO. Victor Iclii BANJO For Bale, one Bacon professional banjo-ma ndolln. $71; sell 25: eame hs new: call Monday.

Mr. Lester. Wri Franklin. CRfc-CilT VOUCHER For sale. 78 credit voucher, by which $250 piano may be purchased for otfer expires Dec.

22, 11)15. Knx M-llt. Host-Dispatch. 14) F1A.NO CERTIFICATE) For sale, $76; will sell for 4431 Henrietta. PIANO For sale; nearly new; phone Grand 3530K.

or 1558 S. Theresa. (c) PLAY For sale: 8-note: ma hogany case. Phone Laclede 251L or 708 Kansas. (c) PIANO Wtd.

To store for use of same; may buy In spring. Mrs. Lambert. 2WS5 Thrush. PLAYER-PIANO S8-note! beautiful lone, also furniture and rugs; almost new; sell separately, cneau.

5024 Delmar bl. 4) or aie. Esiey; umnogauy: sligtu- ly usea; cheap tor cash. z.13 i arn av ic21xi fLAlt.H-HA.NO Beautiful mahogany. Ms-note; good as new; bench ana music; cheap.

4233 Maryland av. U) PIANO For sale, cabinet grand upright; hs-note: cost $450. sell for 2323 Geyer. PIANO For sale, one fine mahogany Packard, also oak Stein Haner. at 8i Easton: phones Cabany 3717 or Delmar 2MU.

(c5j PLAYER-PiANO $275; latest style, ss-note. standard make; like new; guaranteed; bargain; only fii monthly. BEYER'S. 17th and Locust sts. (c62) PlANo 14U; very fine Ricca Son ma-hogany Those who know Ricca quality will buy this.

Open evenings. BEYER'S. 17th and Locust sts. c62 PLAYER-PIANO For sale, greatest oar-gain, extra beautiful s-note mahogany player-piano: lot of music: finest cover, stool: everything $225. 3X50 A Olive.

(4 PIANO For sale: $45 buys large, handsome. upright Ernest Gaoler: every note Is perfect, in splendid condition: cash or time. Langan Bros Furn. ISth and Washing- ton. (c5.l S1RAUBE, pianos and players sing their own praise.

You can't wear them out; they are beautiful In appearance and give sweeter tone as years go bv. Strauble pianos sold 20 years ago are good today, and their owners value them as much as ever. Strauble players are reasonable in price and terms. Open evenings. At E.

A. Boh re lOoll Franklin av. lcl2i KlLSti.HuhST'S Exchange Department is the best place in St. Louis to buy reliable bargains in used pianos and olavers of good makes: each Instrument has been carefully repaired bv expert workmen: prices range from $75. $85.

$100 to $175 up; satisfaction guaranteed or money retunded. Write If you call. KIEPELHORST PIANO Established 1S70. 10o7 Olive St. GREAT USED PIANO SALE In our old store.

1114 Olive street; prices as low as $65; well-known makes; in perfect playing condition; name your own terms. Field-Lipp-man Piano Stores. c) THE STULTZ BAUER. A world's choice player-piano; they are beautiful In tone and rich in appearance; a player-piano of the highest order; our price and terms very moderate. E.

A. BOEHM Ac 1609 Franklin. (cl)2) hKANk 51 ELL, bESl PLACE To buy pianos and olaver-nlanos: terms to suit: no interest. Lester plans and player-tilanos are best. 1414 lilth t.

Ic8i Just in Time Player Pianos We have just secured the choicest bargains of the final Bollman auction. Come here this week for splendid pianos and player-pianos at one-fourth of factory cost. All well-known makers. Cash or time. LANGAN BROS.

FUR. l.Hth and Washington. (c4l JTjaAjjjrjAHINES ORAPHOPHONE For sale. Victor: 100 records and cabinet, at a bargain. $40.

4453 Easton. 4) VlCiROLA For sale; cabinet style and records, like new. $80. 1752 Mississippi. (c5l Solid agate.

10c line, minimum tbe MjStLrb) ROOF and guttering, leaking, furnace don't heat. Call Dockery, Llndell 747. Eastom (c7) 1 L'CK pointing, chimney totioing. fire wall flashings, damn walls made dry; all work guaranteed. Central U375R.

J. R. Carey. 1712 N. Leffingwell.

Icti2l LOOK! LOOK! Watches Jewelry Diamonds. Easy payments. 213 N. 14th st. ALDORE JEWELRY St.

Louis Credit Jewelers. (cU) FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING Repointing. and parts for all make pens. JOSEPH LIPIC FEN 1084 N. CHRuTMAS PxilSlNTS ON CK-Dil DIAMOND WATCHES You aeeJ not forego a "Merry Christmas" for want of ready money.

We gladly trust every honest person. Special discount on all purchases for Christmas. Take advantage of this price reduction and add a few more gifts to your list: or, make yourself a present of a fine Diamond or Watch. Open every night until Christmas. LvFlb BriU.

Cj Second Floor Carleton 308 N. 6th St. ICS) CAKrtl L. tM ufrlOO 1 CARPET CLEANING and renovating used rugs. Globe Carpet 2624 Olive st.

Cen-tral 4W4. Bomont (c4i CHICAGO Sl'EAJH CAHPEi CLfc.A-M.SU AND ui holsiuk'j dB2 inney. I'hones Llndell 203o. Delmar 2451. (CO Ul'HOLS'l EKING, mattress making, furniture repairing and refinishlng.

A. E. Wright. 4314-16 Easton av. Phone Llndell 401.

Delmar 821R. lc62l r-KirM 1 irXC. n.lLi AurtcjiMG CHEAPEST place In town for printing; McGiil 121-23 N. 11th; Central 717 SR. (6 RUG AND CARPET MAKERS SUGGESTION FOR XMA8.

Rag rugs; pillow covers and laundry bags any size and style; also silk weaving. JEWEL RUG 6003 Easton av. Cabanv 'JtWO (c02) STENOGRAPHERS AND NO I AR.tS 1 tbuu STENOGRAPHER Clara L. Pratt solicits your work, commercial, legal, literal or what not. Room 'ill Central Natiorai Bank Bldg.

In business hours, phone Main all other hours Cahanv 3001. cM SIORAGE AND mOVINQ moving van. $2.50 load; furniture in exchange- ranges connected- Bo mont 2110. 3207 Moraa.i. (8) JEFi-ERSON MOVING $2.

3 van load load, pianos hoisted. $3 50. t.entrai S3.n. Sidney 1S04. 1801 ii.crnoOK SIORAGE Careful moving.

furniture in exchange. Kernel. 215 S. central 431 Olive 3721. (cS SIUE Moving and Stoiage Hkji-03 Sidney sU Phoue Sidney 233: Klnloch.

1 entral C05. (cS COTE BR1 LL1ANTE Auto Truck Moving $2.50 per toad. Delmar U23. Fores: 3niC BRASCH bonded warehouse: Iron rooms: moving van J. xtiis iranauu.

Ilomont-t'e ntral 2078. 181 $2.5 PER LoALi or contract; Urge, padded vans: satisfaction guaranteed; furniture in exchange: both phones. Olive Storage and Moving o. AMERICAN STORAGE CO. Fireproof warehouse for the storage of furniture, pianos, get our rates on packing; goods absolutely Insured against all damages to destination, moving guaranteed; get our rates.

Central 62. Bomont 21. LANGDALE 23 1 5 Olive st. cS0 THE LEONORl STORAGE CO. Absolute security; fireproof warehouse for safekeeping furniture.

pianoe. valuables, trunks, boxie etc clean rooms; moving, packing, shipping. Get our rates, estimate kTCT. LEONORl AtT-flON AND STORAGE CO Gran1 and laclede: both phones. STOVE REPAIRS REPAIRS For any "old fctove." Forehaw.

Ill I2-h Central 31'MR. Mtln 204:1. irM GAS STOVK8 repaired, cleaned and ensm-eied at your home. Delmar 22aR- St44 West Helle. WALL PAPER CLEANING.

ETC- EJTrE pw half price best work. Sophir 444! Easton: phones. tcttl IDs Associalevl Frees fsewa Oervue 1 received and printetl exclusively by the la Lb. St. Louis even-tnS Call LiNDELI 37W) Beautiful front room, hot water neat good Lome cooKiny.

LIN DELL ai42 Delightful, attractive home; convenient location- steam beat, con tlnuoim hot water: excellent tabie. tl iitpHERSoN. Room and board, excellent meals: with all newly furnished room; heat, continuous hot water, electricity. McPHERSON. 43011 Elegautiy furnished rooms: electricity, continuous hot water free phone: breakfast if desired.

7) MAPLE. 5428 Newlv furnished, warm front rooms: excellent table: all conveniences. reasonable. Forest 2ilW. t2i MAPLE, 5375 Attractive room; southern ex- posure: hot-water neat.

hot water, excellent table. CD t-aj ill a rriiuw.B, lent ct'lslne: every csAvenience. 4 50 'p l.ln-ie'l 371K. jielmat 'J MORGAN. 4422 Large.

attractive front room; congenial home: excellent table; cou- pie or gentlemen: reasonable. 141 MORGAN, 4333 Refined people wanting nist-class home; delightful south room; reason- at'le: cuisine excellent. ROOM Large, elegantly furnished; southern exposure. Cabany KTqW. (2 ROOMS AND BOARD With or without board; private family: adults: all conven- lences.

Call Cahanv 31)71. 1 ii VERNON. 57o5 single rooms for gentlemen or lady employed; congenla-home surroundings; excellent board; private family: Cabiny 6- VON VERSEN. 5111 Irge. warm south Tiom: excellent hoard: hot-water heat; rea-scnahle; Bell phone.

1 5) VON VERSEN. 611s. Warm southern ex posed room: hot-water heat: with board: 1 or 2 gentlemen: strictly modern: Drlvat home. Forest 82) WASHING! ON 4323 Delightful hot-water heated 2d-floor room: home com- forts: excellent meals: reasonable. WASHINGTON 37oi Neatly furnished rooms; steam heat, electric lights, free id.

one: with or without board: will be vacant Saturdays (7t WE.S'l MINSTER 3.S50 Large room beautifully furnished; tree phone: home every convenience: very reasonable. WESTMINSTER 3U44 Single and dou ble rooms, with good board: renned people: rates to employed. t4 WESTMINSTER 4257 Southern front room, newly decorated; all conveniences ot a private, modern home; heat, electric lignt: meals optional. WEST PINE 33;) 2d-fioor front, south room: nrst-class board. Linden tin.

14' WEST PINE HU. 3756 Room and board for couples or four gentlemen; elegant conven-lences: Bell phone 2335R. Ml WEST PINE 4132 Nicely furnished front rooms, with first-class board, hot- water heat and all modern conveniencea: $5 and up. (ni NORTH GRAND. 2410 N.

Front room, with board, for two; $4 each. Llndell 12C.C.R. Ml TWENTY-THIRD. 2M7 N. Large front room: 2 gentlemen; also side room; modern conveniences: board optional.

ROOMS WANTED POOMS Wtd. 2 front rooms, furnished; In West End. Call Olive 4462, (c) ROOM Wtd. Or two: light houseekeping with private family; give particulars. Box D-10H.

Post-Dispatch. ROOM Wtd. Reasonable, steam heat, gentleman: neighborhood Goodfellow and Sub-urban. Box D-50. Post-Dispatch.

(Ulj ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED ROOM AND BOARD With refined people; mother employed and son of 7: near school good care essential. Box D-85. ROOM AND BOARD Wtd. Bv lady employed, in refined private family; South Side preferred; state tenua. Box Post-Dispatch.

J4 ROOM AND BOARD Wtd. Refined gentleman, newcomer, wants nice, clean room on West Side where there are no other boarders; board optional. Box D-87. Post-Dtspatch. HOTELS ALCAZAR HOTEU S127 Locust 100 clean.

modern, steam-headed rooms. 75c a day. a week up. (c8 ilAKiU.NU, 4337 Beautiful rooms, newly decorated: 17 bathrooms: excellent meals, flist-class service. tc62i GARNI HOTEL.

Jefferson and Olive, eieo-trlc lights, steam heat, Iree bath; hotel urvl- Anilv. f.Or.. 75r Sit $3 weekly. lcll OLIVER HOTEL. 814 N.

Grand offers beautiful rooms, all modern conveniences, with nrst-class table board, at very reaaon-able rates (t'2) FIREPROOF SAN BO.MTA. 110 Spring: a homelike family hotel, offering service and cuisine of the best: beautifully furnished: baths and telephones In every room; convenient location to down-ewn. theaters and parks. (c58) THE LODGE Best furnished family hotel In city; ever room with bath and telephone: excellent table; send for booklet: transients accommodated; special rates to permanent guests; garage. Call Forest 43tK): Belt and Page tc8.

IJELWAY HOTEL Now Open King's highway and Delmar In the heart of the Great White Way; theaters, garder.s and parks within walking dlstanro, telephune and bath in every room; excellent safe service to the public: European and American plan, popular prices. Forest 7640 MRS. C. KLEIN. Prop.

Icfl2i BACHELOR QUARTERS ONLY PLACE OF ITS KIND IN CITY. I have mude a home for six gentlemen for eight years. Have taken a larger house and have three vacancies: a neautiiui Everything done for vour comfort: soft laun-drv and mending. Food carefully selected and properly prepared.

A private suite and large single room. $50 to $60 per month. Garage. References. Mrs.

M. Hinckley. 374 Mntlell M. Llndell 2314. (75) oiia aoaie.

toe uae. miiuman toe FLATS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FLAT Will give rent of 3 rooms, conven iences, to party for attending phones in owner absence. Box M-2. CHEAP RENT 1011 N. 20lh.

3 fins rooms. In perfect order $11 00 riWS Wash, nice 3-rm. flat, all fixed up a 00 lilts JN. lotn. 3 good rooms, with large yard 8 00 1S43 Riddle.

3 rooms, newly papered and painted 7 00 2000 Carr. 2 line, warm room. 3d fl. 5 ou All ot the above places open and reedy to move In; will start the rent on Dec. 20.

JOHN DOCKERY SON. 1025 Chestnut st. (c4, CENTRAL GARRISON. M48 N. Beautiful 2 -room flats: water, gas, toilet; so and ti.aj; open.

LOCUST. 2U32 3 large rooms, bath; newly decorated; $15. 162) MARKET. 1015 (opposite Union Statton)-Elegant storeroom, suitable for any business. Go and see It.

JOHN Meat EN AM I. A.Ml rl. 130 Grand av. cfl Three rooms: IflT HEFFERNAN. 705 hestnut st.

(rri) SOUTH ARCO. 4523 New; 4 and 5 rooms. AppiV I'll BLAINE. 3M2A-44 Three good rooms, bath. IlXlUIWa, I IT- IT IT7 Ul 1WU a 1 1 inu.

BOl ANICAL. Three and 4 room, oath. hot and cold water. (112. OKYER, 3 rooms and water; $10 50.

GiLr.a, 3537 New. three room and alcove liat. bath, e.ectrlc. near Rose Fannin? 8 hoot. (4 INDIANA, 2226A Beautiful 5 rooms and bath: will put in nrst-ciase rent to start Jan.

1. 1H16; $15 tx-r month; apply Theoilore liegenltardt. 3V1S California ic- tor 1 fl 15 -ii! LAFAYETTR -rootn fiat, hot-water heet. near uran.i LoNOr ELo VV. 1V22 6-room out.

Janitor service; et.n sv. aau carv c4l MISSISSIPPI. 1740A 3 large, light rooms. pea ly qecoistei. t.v, oi-t-u, 3 are tela, ele -rt' I'et wwn hut sie PARK.

4 rooms, hall room, l-ath. i range, BUSS EI.U 4i'X--3 roftiin, bath; tin. sHr.NANDOAH. 4Q42- -8 rooms, bsth; $15 SIDNEY, A rooms. batljltv eWAN, Three large, l.shl rooms.

bath, fixture, irmt eoai ei-. A. T. JOH SON, 22. I me ijMaranty VltrroR.

4 rooms, not-water neat, ha hth- combination nxturea: heat ana Janitor service furnished; all oonveaieacee, 27 5tV WloglNO, i434 5 rooms and bath; 1 rtMWth rent free to good tenant. (4j 7 U.i HOtl). Four rooms: newlv decorated; oeci.e out to see It: cheap rent. VEST APARTMENT Flad and Thurman: 4 rrvrca BAliTMER. 551 4 re.a.

bath, fureace: $gl TJaUIMER. rmm. bath, hot-water furnare; nr1ern Al r.ejs!on: 1 mnoth tree, aorblUN-ALIUEA. ru idMetauC HOSESB FLATS, ACCOUNTING AlATOITINO BOOKS Wtd. Set to keen, that will occupy from 1 to 3 days a week.

Box D-84. Post-Dispatch ATTORN YS AT LA ALL letal matters, damages and pension cases faithfully attended to; advice free. 1023 Chestnut Bt. LEGAL mai lots attended to; charges reasonable, experienced lawyer: advice free. Mo Chestnut suite 407.

(c8t CENiRAL LAW BUREAU. Chestnut suite 200: attends to ill legal matters, all courts: collections experienced attorneys; advice free. lc8l DANCING FIFTEEN-PIECE orchasera will play for tiancing at Dreamland tonight. tcj FREE uancina lessons every Wednesday evening. Gambrlnus Hall.

3628 Wlscon-sln; old and new dances taught fliiVAiK LESSONS, any hour; waltz, two-step; new danced, guaranteed: no failures, ol'lest school. lyol Lafavette (4) GRAND peanut party at Lafayette Hall, lsoo b. iMi). inursday evening, uec. 10; tree peanuts.

c4) STERLING'S HALL. Sarah and Mancnester: Wednesday, Saturdav and Sunday evenings. Gents, 35c; ladles, free (7) CASH prizes at Friendship League's Mas querade, Saturday evening, ec. its, at Lennox Hall. 4470 Eagtun.

15) Hut Ait. dancing -essons. 4415 Washington latest dances guaranteed In six lessons. Forest 4Mit). Mrs.

Miller. (c8i 1'KHAit. lessons at Cave inall. olive am 20th. every afternoon except Sundays.

Call or phone Central 1513 or Bomont icm I'RiVArh; uancinc par latest dance guaranteed In 4 private lessons. $3 Forest 4422 Delmar. ci CASH urize masquerade given by the management of Lafayette Hall. 1800 S. lMh Saturday eve.

Dec. lb: 6 cash prizes; souvenir to all; gents 25c. ladles 10c. tctll COMPTON HALL. Coinpton and Park classes Tuesday and Friday: parties Thursday and Sunday: special matlneeu every Sun-day afternoon.

Buchinann Dyer. (ctiox) I.Ar Al'ciTfc Dancing Academy. 1500 S. ISth st. Danctne Sunday afternoons an evening.

Lessons Tuesday and Thursda. enings Phone Sidney IS5. icM1 NEW CAVE HALL. Oli'-e ad 2th dancing Sunday afternoon and every evening except Monday: lessons Tuesday and Friday evenings. Ahern Ac Albera.

(c8i NAlloNAL Dancing Academy, 21st ar.i Olive; dancing iuesaay, Saturday ana sun-day evenings; private lessons every after-poon and evening. 11) CoX SCHOOL OF DANCING at Cinderella. private hall; class lessons yerv Tuesday and Tnui-slav night: telephone for private appointments. Lindcll Victor ftT5 (r8l DANCING clubs and societies, attention; rent Lenox Hall. 4470 Easton for your next dance or party; Wednesday evenings, $10; Monday or Friday.

$7.50. Phone Prof. Jennings. Delmar 3247X. (7) DANCiNG properly taught at Dreamland: class lessons every night: private instructions any hour; special rate to ladles; select dancing every Wednesday.

Friday. Sat-uninv. Sunday. Phone Llndell 4358. (c8i WE1NTRAUB Dancing Academy.

1412 Grand a v. receptions every Saturday evening. Sunday afternoon and evening; lesson nights every Tuesday and Friday evening; private lessons bv appointment; hall tor rent for all occasions. (71 DETECTIVES DETECTIVE Expert, does shadowing and investigating; references. U28 Victoria Bldg.

Phone Bell Olive 8650, (c5) DETECTIVE Doea shadowing and investigating; locates mlasiag people; absolute secrecy; consultitio.t free. 3H78 Finney av. Phone Bell Llndell 5102. Klnloch Dalmar 3744X. (81 DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ALL kinds of crochet work made to order; call Sunday or write.

4217 Schiller pi. THEATRICAL AMATEURS Wtd. 3 cash prizes, Friday night. Grupe'8 Cafe. 530O Easton.

(5) AMATEUR CARBARET SINGERS Wtd. Tonight; 3 cash prizes; Dec. lti. Sheridan House, 2801 Franklin av. CHURCHES, schools, lodges and families can rent Santa Claus costumeB.

Robert Schmidt, the costumer. 4th at Elm. Olive ti82. Central 4003L. (c8) COMBINATION singer and player, experienced, would like position In cafe.

St. Clair 1034R. GENERAL BUSINESS MAN And chorus girls with voices. Call Forest 4880W. 4474 Evans.

(5) 1. EARS' Theater Supply 509 Chestnut. for seats and picture machines of all kinds (5) PIANIST 'Attractive lady pianist, experienced in moving picture work: also operator, with his own machine; long, pleasant engagement. Address Capt. W.

D. Ament. Elite. 1 heater. Meridian.

Miss. y5) SANTA CLAUS COSTUMES Gtt tnese from M. J. Clarke. 521 Walnut t.

Bell Main 1 101 cfl2l SINGER singer, singer cashier combined. Miss Boyd. Forest 5430 (92) SKETCH Wtd. Or vaudeville act, for man and woman; cheap. Box Y-104.

Solid ovate. 10c per line, excevt rooms for rent, rooms and board. 1irnt tiro lines lac: extra tine. 8c: room agencies. ic line.

SOUTH South of Chouteau avenue-Forest Park; N0KTH North 0 Cass-tlaston avenues; CENTRAL Levee to Qrand, Chouteau to Cass-Easton: WEST Grand to city limits, Chouteau avenue-Forest Park to Cass-Easton. ROOMS FOR RENT CITY MISCELLANEOUS ROOMS Large. nicely furnlBhed. steam-healed rooms; gas range, electricity, sink; $0. Lindell 4.I04W.

ROOM Large front room, with kitchen; hot water: steam heated: no other roomers; call after (J p. Cabany 2l'34M. CENTRAL BELL, 302S Unfurnished front room; second floor; bath, gas privilege: Christians preferred: $0 monthly t5l CHOUTEAU. 175i Nice furnished rooms: also for light housekeeping. EASTON.

Slot) Furnished rooms; gas. electric, phone; all conveniences; $2 up; see them. (5 I 'RAN KLIN. 817 Housekeeping room: handiest location downtown, walking distance to the largest stores. (5) GARRISON, 020A N.

Lovely front room, steam heat and electric: young lady pre- erred: privileges; Bomont 1 l.iR. LACLEDE, 3436 Second floor front roo-n, housekeeping or sleeping; also small room. 3547 Large, excellent heated housekeeping rooms, kitchenette, gas; Bell phone, running water; $2.50 week. (4) L1NDELL. 3528 Small room, large front room, owner's home.

Ojj LIN DELL, 3520 Handsomely furnished rooms, electric lights, continuous hot water. free phone; owner's home. (61 LOCUST, 2321 Light housekeeping rooms, one hall room. phone; also heat. LOCUST.

2020 Homelike front and small room; housekeeping or gentlemen; good lo- catlon: reasonaDie. LOCUST. 3127 Nicely furnished steam-heat-d housekeeping suites, ga range, elec- trlc light, continuous hot water. tp LOCUST. S127 Modern steam-heated rooms.

75c day. $3 week: also rooms with private bath (1 l.l'CAS. 3521 Furnished. 2 rooms, house keeping: steam heat, electric light, running water- free Hell $5. 14: MORGAN.

ai and connect-tng rooms; neatly furnished: gas: $2. PINE. 1525 Large front room, with heal. electricity and not water; tor gentlemen. I4 THIRTEENTH, 1107 3 rooms, bath and gas; only fio; reaucea.

SOUTH GEYER. 27.13 Two connecting light house- kerplng rooms; gs. bath. GRAND, 1452 S. Two nicely furnished noma, It or without nousekeeping.

LAFAYETTE, 2 nice front basem*nt rooms; tig'' nouseweeping: per wees. l.AEAYETIE. 2rti Large front housekeep-tng room; gaa range, use of sewing tna- thine; 3 LA Ml. 1H03 Nice furnished room with bath; $1 00 MISSOURI. 17311 Two large.

connecting rooms, for light housekeeping: gaa. bath, fumst-a heat; private family: washing In-rl-ideX PARK. 2fi3i Nicely furnished front room. furnace heat, both phones; 3 gentlemen. 1 2 week.

(5i RUUiER. 1102 Nicely furnished room, gaa, bath, heat: clean bed: reasonable. iV liUTiiER. 1111 Housekeeping ruoma, second floor; gaa. bath, hot water, linens: OS) Wll ITT MORE 23423 large connect-Ing, unfurnished r-wniai aluk.

bath. Unlet, Siueeia. lauodxjrj evlult AM tKwXr. m-horeopewer. $erl alee net d.

r. and a. c. motvs up Sa-neree-ruteer, sale or reat. We 40 wiring, n4 taui.

Acme JklewUle Co aw aiV-et, ex. V0.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.