Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

14C ST. PETERSBURG TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1990 441, Articles For Sale 441. Article! For Sale 441. Articles For Sale 441. Article For Sale 1 441.

Article! For Sale 441. Article! For Sale 441, Article For Sale 441, Article! For Sale 1441, Articles For Sale 441. ArtldM For Salt Merchandise goes FAST in To sell Cost for Each Items priced 3 lines 10 days additional line Up to $99 $9.00 $3.00 $15.00 $5.00 $501 $27.00 $9.00 These rates apply to non-commercial private party advertisers only. Price must be included in ad. Only one item per ad on items priced $99 or less and $500 or more.

No reduction In rates for early cancellation. Some classifications do not qualify. Classified! Call Today! 894-1IH4H 444. Furniture, Household Goods 441. Articles For Salt W.

Articles For Salt 441 Furniture, Household Goods FurRiture, Household Goods 42Uutiqim Collertibltt Appliances 'i BicyclM Jmlry a Pen $100 LAWN f-UKNIIUMt, 7 piece, heavy WATERBE0 King, odrawer pedestal, REFRIGERATOR BOOKCASE MALL, UNIT Walnut, 5U66. bar desk, $450 Oood. TOafclHiLf KIT WAltKotO pre wlei Frigidon, FF, 6f 5" high, 32'1 url $100 I0 N) olvocodo color. paaaea rails, ritHxd l.ahts $200. 367 5464 weioht el 150 446 3617 i eoe tunru 867 8240 eves uTy wirn covers JUU.

397 6257 LIVING RM 2 sofas. 2 chairs A A fa reos. A ihoH Are Chomp Cf A WjV PMli. mcee. Creom.

1 1 wtiorTt op. BUFFET Chippendale, solid mattog-any excel 7 5 hippendule bles $250 WaH Unit coffee to- $4800. only $1350. (21 eauipped King canopy mirror headboard, 6 drawer ped. Wavelet.

$680 firm 526 7755 lve mvg wets old ARC Ctvwnreon bred 1st lih lai al I 50 gal ilOO J5 ai ble $250 360 7938 for appt LIVING RM SET 3 n.ece French Prav seoetorchest US. JV JiU lUNK BED 3 wov ma ft. ess Ethan $150 Col 57 2 5024 RAlCKDtU hina headboord mirror, light heoterwaveleu, WELL PUMP Alien $250. co*ck I oil fable end excel, cond $200 Mohogany cre- MtCRLACI Custom moot, ligure n. I4AI.

17 giomt. 1200. Cot 73d 67 1 5 or leo.e msa MRO! M0Ar 14RT old cot-lorn mod. 23 3 qmt BO Ol 2 long Coil 1 1 200 specific. 1450 V.n.r..497 3424 IIUC Mint Roles I8R d.omond total 2 cl Prd 17800 sen loi Jo 500 I 845 3 1 57 oiler 5 IOcCX "8 fSetioentiot doy dolt edition, lik now tot rocwpH A oM knfct.

Nw 112 250 locritic. 18O00 Col Mr. Gbbont Work 41 3335, Mom. 942 4689 lOCrTXrneni President I8R diamond aeiilOjJIUU rj4 Jfl alt VI ticei cona 3 J. ooo-Oj AATERdED king.

Land toft 3 4 hp, Sear Bed. never utd, Ounedtn 733-1859 WOOD LATHE 12 Cralttman $160 Rod in wrim P205 7511 1 5 $40 tide waveless w7 neater, eticetsent LIVING RM SUITi Italian custom made. French Prov. Blond wood wpink fobric, 2-tier glass coffee tablematching ends. Total orig cost $20K.

Used I yr, stored cond 797-2324 eves Water bed Kina, oval mirror head' CARPET orientol, beautiful Vll. eJ5 Deep red block A cream deign, ecel cond 393 5125 CARPET -UNCLAIMED 100 rolh Sfoinmoilrrr Carpl jotl in 24 rolort. $9 95iqyd InilalWdl Fr 1-8U0 749 74U4 Cash register navoi MorM ER 145. Mcoolortl condilion 195 447 5311 CEILING FAN Htrmmon Wood wanliqu broil. 5 vr in carlon nr ud 132 82 1-5386 CHAIR Papaon r.cl S40 Polio Umbrlla la, hk nw 540.

Col 546 5714 (HlLDSENi CABS Joop 1 botl.iy oporotnd Good cond. 1125 orh 347 2594 Christmas T6EE ing. Hat ovr 150 hllhr lighli. S75. Ctrl 391-2691 CRIB Matlratt.

compl.l. Carl-lnl condilion 175 Col 527-6870 REFRluERATOR frost l.ee 21 if. $200. Range. seH-cleon, SI 20.

Both while, Kenmore, very good cond Col 525 6452 REFRICERATOR futi FF $199, 10 to pick Irons. Guar ft D.I. Olhrrrs from $99. American Appl Sate ft Seivice 4607 49 SI 577 3854 REFRIGERATOR E. FROST FREE LIKE NEW 195 DELIVERED FREE 2 YEAR SERVICE POLICY 5205 Hoine Rd.

Appl 521-3747 REFRIGERATOR old. but quiet, sacrifice $25 (ad cosl). 3914164 REFRIGERATOxTgE. whit, side side, icemaker, water disrMnssrr. $275 573 9664 REFRIGERATOR Knmor, IB cu.ft.

Tnlur. ham cycl $80 726 9248 tobies, heavy wood lOU Ethon Allen Dresser $50 526551 BUNK BED Red, tubukw steel, attachable desk and book shell, ecel. cond. $300 734 3347 Canopy beds tw.n m. compi, while.

$150 'both. Oueen site, romp! $50 866 1462 offer 5pm CHAIR Ovorsued Very comfortable! $y9obo. 442-6753 2nd shot WlU tOti) GokMo A aiC I p. Old. 350.

Col yn mi? WELSH COM oc. In chomp bloooW. 3O0 3SO lnli.no deooutS V7 4913 IftSTHiiHunD terrier w. AUC. I -eel ld.

lmoAs. I mote TO4375700 EST PUPWtJ ARC. loeino. -pouts (or Crwittmo 1250 motet, i300 lnotot442 7587 TOUUlf wk. 2 to ARC, 13 4 21 .1 loo ouoity.

1600 CANNONOALEbioil UH, touk, Movk, Compy, Shimono 600 Vary iloon 1700obo, 8V4 5522 RAlEiSH 1229 SUNCOASI CYCLE 7301 US I9N Pm Pk 525 0154 TXkl Vititot. odull 3 wrtir. tm' gl ipd, 1 largo roar bmkt, croon ccind 175 obo 343 5883 15 SPEE6 Sihw.nn Olymptan 10 tpd Crmturion Accordo. lik nw 1275 to. boln OBO X-963 1 567 HARO SPORT cuilom Iro ilyl BMX.

vary good cundit.on. 1190. CoB oliar 5pm, 785768 IlKE Gionl 16 ipod Ptol.ttionat b.k. look! lik now. Ong Coll 1900 Avk.na 1295 392 0013 TKi shelit Flyer ad.

Ilk now Sfwmgoi lionl. Morn tank 1595 5V6 6758 FREE SPlfilf Mnt 26 10 HCIUnl condilion. 175. Cul 7. 1248 FUJI Spouts 10 good con- d.i.on 189 Col 733 6838 board, 6 drawer pedestal, temJ T0DD THEATER FILMS XXX CARILLON ORIENTAL RUGS, INC WE BUY OlD RUGS 442 9538 CHASSAAO RUG GALLERY UedOr.entalriiatwtH 82? 3748 WANTED ANTlOUEt, JEWELRY, t.fr, cotni AitytKmu old or interetng Top Coihi CrJfGto.tny 585 1567 116 TOP FLEA MARKET Flo moil modern morhet fowler Awe cf Jmpo(813j986 4004 VANlfV Mahooony, with Moot, or-note, excel cond, Step ta-blv 736 6715 BOOKCAiE DESK ook, oood co.d.

IV.iUO Motile bodroom ket. vonity, bd SOO 521-2061. Olympic medal who udKOw OlrpK. Canoeing with certiorate 450O0, obo 360 2009 BED Solid Cher.y Firm. Bedfmg eitra MQ Cash pleat.

Coll 345 7132. China Cabinet s'oiiJ dork wood -n ouod condition. S600. Coll 866-146? otter 5(irn (VOftY COLLECTION VERY RABE quality lor mm i out tollectori waveiest. 3Qobo.

340 JUO WATERBED King. Semi wavelesi, Shelved, mirrored, Itahted heod- o. iu.uuu or accepting otter. lv Msg 345 8980 LIVING ROOM: Love teati, Schumacher fabric, excellent condition, $300 obo CaH 576-2642 beie. diamond real h.ddon 7 000 XXX TAPES for RentSale 13417 Nebraska 75 Fletcher board Great cond.

$300. CaH 544 0B81 lye msg. clotp Approi.d 120 000 tti.300. I 845-5137 IU' llUS 101 cl odiomondt WATERBED King sue, 8 drawer pedestal, mirrored headboord, I I4kl hvr worn. Appraised LIVING ROOM SET Sola bed, me, loveseat.

La-! -Boy chair, beige, l.k. brand new, $490 392 0013 LOVESEAT leather $150, Dbl jv I 058 I 125O0 socrilice 1500 541.7676 yr old $750. 734-2221 after 5 1-971-0007 Tampa Videos xxx Rem soi. puss*CAT THEATER 536-7367 14100 66th St torga BLUE GAR I 321 9875 2744 Central St Pete puss*CA1 II 942 4587 I vr old. While.

$350. IUIV tiNC Too cluster. 3 clt VMKlf AKC. ikon, 3 month, mots, block 4 roll, too A accessories os-orl Mull Hi, 3257 WATERBED King oak, bookcase headboard with mirror, lightt shelf. 6 drawers.

$475 393 7433 V34-3 diamondt Nsver worn. Appraised mattress, uphoi platform, I3U. Din table 30x30 $35 822 2288 REFRIGERATOR Kenmore Almond. 122O0 Socr lKt 1595 347 1501 321 5S14 LOVESEATS (2) matchingT tropica. TExtMS IR1T 8 5 ct TW Setae! WATERBED Kina.

waveless. 39468 US 19 SPRINGS wood headboard with bookcases, print, loose pillows, 19 for both. Cat! 867-6750. roby A diamondt Exqumte Sornlice 15 5O0 004 795 1472 $450 725-4066. KHWIN SPRINT- Mn 10 ipo.d.

good condition 150. 544.7915 MATTRESS A Box spring 5 leg frame THE UlTlMATr GET l7 Cftl Bassinets Cradles, Cat Seats, Strollers, Toys, Clothe. We buy, sell trade Dir. 539-7640. DEHUMIDIFIED Very good condition.

$50. CaH 536-2614 HATERBElT A mattress heater. 442, Medical Supplies $500000. Can 578 9592 otily 44 Ho JO Diamond VVS-1. Independently appraised 1161.518- Special a is yr, warraniy incl.

deaiy, Oueen 22 months old. Excellent cond $275neao 531-8853 ELECTRIC SCOOTERS, Voriou 8. and LAMP hanging 16" long Gr Bl gfoif WATERBED Oueen, drawer base, prK al 1V4K. on et no briaht, it prettiest gornl wl hay ever MATTRESS i BOXSPRINtTTw.n siieT $700 1 Up 17 Tear Sale i. Service.

Free Home Demo HIS i Hun Good condition. 180 tor pr. 576 2543 (ICVClES" 2 Molfy. 26" 3 morn 163, lodt.i 125 541. 4850 CHAIR Provincial style.

New upholstery Pale green. $50. Coll 525-8000 CHAIRS 2 Arm chairs. $40 both. I undie bedr set 36 39 mc table, twin $100 Mattresses (2) twin $30 each.

787J323 CHAIRS 2 twivel rockers, 1 ton, 1 light green. Both like new. $1 50obo. 585 B419 CHAIRS modern 2 ret liners, small fable and lamp, (350 ai a set. 397-6257 CHEST 5 drawers, newly refinished, good condition, $75.

Coll 531-6684 CHEST on chest, 7 drawer, olid mo-pie, excellent. $200. Lamp $15. lingerie chest $45. 5267336 CrilNA CABINET beoutiful, solid oak, excel, cond.

Reg. $950, sacrifice $100 terrific buy 904-688-8349 COFFEE TABLE Rattan with gloss top A matching end tablet, $150. Coll aftet 6j)m 327 9590 COFFEE TABLE roundTSO. 2 Etageret $50. Chrome kitchen d.netfe set $175.

531-5411 hlr, mattrett, like new $175, 725 4454 temble, grape. J60 VBSl eve toon. A vary rare lomon yoAow Excellent condition. 125. 796 9215 REFRIGERATOR Kenmore.

while. 19 cu II, Sid. by side, iimol.J I7i 866 6248 REFRIGERATOR Sears. 22 cu ft, sidexside, ff, icemaker, 1 yr. lik new $250 725-4454 REFRIGERATOR lid.

by Ice water in door, almond, excel cond $495 528 0777. 595 0348 REFRIGERATOR Word. 22 cu side by watr ft ice on door. $1250 new, $250 obo. 791-4762.

REFRIGERATOR whirlpool, 25.4cl, side by side, blk alas front, ice water diio IBmo $825 392-1 105 Sterns Foster, excel cond, $35. Call 398-7501 Mobility Plu 530-7905 color Bvaoct. only 726-5550. WATERBED queen site, complete, HATCH" Locke, solid gold noggol. VORklE AUC.

tiny loo cgp, lemole puppy Absolutely precious. $499 to 726 2887 VORKil Pop, liny, chompKX) bock ground, oreot tor Chriltmo 5lotx.ro S45 596 3323 puppiCaiic. cute. oy with oooWt ol cool 1350. Shol I 52IJ849 VoemJ pups Vkc, hoi.

porem patrol Very ooorobHll S700 lornpo 989 3324 ARC, ery liny. I I lemole. Wfc 1450 ft op Col 55 272 VOSkSTHHf "TtBUieR lOwks, mote, ARC registered. Excellent blood lino 1350 BI3 383 8130 VORIlSII.RE TERRlER FUrtiitTARc: ooniModiog, 1325 .485. oak frame, headboard, 6 drawer t.nn 701.0A7.4 MATTRESS FACTORY OUTLET Mattresses from $8 00 821-5803 or 586-0065 never worn, oeixo movement, 147 7891206 or 460-0008 WATERBED Oueen tiie, wooden WATCrTRolex.

'50 Oytlor Dot. SS bookcase headboard, toft roils on MATTRESS HotelMotel $30 Set Oyster Bond. Porlocl. 430tirm. eoch de.

$50. Call 898-5500 0JEBTAS mnt. 10 tpd. 21" from. alloy crank, II wignt.

Grrrat cond, 175 Col RUfFf 241 girlt 10 tpd, pink. xca8ant condttton 145. 391 4267 mSUNTAlN IlKf 26 inch, mon'l 10 tpd. Columbia. Slitt in bon.

ton 82 I li JO MA I IKt-55 FACICJKY OUUtT 6485 PARK BLVD. 541-1209 WATERBED- queentiie, wavelet! DUCK DECOYS Wood, from Mary-lond Mich 2 at W5o 4 at S65 eo 345 8194 or 32 1 283 LANTERNS Old Diets col-tec lion. 15 each. Coll 894 6719 MOROCCAN RUtt 6 5 4 4 5 3 5" 1 00 '-Hi wool, geometric de.ign. 1500 ft botrv 942-6208 BENCHES- Si Petersburg g.een, reprodoctiom, S300 Better than Colt 8 5 9663 PRECIOUS MOMENT'S I989orcela.n Chritlmo.

Ball, with ifand, S75. Call 443 5963. ftlTCH I9LEK Mont Thondoibird. mattrett, excel, cond, $150bett MURPHY-WALL BED (SKoTSealy REFRIGERATOR offer 442-7076 bOll H0U5E13 rcwim, Victorian style, with furniture. Must see.

$400 522 5555 leave message DOLL HOUSE Handmade. Mly electric. $175 fm. Call 797 9)51 A PK3'9d7TE eltenTTond Beige, heavy antique satin $50. 546 6993 leave mrmogiv Drapes, lamps 4 ClOTNing Thrifts Gift 5631 7QAve P.

Pk. DRAPES lined, dark areen0old print. 2pr, 150.8 520, pr. Whilegold-leaf, 9284 4.B.84 j5221B9.m 0rtAPfS lite green, decorator track rod 82" long. 2 panel 4o" wide, excel, $150 577-7369 alter 6pm FnCyCLOpedia blCTlSNAOr SET in SPANISH.

Illutlrated. unued. iWlobq. Call tnre'i: 343-5819 HNCe- Chain link. 100'.

poV. rail. WATERBED ROOM SET 1 year old, lullMZ. mottrbOK prtng(, II oak color rob 130 799 4862 orl 800.288.7758 CART Sierra 441 wballery charger A bakl like new. Purchaed 2'I4 89 $1600.

726-9248 LIFT CHAIR alia recline, all electric' never ued, ha warranty. $500. 391 9998 HOSPITAL BE6 Complete 3 way elec. $350 Wheelchair camp. $125 Can deliver 442-1890 I WHEEL ELEC cooter Lark, 2 bal- tene, powerful, like new.

Save 50 $1400 367 7809 HEW i USED SCOOTERS. Many model avail a low Call Source I 392 4261 orj 800-346 00 10 WHEELCHAIR" EvereWjenn.ng wloolreit. foldt. excellent cond. $200 Call alter 5.

864 3991 IB kl SS, bark limth. liko now bo, 11500 799 26B6 DHIttrtoLEritC- Soil. Trod Crlilid ropairt. Diomond Oaih A Boioll cream color wgold trim. Mult 1 1 50 527 9307 NEW, FAMILY SI7E FROST FREE WHITE OR COLORS $250 DEL'D FREE 2-YEAR SERVICE POLICY 5205 Hoine Rd.

Aool. 521 3747 ORIENTAL DUO friian (hom*odnn) tell. $500. 725-5174 Handwovvrt 1 1 Jul clond. 1 TW KT.

oaqo WATERBED SotHide, King, metal 214 Can. Tompo. 2211053 REFRIGERATOR "while, 6mo old. COUCH $30. Swivel Rockers, 3 at VODRSMIBE TlRUlfS poppwt.

ARC, born 9, 26. 3M A 2F, (bolt, vol LadiES sikE k.i. wall nri. bk nw. Paid 1150; S.U 175 381-4185 HUffY Sor.it 6 ip di.

lik now 165 ach. 447 53 1 1 frame, excel, cond. $450. 733 3077 PATIO FURNITURE Real wrouahi nJOLUTTtfT $400. Cat 521-1133.

$25 each. 2 End tables $15each. 581-7641 PRINCESS OIANAB. id Doll Donbury WATERBED to ft tided aueen irori. 19 piece.

.1,200. Call 822 6699 Mint, IVWB ilOKJ OO OIOV REFRIGERATORS Admiral, sid. by COUCH-3 pc sectional 2 ends rattan cottee table BU; rattan ck 1350 A op 784 6V mtli toOfi HOME odorobt. A playful, makH A tomaktt, Poinlor thrphord 308-2720 PIT bHUUrr 10 smokey sid. $300 Whirlpool, freeier on end tablet $65 ea.

526-0398 arms, curved center. Overall nnmiM 15' wh.t. $295 867-7661 IVORY NHuli colleclion, arliit $300; lola tleeper, lull tiz. browr, $100 Call 585-7443 WATERBED waveiest tofts.de, NO ONE PAYS MORE BA7 0789 Dtf. ami YiTjnrwTLEft.

41i pre owned ROlEX wale he, 1 708: SDaie Mobry 253-2164 (AMftDrtvefi'loWef Ira wrut watch. Ootd or piatinwm 585-0423 top $50 581-7641 REFRIGERATORS" FF. oil color! COUCH" 8 W', cut velour, couch t.gnd, 14 cfioic pet, 535 ooch. 541 7676 WHEELCHAIR $200. Walker RATTAN 5 pc livina room et 3 ta tiie, good condition, i00.

Call 821-4963 $99uo 527 09 894-5445 Dk chair, excellent cond. Reduced 3S1 Fet Supplies ROCKWELL FIGURINES i PLATETT2 Die. Like New! yuu or Dit BiANCHl Racing, all campy Cat-y. look podolt. 56 cm 1695ollar.

Coll 344 3325 or 372 5240. USED liKETThoap. ovorlockd JcKki 7533 46th Ay N. 3413873 llE RACK? Bool mount truck mount EHcllnt condition. 175.

Col 596-6758 REFRIGERATORS Iron 1 39, Ranges WATERBED Wooden, new mattrett, i IOV1 JOO U0 IU CUT $109 360 I oner 3orJO cop tie. File cabinets (2i $75.: price Must sell $175525-7218 COUCH brown plush 1 70. Love Seat plaim. l2founn. $1200 or will tr-or-rol 734 2244 or Iv mta.

$200. Dutch coffee endtabtet. each. Che! WHE HAIR 2 ver est jenning ookon from I IV. Keouilt a.

immac. CLASS APPLIANCE CENTERS RATTAH Entertoinmenl ctr, SI 50. $75 CaH aft 5 wkdavt 345 31 14 blue floral, $87. Organ $160. All lank Gkm lop A kgntl lAOOobo LIMOGES CHINA circa 1848 60 35 24" wide, $500both.

393-9057 Loveteal wmatcliing picture, $150 Call 546-1628 wicker couch, 2 1, 4 tobtei, a ei cona i.afl 3BOOiuo 1l Sporting Goods largo 585 8853-Sl Pele 526-6700 STOVE GE. excel cond. whit. 577-50V2 pc. Mull l.

S350 OBO. 904) COUCH i CHAIR Country wing. CONCENTRATOR Puritan Bennett No. yrt old, newly upholstered, excel RATTAN SET 4 p.c. 56 5UV5 AOUAIIUM 20 gal.

hood Hand, trmrrt. EncoHonl cond 19 cona vju yu uju uaetta ceromk cooking $190 obo od $750 L5.lv 522-9010 Excellent condition. I 3. 536-4120 CZECH CHINA beautiful svt for 10 492, commode folding walker $600 firm. 381-0555 Uork blu.

w.tn print, lik rtv. a Crafts Hobbies sicRiFictausTjEccr wmatching dek chair. $100. Dinting table $50 8221424 FIREWOOD A truck load, teaioned. iplit del.

Oak $100 Mi $100. $100540834, 526 7882 FIREWOOD oil eaon hardwood. split, deliv. Mocked $75 lac coid or 525-5285 FIREWOOD loccord. aoned pkt.

Ali 4pm A wkfidl 3V7 0207 5U JVJ-4JJ vino rxs ho btrds. 1925 STOVF Hotpoinl. excel $125. EUoont Furn. A Accett in Bldr' COUCH Country style, mouve baige PACER Deluxe 3 Wheel Scooter, RECLlHER $25.

Solo 125; Call at $480. others 822 8782 oo-o i so Model: 3 pc. coffee ends $250, 3id, )JUU. Mngie waierDea, rtraw-rt $100 596-5550 incl. battery chorger.

$1200 best oMer. Coll 585-2147 JUKE BOX Wurinier 1958 marble lab 110; End labl. 110. Cheit. ol drawer $25 Call 544 8273 Buting Electric trains: i.oni i Amoricon Flyov Top 1' 522-6559 CAROUSELHOtSES Hand pa.nlrrd I Soto 0.

lb worm ell IU. SAfflER DRVERllTS, Freeier $7, 5 oc. barm set $400. Bat COlCH LOVESEAT CHAIR name 2204 50 60 records, client condition. 1600.

596 6758 TEN 2 UNIT Like new condition, ask RECLMER CHAIRS (2). $15 i $10 sett din. rm set, woH units, BroyhiN ing $300 or best offer. CaH Hange $VU. Al good Condition.

546 8462 small. I25 I Larg. IV3. G'al for Chriitmai. 1-988 8764 brand, unused, in wrapper.

Ret $1295. Must sell1 $295 443 5491 Dirrette t. 42 $20. End BALLY Slot Machine, Quarters, On bdrmt, dinette tet, GrandfoK 585 2147 tgUltlUM 30 goUoni, compwi. wirh occottorioi, tland A fill).

1125, obo CoJ 593 0989 AOUASIUM 30Gal. wood coblnol tland. UG frrfor. lop. kghl.

backdrop pwr hood 1120 442-2337 ISUliiUM 70 golan torlwalor lank wwood liana Powor hoodl A (aiw 1250OOO 577 5092 iOUABIuM Eiolic 110 gol an woodon cobinol tland w'aB FIREARMS NOTICE TO FIREARM ADVERTISERS: Handgun adverlrMng horn private par tie. not acceptable for pub-bcatton tf the St. Peter tburg Timet. Likewise, odvetrkg for OutomotK weopont ol ony kind and any omer Itreormt lor war ore not acceptable ammKampi5 JurplO? The Army Navy Store 5448004 $5 Call 384 3779 Ecel. cond.

good gift for person ther clock, lamps. 7 WASHERDRYER Admiral 20b cap WEMEL TOOL 3000 to 30 ,000 PM COUCH perfect cond $100. 2 Chairs delivery, jtach 4LJCJ-cu4 Firewood for Sale 4.8. pit oak, 565 deliver904-344 2696 FIREWOOD Seaon wood, lace cord Soli! Hacked del $75 867 5694 RECLINED 1 2 60T. eortt, lone T)17 11.1 70A Jill rii washer.

Wards USD cap dryer. everything' JUU p4IOOJO rTAINEO (JLASS WINDOiV 4 Door. wttand atiorhmantt. Nvr uurd 170 Col 397-6200 $35 each. Medit'rn style Decorative stairway $20.

397-3137 OUATiTYUSED F'URNlTURE color, good condttton, 1100. Call 791 9674. Both good cond $2UU. JV2-JIJ Its Washer wver apartirrent sii. HOSPITAL' BED Twin.

aduttabl. used only 2 months. Asking $400 best ode. CaH 585 2147 ELECTRIC JCOOTEfi LlErTheu: For outide ol outomobil. Lik new 1895 596-2030 ST KSaT-27 Croll Tunn.1 COUCrTw Mot thing Loveseat, Floral European, circa 1920 50 each RI1 Huge Savings on LR, BR UK 15 OFF WITH THIS AD1 sas iter 24" wKilety valve.

RECllNER rattan, toft earth tone, hap. $200 wiR Never ued. HuB w3 5cc outboard turbo Cup. ac cond Mutt to Com- BrovhiH Furniture Rentals Soles print, coord swivel rockers, oood cond $l90obo. 535 2504 50LLTi2 Jason Matthew, by Yo- eueHenl condition.

1130. CaH 586 1697 occrnt mcl coral 1725 581-7579 )698 34th St North 323-3434 separate 86-154 WASHER ORTER apt site. 2 yrs old. DAY BED American mode brass, on TENS UNIT Complete kit. incl.

cove" landa BeHo. Chri.tmas special' SI 300 voice-both $900 360 6650 BAU.T HtALIrl U.UB at (OCKER, iWIVETTa77 green AOUASIUMt 2) lOgoton. plot, urtup 1495. obo. 336-0928 Si Boat 4 cc got piwrd.

one 5'. $350 all Or $125 ea. Excel. battery charger, podt tro $200OBO. 536-0583 ollor or ksov moo good at al trantloraoro.

compwlt Ml-op 15,1 Elegance II mattress, ensemble included $200. 1-938 7035 DOiLS Modome Aleicwtder 6." 12" i Mtfdundist Wanted battery. (19? 787-0533 Col 791.7221 cond 585 3375 '596 8757 1500 $3 Kuit kjiy Boy rocker rrKliner 1200. RCA 19 inch color 398 2629 rody to rac, cllni cond S300 I B47 I747 WASHER ORYES Coin operated. DAYBEO White Brass with 2 or SRAHOFATHER'S CLOCK Howard WHEELCHAIR Folding.

$200. Adiutl. Little Womon S400 set Story book $35 Scarlet 445 447-5827 B1LLIARDTaBL 3 bol STJOAfT long PTI09. -Moytog $I00D Hibish $150. CoH 522 4741 ...1 POLL TOP DESK Ook, never ued.

Miller. Need weights. Good cond. $1000 obo. Lv Msa.

345-8980 DtjLLS Kestner no 146. German, tOUItiUMS 2- 30 (tatont. wmotal tlondt. grovol. trwAt A imdor- groond lilior HOP 536-7668 SUAHiUMf 33 gaton wiland.

thopedic mattresses pop up trundle, unused. ttiH boxed Cost $800 Sell $285 1-933-3686 6W or bott Ottr. 528 0834 $300 Maple Oreer. pamtMl an WASHER DRyIR ExceHenl condition" billiard tobl. Mint condition.

l90pCol 371 3429 Saraiola FLAflTRWDEfllFLE Tharnpion Contor 54 col. Hawkm, novar Irrod REATER 50 gallon oil with "tank, signed body. 28 inch, J900 813 787 4515 PAYING TOP DOLLAR Antiques, Furniture Estate! CoH 24 hrt Deoter tique. Jo.tJ4, 13U. JV3-3I2.

WLL-TOP DESK" DESK, FILE, RETURN Compute, Cabi RClt To many trot to lilt Cott tor A fith 1150 CoB WiH separate. $225. Con cMvrjr. 581 3193 B1U, Kreway bpoce. good condition.

$75 526-7387 oaorpmonl 521-3671 dotailt. 1630 obo 585-2499 net. White tecnlm. CaH 823-1008 solid oak, 54.28, $5O0. Call 796 5030 WASHES OR YER Ful siie heavy duty walker S50.

Ouod cane S25 Bet oiler OK Lv. mg. 894-4130 HOSPITAL IED Complete with overhead lilt $300. call 345 4308 TENS UrtirSpecTrum Max S0With battery charger. Good condition J200 Coll 345-6JU8 ADJUSTABLE BEDS together make queen use With control S2.500 value lor S900obo.

347-5441. riEAfER Oearborn nntorol gas. 30K tiRD CAOE largo wrooghl iron, wilh wfMjoh. 1100 2 difloronl porcKrrt LARGE WALNUT dresser S195. Ook buMet $175.

Small oak chest drawers $95 345-6852 ANTIQUE OAK BED $400. 577 0336 all Day TRAIN SET Complel loyaul. 6 ng. DESK oak, good condition, whit $250 do. 546 7396 SECTIONAL 3 piece.

Lone Venlur. BIU Hunter fan 54" $50 flothe.cel. 525 6166 BOOT TON! MIH.T1 CYM Row ng machine. r4ew SU9. Utahrly utd U9 50 Co 535-4802 (WWNfilWEBi Cannon, eiectr.c.

eke new, 446-0749 9 oocn Jo I -Q8B8 15 twilcnm. HU. 4U carl JUUU Worlh Sol 5500 596 7931 5 drawers. $60. 526 9851 after 5om.

rottan, convot, good condilion. 5500 CaH 937-31 18 tASHERDRVIR good $150 JEWELER'S BENCH Solid maple, like IlD CAuf STlara. 1125 2 TRAINS LGB naini cor! poir. 2 cil lanl wlighl $65 DINETTE 4 chairs, $70. $55.

Dinette new, $125. Call 733-8840 175 I tmaB 150. 1 Ornomonld SECTIONAL 5 pc, with doubt, bed CASH For Anliciu. Apple. PEAco*ck'S 535-7887 Hm 538 9328 TOOLS WANTED, MR.

HUNT Antique, jewelry, oak wicker radiC collection-Old ie rod.o Uid 1 Ilk. nw 397. 4652 1100 367 8270 or 347-1977 doy.f 786-3798 eyetwknoH pair CaH 593 0989J WASHER ORVER KmmorVTl39 ea. i chairs W. Triple dresser 544 6879 First ond rechner, light color, good cond 11000 733-257 1 plus ettra tubes HOSPITAL BED Invocare.

Manual. JUKE BOX- Wurlmer CXEL Eierctte Bke Like new. llftO CAGES' 3. cloan. DINETTE Cream, round wrought Guar ft Del.

American Appl. Sales ft Svc 4607 49fh Si N. 527-3854 SECTIONAL 5 piece wTth double bed Aihing S)65or best offer. lit StampsCoiiHColletlibles Mottre rain. 1 00.

Bedvde commode not ued S35 327-3021 Nice cond. $800. 521-1039 or 321 4334 tron gloss top, 4 coral pin -seat choirs. S3 SO obo 734-5241 PHOnOCRAPHT" Mason Wheeler, Starr, Silver tone many records 1st $800 813.648 4651 WASHER DRYER Kenmore, good 4 reclinert Brown. Oood condilion $400 323-1699 concklion, Ira occottoriot.

160 ol CoB 577-4596. mod, 1201JO 323 3797 WHEELCHAlt Folding lightweight MODEL TRAIN HO scale. 35 cars. fXEfiOSf "llCYCLE, Sears Spare ASoSALL CARD IVbv loppt. 792 DINETTE Ethan Allen country style.

condition, Large capocily. $75 each CoH 593 0271. SECTIONAL" SOFA 2 Cuol.t fur 1200. Walker $50 Bedvde commode $50 360-3315 amlate am teat ceHertt tnape. I IO.

Coll 367 4506 Wf CANNON COLLECTION 32 pieces. ttcMj, glawce. etatee. cardi. cornpi.t tl.

29 coin. Coll R.rhord 347 2760 6 engines, 4 a 8 layout, folds to wall, extra's $450' obo. Call 544-8921. leave messoae. niture.

125. i table kjmp. $135. Maple table, extra leaf, 4 chairs. Excellent $275 397 7720 WASHERDRYER K.nmor.

heavy lop carii Call Cranny 3B3-1 36 WHEELCHAlt oceaver, eleclric EXERSiTiriCiir great Christ mas g.tt. 1st 4(JU takes 813 848 4651 All perlecl cond, 786-3243 HSfoALL CARBS 40.000 Som. PtfJfiKtTTiROS 576 1141 ITaOCAfiES Lorgo parrot Pravuo witond. 150 Parrol coga. S35.

DINETTE SET" 4 chairs, $100 Secre RiNTENOff Dual act ton, kke new, 60 obo. with I battery, rear wheel drive, $1300 898 2053 DC duty d.k,x. like new. $159rra. Del d.

Free 2 yr serve, policy. 5205 Hoine Rd Aool 521 3747 VICTORIAN PARLOR CHAIRS (2) not open. Gial Chriilmal gill. 5325 584-6909 We'll BUY YOUR FURN or SeH il bv Auction lor You. IN 48 Dunedin 733- Lai 34 830.

I yr old Orig $1200. Sell tory shaped desk, $100 Conference table, $65. 392-7592. 22 games on one cartridge $70. Sarasota 351-2704 WHEELCHAIR" Everett 4 jenningi.

EXEfliliT mooet Gooseneck Rocker. All upholstered S300 813. 648-4651. 15UU 544 6642, Oil O. IASkETBALL CARDS Sky $35 WASHER DRYER Kenmore, Heavy iUVlNG CfTwhirlpool.

Moyloo BlNETTE SET- 41" octocjon, 18" NINTENDO new condition, power Aiay, ipeedorneter tenwon cotv witn toolrett. CKcellenl cond. $180 Call 734 3361 BOTTLES, JABS Insulator collec duty. While. Excel cond $250 Kenmore appliance.

Working or wax bar. hoopt, I. I6V3. Call 535 2005 or 544 1490. all 6.

Dad, Great fun. Extra kOrtndae, 566 HOUSE Woodon. Suiloblo far largo dog. Good condition. 135 461 -1 276 Htovo rnoitogc.

PaRROT STUD L9 Rock mopl A walnut. Umqu. 1400. Col 527-7210 not. No lunk Pealer 5o3-UH3J leaf, 4 chairs, looks new, $200, coffee end table $50, Bahama bed set $50.

347-1980 lv msa TENS UNIT lor pain control, brand pair Con Deliver. 52IT0265 WASHER 1 DRYER Kenmore. Heavy- tion. 160 pieces, large variety. 4600f.im.

813848-4651 new Pro Sport nSKTfiiLL Fler til wt Hoapi- hardly used. 1 20 Call 46 1 -7087, NSA WATER FILTER I portable for CASH T0DAY1 Good clean lurnitur, name, 2UU 56-44y 175 Colt puK tort 25. 345-2483 oooliarKe took. FLORIDA DINETTE SET 42" round table, white RUGS Persians, Handmade, (3) 8' I4 11 Kooki osnialion- 512 50 789-6308 Duty. Excellent condition.

$100 each 855 9548 AUCTIONS. Call Tim 544-5722 trailers, campers KV i. KV.W 596 3323 EXtRTIiil HI- Vitorncnter. 1 3 "i $3900, set or will separate. Coll 867-7363 CARNIVAL GLASS: Mangold, punch WASHER i DRYER Kenmore.

hvy duly A C'S Dead or Alive! Top Doltar. W. top, yellow rattan base. 4 barrel chairs, yellow vinyl. Large white hutrh $250 822 8948 Qtl FURNACE Intertherm, gun type' 444.

Furniture, Household Goods bowl rk brn. or Irurl bowl 6, can PetServkes ipeeoometer tenuon control. 57; Ko.it nll "ifil.AAfi? pick up Co" 54M446 Dlr WATCH Howard, keystone nose, porlobte, apt wspac.saver over under stand, lik new Orig 7rvn. I Dinette set-5 pc. $175.

Rocker. dydiih jU. 34- IU IU DOLL HOUSf Complolly paml.d ian-Torcea, al aaapioDie. i iu gal. no 2 oil.

2 110 gal tanks stands. $375. obo 327-4232 WILL. BUT your watKert dryer lor Cah. CaH 345 3523.

ExTfttliE B.ke- Vott SI00, Treod- excel cond, $300. 584 6044 BABT CRADLE moii.es. bumper Ci) Leatherette, oUboth. Call 391-9893. WASHEl) DRYER yoHowwnil.

3 ilory, roomi rrH- V.tomotter 150 bothencel-lent condition 8684 A7PS will pay up lor working JUKEBOX Antique. $1,000. pad, like new $100. Bainet $20 Plnvoen $25 392-3740 OlL TANK good condition. Free REFERRAL SERVICE Inc.

Trw rnooorn approoch to buying. toRing or brrmdirKi 866 9989. 6Si TRAiBIKC tLUIWffPETt DiNETtE SET beautiful rock maple, unil. free pick up 340-VU LMr lull ill, cram color. $450pair.

575 3408 wcni lurnitur, 4J. J3-33Q4 BOUiRru.S. S.lvr. 1921 1925 Oil-IOJB ETXERCiSE ECjUtPMENT like new Alter lUum, 1-349 7485 Sarasota. Baby CRiity dreting chetl, mat.

table wieats, 4 choirs hutch. WASHER DRYER Lady K.mor. port" All brilllonl uncirculold. AH 5 lor $75 coti R.chord 347-2760 CAST IRON "Budweiset" complete honeyoak, like new. Pd $800 Soc $400.

397 5625 PATIO 160. Cor top car Sear. Beit rowing machine Vott TM2 treodm.11 $100 eachor best offer 441-8073 ML Appliances TDrt clatMt '-5568443-2995 very nice 6UU. 3JV-IV IV dinette set Formica table, 60x36 oos. vry gooa cona.

isli. set w8 horses, wagon wkegs 2 mn. dolmatian $135 391-2910 FOOTSaliTCaRDST" BABY FURNITURE Cribyouth bed JXJ 3ovi or Jy-iciu rXfK.iE Morcy work out center plus 6 upholstered chairs costers. $250. 725-9764 1 cat 1989 ProMt Social AC- i TO i TON, UNITS.

AC. Heal 1 rier, prs traverse rods, $75. Sleeping bag, $30 portable, elect typewriter, $50, King bedsoread 15. 587-0077. WASHER DRYER Mag.c chf flow- AVON CAPE COD COLLECTION Beauti areer wnutcn, ngnt oak, marcn let.

$295. 447-5595. 446 5154 JULiYfM $350. 584-4701 S225. Shark Rod reel S250.

CoH 530-0774 or 585-6745 Dinette Set smoked giass top with iu cycle wanerl I wins. i xrvn um too. 1 loo Meal Pump, luuit, l-inancma. Builder bankruot. Dir.

536-9333 trr leV. OFF AB FOOfoAUlAROTT cat of 1990 PlNBALL "MACHINE Great EXERCYCLE heavy duty, e.t.a WASHERDRYER MtH.f.'iiio A7C7HEATcentral unit incl duel work 4 choirs, chrome legs, Biege uoholsterv. $450. 341-0310 B04KDIN4 SVO por hart, lorpon Serial I Scot Foolball. $325 Coll 1-960-5890 aooti, ime new never uveo.

i io. to do entire houe, a steal al threat Tor s.hristmas! 3UU7or best offer. Too 626- 1599lv msa. nngt 785-7957 or 942-3798 duty, pound capacity, ID mos DINING RM 10 pc. $350.

Sleeper 367 8270 or 347-1977 $500 -745-5942 Brodenlon. FOOTBALL NFL, m.d-1970'i Pilll- ILOWOS (21 roantorod auarlor 4 to choose from. 1963- ELTOllecTiOn 5 sofa, $125. King Headboard white. $25.

531-541 1 burgli Stolrt loam aulograplied, WASHER DftVEft Maytag, e.cellent horMt; (1) rgitlrd painl; (1) Appotooto. W'l board Ml Ch.nl 82 models. Work perfectly. $1500 will seoarate 392-0679 up. 100 IU IU MATTRESS SETS Mili-Match, Damaged, Trade-In TWIN, ea.pc $10 FULL, ea.pc $20 QUEEN, $30 KING.

3 oc $80 BUNK BEDS wmatts $129 DAY BEOS top rockmatt $159 MATTRESS BUDGET CENTERS groupor, 1 thark. 3 tpin, all 1350 or win uoarat. 345-8364 DINING RM, Canova. Elegant table. HUMMEL Chriitmai Plat collodion linan.

Can intall Plr. 536-9333 PlNBALL. VIDEO GAMES Coin op. A7t. HEAT1 COOL UNITS" GOLF 13 5 wt mlal woach, lik.

2 leaves, 6 chairs, lighted china beveled glass, mirror back. 1971-1989 Complt. $850 obo 541-1433 mot UV I WU I-Q- I lJ. OUARTEl TWRSE aBAoIAB golding. big, vrtatil, 2 yrt old.

Sacrific 1900 obo 523-9744 nw 150. Guar ant. Various MoketSiiet excellent condition. Warranty. Call 367-4659.

monthly payment avail. 2 yrs tuH warr. op. A Direct 527-1759 econdttioned. 813-525-3476 Dlr HIRCURTDIMES $375.30 worlh Una Q4UU.

JUUU. I DINING RM Ethan Allen. Limited Edt, POfiCH SWING Solid oak. unused. SECTIONAL SOFA 6 piece.

thape. brown, 2 inclinert, sleeper, corner table, good cond $495. 526-2 17) SECTIONAL SOFA grey winciiner i leeper. Look brand new. Cot $1800 Socrihc.

$900 898-2905 SINGLE BEO" New mottr. box spring, ond headboord, good condition, $99 544 8624 SLEEPER SOFA $85 Earlf American oa wchair. $195. Rocker $35. Dinette Set $55.

430-8752 SLEEPER SOEA-Oueen, matching Ig chair ottoman. $150. Sleeper Sofo-Single $75. 78S-62T2 SLEEPER 1 new $100 ea. 5 Living rm chairt $50 ea.

TV tfand $20. 535-8423. SOFA, 2 chain, coffeeand tablet, WHITE RATTAN, floral win ion $300obo. 327 1 165. SOFA 2 matching chairt, end coffee tablet, Florida Bamboo look, good cond $275.

784-6995 SOEA 84" Loveteot, gold green, non-tmoken, good condition $135 579-4024 SOFA AND LOVESEAT Excellent condi-tion. $850 m. Call 867 8240 evening SOfA Beautiful 7' contemporary Stratfrod matching rec liner, both in good cond New $800, Sell for $400obo. 576-3196 SOFA BED Oueen tiie. Pirn Loveteat.

Hat beautiful pastel ihodet. $400. Laiy Boy rec liner, gold velvet, 1 00. Mutt tee to appreciate. 596-4520 SOFA BED Sectional cuitom mode, contemporary, mintpeach, excel.

$900. 525-2405 AM orJvmicj SOEA Beige floral with rattan armt. Excellent condition. $65. 579-8885 SOFA blackwhite, wood frame, very good condition.

$60neg. CaA Enrico or Sol dayt 441-1100 or 44 7-3 3 3 2 ye SOFA Brushed cotton, like new, $250. King we Oak Water bed, wn.ght.1andtL $250. 593-0271 SOFA A CHAIR Country style, $200. Color TV stand $90 Washer $90.

Full sue bed maple hdbrdfootbrd $85. 521-2061 GOLF CLUBS 1 10 odd woodt. 255 AC Buy, service, self. 90 day auar Maytog Dlr TVO-V St 896-31 ful for the Holidays. $500 Complete set or separate.

360-8755 ROOM RENTAL AVAIL Antique shop dntwn Dunedin-Poula 734-3577 SUNSfRANO COMBO Cosh Register Adding Machine, 813782-4491 DALI PRINTS 42, signed, framed, Beit offer 536-7568 PLATES- Collectors sets. Children classics 525-8559 Lve msg: REMEMBER THIS COLLECTOR. Unusual rore hobby. Maps, dolls, toys, games, playbills. Stamps, coins, paper money, music, old baseboll cards, airline, sports, cameras, photos, bottles, postcards, rocks, shells, magazines, matchbooks.

Oldsmor Market, B-35L36572-5024 URGENTLY NEED ANTIQ. DOLLS parts Antique glassware, unusual items Pearl, 546-0543 Good condition Taking bidl. Cal 586-1873. allrrr 6om. hand made, natural color, $40.

Call 446 2835 odd rroni pkit boys 1365 lor ol. Will not uroarot. 572-4653 uuu oius.rancieoronce Sale. Ooen weekends 541-1446 171 Uvtsttc. Supplies 1776 collection.

New England Style, table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, Ig china hutch, It wood, $7000 new. mmt cond. $1,650. 398-7501. LARGO 3125 Ulmerton Rd.

mile ol Belcherl 539-1600 BED IH. CHEST Of. DESK Ml STAMPS- lorgT accumulation world- Fngidair. Lik. rvew.

Almond color Aikina $375. 726-4729 OUiLT Single, hand pieced, l60W Iatc war HOUSE CLEARANCE SALT on fiOXP CUlBS Cuitom Ping copit. un- wid in albumi box. All lor $98 323-1798 all Frirrdrich air cond. Demo and cotton, $19S.

Hand crocheted double bedsoreod $9 527 5180 WASHERDRYER Top ol th. lin. DINING RM Rnd extension table, 1 SA0OLE SU.ER S4O0 Sov. tlt arid-11, ropot. cktaning quip.

Ktros. uMd, jew, woodt, a ilal lor 1275 726-4927 FREE APPRAISALS j.w.lry 1 New 5-pc Bedroom Sel $299 66tn Street Furniture 4720 66th St N. 546-9657 Whirlpool. 3 yrt. old.

Excllen! condition $500obo. 797-0471 tUAL Estate Cassettes 6et Rich pre owned. Acme AC JI-46V1 MMjm ITU'S Heat and cool Al tor I W. 83-UO I I GOLF CLUBS. Malchod tt of 4 McG leaves, 4 chairsbuffet; solid wood desk; combo radiorecord plover sep.

525-5494 Anliqoas. Halch Aociotf 1844 62nd Arffnu 525-6566 Wade Cook Course, $250 value. Sacrifice $79. 443-6700. Unused WASHER DRYER wh.ripool, h.y duty BED A-1 cond Sgl-S35 Full $65 O- Eiicetlenl condition, $250.

584 6280 DINING RM SET Pecan wood table Refrigerator Moving, must see, naraiy usea. mo old 1750obo. Too 931-3520 ATR WNlilTIONlir Window Unil. $03 Altohavenew frame 10 $20 Del avail 526-3059 Dlr juil rfimird 1130 Chicago CratiK graphit ihaft drivor, cott 1140 mil lor 12. 533-5923 SOLf CLU8S Manlly irani 2 to W.

bag $135. McGrogor drivor 653, Cameras Photo Equipment 2 leaves, 2 capt 4 side chairs, motchina server $1000. 461-4508 7800BIU'. Lik. n.w.

Cooll WASHER "DRYER Whirlpool. Large BED-BRASS Oueen. with orthopedic lownmower $50; desk $10; 6ft folding table $10; MG transmission $50. misc items. 797-7538 DINING RM SET Walnut.

Broyhill, capacity, txcelienl condition. $225coh Call 544 3199. loreal $vv JWblAl iCLAM STEAMER 3 layer, with ipicket SRONICA IRS 2-120 back. 75mm mottree. Never ued.

Col $800 Sell $250. 1-933 3686 cond 1150 733-067 1 SBOLE Slubnt bridU, rint. tnollol bit. Kord hot, groat cond. 1350 733-1780 fiDOLi Wttrn Show, lolt of J-var, itro auiprnnt, Bily Royal, el cond.

1500 546-8338 SArrOClTwotlern with ulvor olatod bridl, podt, tc. Escl cond. Nw, 1500 Sol 1200 372 8813 WESTERN SADOlETn 1250 w.n-rn Toutli 1200 Utod Pony Soddl 145 934 4934 ROlE CHINA Elmdale. service for 10 WASHER i DRYER Whirlpool Whit. Ion.

AE meter prtm, molar drive. $600 904 59 2739 oval table, I leafs, chairs (2 arm). Matching credemo. Excel cond $500obo. 539-1705.

BED, Captains 3 drawer $75 bak GOLF CLUBS Nvr hit. mom pina 2 copii. 2-SW, mutt tol el; I new lit train compactor $120 Coll 595 7893 Auction Sales plus serving dishes. $99. 536 4120 HD, excel $400.

WJ del. muit 443 4 19 1 462 060 1 CAMCORDER Sony Bmm CCDF 30 DEHUMID1F1ET2) $7514125 Bath dek $75. Oak TV Hand $50 Rattan chair $35. 3 wicker chatr $5 00 each 538 2668 dining rM Table oak. a uphoi SOWING MACHINE Vitomoster, WaSTIER DRYER white, client.

343-9530 anytime Hondycam. all occeorie. in box $7 50 Coll 596-79 31 chrs WOU. Mecliner iJU I win matbox soras $60. 442-2327 NA500.

Multi action gym. $60. 526 9851 aft 5om. BED E.l.a queen, brand new till in ChOK condilion. $125 eoch.

sel or seo. orivote owner. 323-7841 Camera somm. pemox. kiooo.

DISHWASHER Kenmore portable ultra DininG rm Table w4 chairs. $100. p. a aikina $210 345-3825 dlr SAWDetto 10" $300ircomp lhp WASHER DRYER whit, whirlpool wah, all cycle, option, hfce new. BED King, almost new, matching 50i.fO.UlS P.ng y.

10 Irani 2 9. tw wadga; 3 8, 5 woodt. Utd. 139f Col 937 8953 t5lf CTUiS Wilion Holt fluid faol our Wad 2. PW 1190 Pro kno or olit dr.vw 150 822-0460 GOLF EQUIPMENT Prlct Sw.ng Trainor.

hood conditian, 1550. comptere wim ix len. tion, rn. tort, cae for camera, carry coe lor all occei. $150 393-7433 Leather reclmer, Pd $650.

Sacrifice for $300 867-7363. j3 oo.ooy with ksra. tub. E. dryor.

vry I3U. walnut, t-tterry, leak lumber, lot $40 398-7707 DINING RM Table w6 chairs $125. SECURITY SCREENS wired for alarm good cond $380. 545-5984 WASHER GE. heavy duty, ig cop i 4 cyck MERCHANDISE CAMERA Minolta 35mm.

2 years old. prem. 80 aorl, on wheel, good cond $99 Dunedin 734-0231 wheel, don springs mattress wtrame. and bedding Simmons Beoutyrest Entra firm. $3 50 525-03 1 7 BED Mattress, bo spring frame, Oueen siie.

2 years old. $200. Bedroom, twin beds wlike new aresser mirror. $375. 360-7938 s.

2) 47 wide 43 long 1) 49 de 34 lo.ia $95 596-0826 2 lenses, case, electronic (lash. 1200 Call Jav 443-1841 GRANNY'S IS HAVING A CHRISTMAS SALE STUFF YOUR STOCKING tor the holidays. Plenty of jewelry, 14 tr. gold chain, cameos, estate jewelry 7 sets ol sterling flatware a tine collection of souvenir spoons. Collection of glass, including cut, Mover, Amberina, Clark, Akro Agate child set, Pomona, rare He-isey tangerine, Wavecrest, 1 2 good cond, recently serviced, 1 25 obo Can deliver.

321 3594 Col 85-0VJ9 DINING RM table with 6 chairs. Ethan I 1989, SpMdqueen, go, or best oiler 544 4178 ft WING MACHINE Kenmore. Heavy CANON 28mm anglf 85- WASHER KENMORE, HEAVY DUTY, JOU-40 I Allen, heavy dark wood, custom duty, cabinet, free aim. Excellent. Must see $175 796-4033 0.

Wearing Apparel pods $500. 526-5519 BED Murphy wall unit ii 210 telephoto. 2 filters, 3 close-up lenses, Vivitar fla.h Original owner. 576 8451 ivory $350 LIKE NEW $159 Dekvered FREE 2 YR SERVICE POLICY 5205 Haine Rd Aool 521-3747 DRYER Got, coin operated or home Line new condition. DINING RM Teak, lighted hutch SEWING MACHINE Kenmore wmany SOFA 1 CHAIR ft blue, grey beige.

ue oood cond. rjrie great. $75 lake itl 345 6883 LElCA M-3, ec cond. 35,50.90,135 $400, Buffet $400, Table 60 2 leaves $550 596-7208 FOR JACKET Ovtlr whtl Srioorod boovor Smoi Atkmg 1200 obo. WASHER- KENMORE H.7dut;.,: accessories, buttonfioler wooden cabinet $250.

536-1031 obomust sell. 3453865 BED Oueen site. Bo spring mattress Adjustable fiome Excellent condition. $45 799-6232 alt are reclinert. Like new, non smokers.

$500. CaH 581-5770. MYH, KEkmObF HEVY5DTY, ail mm tenses, meter extras, factory serviced, i 1 ,695 934-3904, DINING ROOM BUFFET 68x17.30", CO! VO-OOOV cellent cond. White, an cycle. $185 firm.

321-2124 SOFA, Chair Ottoman, oil rattan. LTICT- VALOY tTENLARSEfi wTth 50 whitegold trim, showroom condition $400 obo Call 584-8340. CYCLES LIKE NEW $159 DEL FREE 2-YEAR SERVICE POLICY 5205 Hoine Rd. Aool. 521-3747 WASHER Lady Kenmor.

heavy duty. BED Oueen sue Stearns Foster. 1 yr new. Originally. $1300.

Avk- mm. oco tor timer. Mint S300. CoH 937 8953 drop leaf' table 6 wnite, top loader, works line, Hist serviced. $75.

Call 791 4762 Clean Free spread sheets. 165 345-6171 Woher $139, infl $650. 579-1075. SOFA Chair upholstered, 2 lamps, lumelTynE Studio utes 2 s. RARORSCK CAFE potlrrl ptnk ktothor ockrrt.

totm lirrod, womon't ntro Ig. Movor worn 1 1 50. 787-452 1 BUNK COAT 34 Ungth EMBA rourrnokn potto), vary ful, mo 8-10 now. 1700. 716-5053 M1BK C6T Autum haia.

til 7 9. luB longlh. xcBnt condition, chairs, honey mahogany, 13U. 391-2949 G0LrrSETT2 Lodi.i or mai l. 145 a wbogi.

13" TV. Zo-mth 118 Al 393-4863. GUN CAilNiTTor 10 gunt, drowori for pittolt and ammo, talsty locki 1495 Col 58 1 0303 GUN COLLECTlfii 42 cobint many r.trot incl. Sarioul inquiri! only loOOO llrm 813,848 4651. GTM EOUIPMENT log Log hacktqual.

log curl. 1900 or wiR Mprat 596 7976 SVM HOMf UIT DP Ultra Gympac. CarnrMt. 1190 CoB 596-B814 iNCllNE WEIGHT BENCH with Kn. bond 1 200 lb wv.gtit tot S65.

Ca 531-2411 KNIVTOlLECTIOrl 135 dtlformt toloort dtployd in oak chatl 1500 327 9769 WASHER-Maylog $250, dryer. BED, Oueen tike new $200 Relrigerator 1 49, Range 1 39 ERDOESY APPLIANCES $60. 595-1583 quilts. 3 water colors by Gasser, 12 pocket watches, furniture, oak tbl chr, inlatd gome tbl, Berkey Gay Desk, fabulous bedrm set. Also collection of antique doHs Preview: TUES I0om-3pm WED 1 0am -sale 9470 Ulmerton Rd, Largo GRANNY'S 585-1567 AB270 Col Red AU437 No Buyers Premium BLDG 6 No Smoking, Food A oil able.

Air Conditioning. 4 heads ac battery S450 Mich 813 847-1505 anutime or best offer. Call 539-7530 leave DINING ROOM SET 7 pieces, good 280 Mi Lor go 581-5215 uu. wards rtrig 55U. Sors waiher $225, dryer $200 Window air new $175 572 5024 MINOLTA XCTil Fully automatic, wide FREEZER white.

Ilk. SE0ROOW dressers, desk chair, SEWING MACHINE Montgomery Words, never been used. 1 50 Exercise machine, $30442-2327 SEWING" MACHINE Singer single needle model 281, $400. 734-7673 or 461 5766 SEWING MACHINE Viking 6030, includes accessories, excellent condition $225 obo. 797-5699 SEWING MACHINES Singer Futura II.

Due to divorce. Flip arm, stretch stitch, fancy de-Signs, no attachments needed. Sold new $500. Pay bal. $1 19.

OPEN SUNDAY 12 5 SEWING MACHINE STORE 4100 East Bav Dr Larao. 535-0880 condition J3U Maple DK set, triple dresser, desk whutch, headboard $150 393-5159 eves angle lens, tkish, auto winder, u- new. ued I week. $500. CoH WASHER OR DRYER MAYTAG" Like 1500 Col 942 6208 king headboard-no bed, 2 night Stands, mirror $300.

546 4624 521 4046 After 5oi pod, lilters, 372 88 1 5. NIK ON 8008 wMF21 bock, SB 74 DtNING ROOM SEf Country solid SOFA earthtones, 3 cushion, tlen steel constucfion. $100 or best offer. 347 4143 SOFA i LOVESEAT Beige Herculon. Excel cond $350obo CaH 733-7578 leave message SOFALOVESEAT Beige! Very good FREEZER Norge, upright, tike new New Heavy Duly $l75ea.

DEL'D FREE 2-YEAR SERVICE POLICY 5205 Haine Rd Aool. 521-3747 BEDROOM 6 pc. gray contemp incl. wood table, 4 chairs, table pads, 2 leaves hutch $350 596 3457 pioTiorm soiT-siae woteroea. h.kff like new 100.

545-9062 WASHER Sears Kenmore. works flash, Nikon AF35-70 Sigma AF70-210 UC lenses All just 3 mos old. Pd over $1500. tell $1085 caih. no check.

522 5602 cona Y3. j-ia-ovyj DINING ROOM SET Oak. leaf ext MINK STOLE Autumn Hoi. Rot Quality. Natural Brown, BoutituJ cond irnol Ul 1275 734-9142 MiHK STOLE (Naluraf).

modium to larg. vary good nw lin- mg 1200 MINK STSLrfourmolin. 1300. 360-6085 10om-3pm Ffi EE IE ft old Penney, ttiahtly good $90. Con deliver.

393-1579 BEDROOM Canopy Bed, twin. Dress condition. $275. Coll 823-1008 NIKON FTT Iff w50, 28 mm lene, er, mirror, nightstand, mattresses. $175 Excel cond 535 0904 WASHERSDRYERS oH makescolors.

ANTIQUE COLLECTABLE AUCTION TONIGHT 7 PM Open to Public 7 PM. DEALERS PREVIEW 1 pm to stort of sole Partial listing; Old fishing lures. UP MACHINE Commorcial, cabl SOFA must pick up. 733-86 1 FREEZER" Phiko upright fLaih acceitariei. $850.

Call 522-1860 $Wup. BV4-5443 Dlr BEDROOM Cherry. Queen 4 poster SEWING MACHINES Singer Touch croii-ovar, Mnchot, dumbbellf, 5 lOOIbt. 13000 461-0635. Earth tones on beige, excellent condition S350.

535-0016 20 cu ft, excel cond. $150. 321-4929 WASHERS DRYERS NIKON Programmed FG. JO mm len oea, inpie aresser, mirror, cnesi, mtestand Extel $685 397-7720 sew ana linger Siyiot jvv lor both Good condition. 527 3270 RSTOL SALE 22 165.

25 col 150. SOfA LOVESEAT F.cel cond, con From $160 oair Call 345 3523 32 acp $85. 380 oco $105 BEDROOM mirror dresser and 2 n.ght SHAMPOOEli Electrolux, $195. Sods, buffet china cabinet, 150. WasherDryer, $125.

Woterbed, $75. Living room set, $75. Loveseat, $25. Dresser with mirror, $45. Call Days 522-9333, Eves 531-71 26 or leave message DINING ROOM SET Round glass chrome base, 4 wicker back chairs, wicker china cabinet.

$300. 535-0016 DininG ROOM Set Round table with leaf 4 chairs. Lighted china cabinet, glass shevles, bottom storaae $350. 596-9639 HEATEIT Natural gat Seart double blower. 22,000 BTU (min rate) Reasonable or.ee 1 00.

934-092 1 temporary, $300. Marble table walasstoD $150. 799-1162. WASHERS irom $U9, Dryers from A 2 Firearm 541.1433 546-5099 Appliance carrier $85. Electric stands $99 Call 522-1860 fOOL TA.Lf 4.8 34" late.

with 50E A 4 LOVEfEAf Florida print. $129, Rebult ft immoculate. Class Aooliance Centers MICROWAVE Toshiba, large, $100. power blower 443. 3J-72V7 SHELVES" (8) brockets, desk; chair BEDROOM SET 5 piece including desk v-iyj Nikon loom lent with auto winder.

Hardly ued backup, cond $375 821-6884 WK0N5riVA, SR 2000Moter 4 Slave -I- carrying cae Excellent condition $500. Call 545-5419 FEHTrSX IlWrTrnaV oldTmint. in bow, w2X 80-200 100m 35-300 loom, ball return, many occlorii $375 446 9459 orao 585-8853. SI Pete 526-6700 good cond. 1400 or best offer.

596 2921 Fireplace tools, $35. All oood condition. 786-3243 a DooKc ase juu. alter 6PM 797 2707 SOLID TEAK. Excet.

condition. $950obo. Call eve's: 343-5819. WashERS, rebuilt, In (W 2 p.ce ilat. TUXEDO 42-B 170 Fothion ttyl Hokdoy gown A drtti, 110-125 Al cond.

398-7707 ftOOINt SOWN lOomMnoil Princnt ootignr rullld wairlall toauint, poortt A butl 1350 inci-rmaddrtt 4476019 WEDOINS SOWN A hood pc by MigdaMo of CA, at thown in bridal magaiinot. Sil )2, Pd 11000 1500OBO 525-3795 WEDOINC MWN ui. 10, long thnv. Nck A bark, hat bon clond SOFA I LOVESEAT hide a bed, 1 oriental rugs, glassware (Depression, Fenton, Fiesta, crystal, ruby others). Pottery, old toys, clocks, lamps, sterling, jewelry.

Empire Victorian furniture. Mahogany furn, brass bed, china, primitives, oils prints; other items too numerous to mention. NO BUYERS PREMIUM ACTION Auction Inc of StPetersburg 1220 1st Ave No, St Pete Call 896-1220 AB485, AU 1000 Colonel Jfime Kn.eriem OiL HEATER clotVt style, used 1 sea- DRYERS, rebuilt, as low as $125 BEDROOM SET" 6pc, contemporary, contemporary. Incldt occori Silver Service. 6 pc.

Extra ig. 12 yr old, beige, excel, $500 obo 544-8624 ton, good working condition, $99. Call 821-4963 elegant, like new cond, must sell! $500 536 5768 a iinanr lamp 63U. Jy3-e I i I BuLTAkT tuH Hie, state top rray. tternaiiy lours 904-563 0833 or 795-5550 DINING ROOM SET Solid Walnut Ta flFFORDRDLE SOFA LOVESEAT matching, contemp.

OVCWGE Large Electric Stainlett perfect 0( 5375. 904j683 4710 ZcTOMENJ for Nikon, 80mm- BEDROOM SET 7 pc Stanely, col STCvERPLATr FLATWAHE Reed ble, leaves, custom pads, 6 chairs, tAn lOLOnAi beige, 5 yrt old, cost 1 500 new, wmahogany, leather $695 Call 565-3495. Meei. txce) cona. Bargain juu.

Barton Festivity 8 place settings chest $350. 787 fl 14 JVB-U 200mm, wmocro, incl deluxe hard cose, akc el S99 596 8229 DininG 1.00m SET "tabVwe chairs, good cond $175. 55-379 SOFA Leg. earth tones, $150. Swivel PWLTAT.t ProfeiHonal, ored, Triple aresser, armoire, Oueen hdbd, night stands, $500.

Woterbed kina. $95. 797-6895 RANGE GE drop in, self clean 13O0 579 9795 WATCH THIS COLUMN ues Wed for fCFA $100. Rug shampooer $30. china cabinet, server, good cond.

Askma $600. Must sell 894-7622 Hate, with accessories. 5325. Call 596-55 50 ing, white, 3U. uishwosher, fin Washer dryer immac, WasKerdryer Washer GE, rebuilt 18lbs $165 Drver Mavtoa, Derm Dress 1 85 Saw table $35.

Home spa $15. 2 D. hi Br, linn 71.19f,i rorkers(2), $2550. Endtabtet, $25 each. Sewing machine, $20.

Lamps, $5-15. Mattrett, full -tiie, like new. $30. 797-9682 VINCE'S (AU46) Estate Auction at DAV-9 Thurs. Dec.

6 Dining ROOM Table" itai.an Wl5l TAiLf Quality, cu.tom built. RANGE Century, 30" $150. 421. Garage i Yard Sales STAMP ACCUMULATION Japan or Professional Auction service by marble top, hexagon shape, 54 across. $425.

586 1697 4x8. thick I late bed, oil occeito-ne. J875 576-4125. uisnwotner wcaoinei ou. ootn BEDROOM SET cane" hdbrd, 2 nigh-tstands, 2 dressers, chest Pecan.

Fxcel $600, obo 442-4469 BEDROOM SET Contemporary oak. Dresser, two nightstands, queen headboard. Excellent condition. $450 535 9727 SOFA Matching Loveseat. Elegant WEDOINi fiOWN Sit 8, 1625 nw, toenfic for 1300obo.

321-9242 hrav mttag WEODwi (OWN Wh.l. ti 7 tram, vrnl, Bauttfoll Pd 11000 Aik 1250lirm 813'869 3374 WtD0iN. rHSM eRElSN.vor bn utod. 150 CoB 391 2675 ilmond 33-3053 Col Al Davenport. AU413 1776 58fh St Pm Park 545-5165 (vtexico, beautitul.

Alter 10am. 535 8382. DininG room Table w6 uphoi. Dryer Kenmore, heavy duty. $165 Wide selection of refrigerators ranges, excel guarantee free delivery.

MCViso accepted RAM4E Elec Avocado $100 Por ta contemporary ser. encei cona. Must tell! $350 536-5768 POOL TABLE regulation uie 48 flote top, eitceUent condition, cues bad, S500 544-4855 STORAGFSHEO "Wood. ml floor. chairs.

2 warm rests. Inc Ids leaf. $175. Aft 5 or lve msa 527-3270 ble dishwasher. $100.

Both in SOP A New cond neutral, glatt top ounters, sink. B. Northwest St. Petersburg 441. Articles For Sale DininG" rOom table" wieaf 6 electric.

$200' obo. 596-6857 perfect condition. Call 343-8883 RAHGTCFLECTRlCAVacado; $95 cottee table 4. 393-0RA3 STOVE 'am. $75 Refrig $75.

Wicker chairs, $75. Murray Lawnmower, 2 vrs $50 Mutt sell 446-2534 8V5-5UUU SOEA SLEEPER light tan, con AFtrANS 3 Hand crolcrieled JBVU Star Key 303-UQ43 SEARS "SCRATCH DENT" APPLIANCE OUTLET CENTER CENTRAL All, 1W ClOat UU(, Chrittmat a'lti Dealer, public welcomed 10-5 Open 7 day tblchrs $35. Settee $25. 19" TV, color $40 360 4387 DininG ROOM table with a chairs. SEARS vUTLET 5FF REGULAR CATALOG PRICEI 4301 34 St Sor 1055 67nd RANliE W'LIKE HEW WHITE temporary ttyle, $75.

CaH 585-3842 after 5om lor gill or wormth Only 450 ea 7545 glass chrome, $150. 392-0013 TABifTiAW $85" arge Italian Standord ilate top. Includei (ticki, batti Good cond. 3 50 895-2443 alter 6pm RlfLf Custom 30 06 volt" action, Richard, ttk, okm bedded, in-graved action 3k9 Redtield, low pro ope S400 46 Ij3684 gOWINff MACMINr'Prec'or Pr ciion 710 n.w $99. CoH 596 6758 ATARI MX VIDEC GAME SYSTEM 33 SOFA SLEEPER $75.

Recliner, $50. BEDROOM SET Dark pine, dresser, headboard, Bnsset full siie mottr bo. spring $250.544 3248 BEDROOM SET hard wood maple dresser mirror, dbl bed, frame, d-slt. end table $225 345-3421 BEDROOM SET king headboard frame, Ige chest mirror, dresser, maht stand, $475. 586-1697 BEDROOM SET king sue' complete, headboard, triple dresser, large chest mte stand $250 347-3242 OR COLORS $139 DELIVERED.

FREE 2-YEAR SERVICE POLICY 5205 Haines Rd. Aool. 521-3747 amic table lamp, with roses, 50 545-8591 I Pinellas Park DININS ROOM; Walnut table, 6 Damaaed returned aooliance 41Umtry Round dining table, solid oak, with 4 cop tain choirs, $250. Excellent TanninS bed woiti 24. cost $4060 chair, bullet.

American ol Martinsville $495 obo. 576-26-12 RAHOC Gas with hood, excellent uame cartridge inflections $100 Ator. 800 XL 64K lloppy dish drive ond thermal printer, still in bo. S3O0 79V 1432 at reduced prices 4600 Park St St Pete Mon Sot 8-5 544-4308 onanion ovivjl tew. Sacrifice at $1250.

fcucel. ond 894 3416 Condition $60. Range Hood with Ion $25. CaH 546 5714 DINING SET block" brass glo. SOFA SLEEPER dork blue.

gray, can- COFFEE TAilT maple colored $25. atari fto Computer di. drive. 3 SCUlACERflFICATiSS $96 50 RANG? Roper" 30 inch, self cleaning temporary tyle. excellent condition $150 441 9205 GIGANTIC CHURCH YARD SALE Thousands of items, everything imaginable' Sun.

Mon Tues 7am-5pm. Pork Blvd 84 Lane Pinellas Park AwUAAAARME- EmoroU Cut, 18 30 corolt, 4 diomonds, $4900 vac $2000 392-0016 CMAi. and 14k boodl ond cloop. vara $400. il great buy, $120.

TV, 25" Sharp, coble ready, remote. 1 yr, muit sell $225 577-1571 Lamp table 1 3. Small port, dryer, 1 10V outlet, on w.teels 105 AH in oood cond. 525-4228 BEDROOM SET Master set (8 pieces). controllers, 7 game cartridges, 70 games on disk, $75 xcellent condition Call eves 3915027 SOFA SLEEPER Oueen i Loveteal, oven, stainless stei ton, years.

$500 new: $250 obo 791-4762. TANNINS BEOS New Wolff System" will satridce, 896 7407 TELESCOPE C-8 Celestron, like new, in case, eyepiete accessories incl. All for $600 Great for Chr.stmas 576 2387 after 6am DTNINO TABLE Old, walnut, dVap- WANTED: Washers 4 Dryers. Dead Ramses ie AH groy tormico. Like $800 343-9790 Borgundy velour, great condition.

$325 3V8 2898 56-7976 $IJ5 44V 86J6 Col 8 1 3-579-0674 SKATE kOAROS Powel Lance Mtn, $50 2othert $20 each. Col alter 5pm 7857698 SOLO FLEX leg', lly attachment. Excellent cunditton. Cal AUTO SANDER 2" spd, $45. Sears or Alive.

B33-y34o leat, 4 upholstered chair. 145U. Call 526 0246 evewknd. BEDROOM SET Moving Woterbed, SOFA" Trodillonol ilyle, Flen Sleel Hillsborough Garage Sales DINING TABLE" w4 Ion back wicker TOOL Trailer a loch com- KAM6N0 I 74 cl color SVSI Bring your lr. $7,800 firm.

(904, 795-1672 BAMONO 1 01 KT, bookcase headboard, dark wood $500 Call 896 4202 451 quality, paltel green champagne, mint cond Paid $900 new, oikmo $375 339 8023 545 8694 crattmaTic bench grinder Canning a doX. 525- 15V2 BABY CRADLE with matt rets bumper pad, matching changing table. Jenny Lind. exc cond $120, Alsorar seat $20 525 7647 tments. new tires, wheels, ir.nas.liT $200obo 522 2007 BEDROOM SET nice, 9 piece, built in 6lG TOP FLEA MARKET la newest, most modern market Fowler Ave of 1-75 Tompa813i986 anod $5500 Srrl tar 12600 COLOR TV fcaceHenl condition.

SOFAdED queen $90, recliner $60, fy o3. TOY COLLECTION Gl Joe! HE-Man. stereo, 3 months old, $500. 392 0013 lochmentt. lei than 50 577 6497 9gm-8pm, 789-3481.

Works good, great picturel $100. 1el7 XOI-f 1 -4. REFRIGERATORS WASHER FROM $149 DRYERS FROM $129 REBUILT i IMMACULATE CoH The Better Business S.eeou I Yr ltd warr -etiab 1978 CLASS APPLIANCE CENTERS 733 N. Clwrr-lorgo Rd largo 585-8853 5537 49th St N. St.

Pete 52M7Mor52600 coucn nanian cotton encei cona $150 Lilt choir $75 545-4160 Transformers cloTh dolls. $450obo or will sea 530-OR91 BEDROOM JET Oueen wnew matt. vUMONO ilOi Lod. cl rod 16 xro CJ.O Appr $5300 Sl $1500 trod lor truck. 446-1538 CAff CD PLAVfft PhiM.ps excettent SOFABED Queen iie.

earth 424. Antiques I Collectibles TRAILER, ENCLOSED 8 19' for 5th Dresser mirror, nightstand Emc cond $400 obo Dming rm table. DRAPERY RODS- (2) decorator 84" I) (3) traverse drapes. $75 'wiH separate733 8297 DRESSER 6 drawer, blonde tohd ma hogony with mirror matching nmht table. $100, sel 821-1255.

OfiESSEfi. Dbl" womens, Dk teak wmirror $150 Shelf unit $10. Ration Sofa $50 446-5687 conamon. iox TSAAAPOXINE 1 yr new. 13 ll.

Incld latety paddmg Paid $500. asking $300 Great g.H 527 056 TREADMILL f. cellenl condition, $65 525 7647 327 9769 -hairs $00 797 0471 heel tiuck (deal for hauling lum. sid.na $800 CaH 573-ftO I 5 IrUMONO RING cl Sacrifice Of CASSETTE TATKCTpioreer, torn- good rondition. $5.

CoH 581 2278 WiVEL ROCKERS (2) Blue, perlecl, $75 ea. Table, lamp, $45eo Coll 867 8240 eve BEDROOM SET Twin bed. chel. foktarr IBABY CRiB Jenny Lmde $125 High-chair $20 BassineT $30 Huffy 10 I spd b.n $75 lor. 55 2816 jBABY FURNITURE h.gh-cha,r, strollers, car seats, swing rloThes linens.

$3 SO wiH separate 545 8863 BABY STROLLER Double good dition iJO Ask for Debbie 545 8V46 TRAILER Flat bed, $8 50 393-4042 table, ethnic direct drive, both hardly used, sacrifice of $75ea. 541-7305 dreer. linen $150 2 vertical blind, mirrored. 48,72 $40. 871-0192 $175 Also 20' single axle, $150.

Call 521 4156 btkMtmt Round. 2 10 KT 000 Sol far 17. 140 REFRlCERATOR 17 cu ll K.nmor., TAHI.E 1 HUTCH BY Broyh.ll. 6 cotlor DRESSER DESK SET Children7! A pc TSAlLERJ Welts Car go enclosed) CD PLAYERS Sony (2) CDXR77 and TTEADMILL NFl, e.cellent condition 175 CaH 545 8694 WlliHT IEHCM $40 Karate IE0R00M SETS 2 "complete 12 brown, wsry good cond. $45.

343- Co vom-opm. rnv joji Chair, good condition. eiUU OBO 736 2988 or 733-7614 t.medoak, Cad after 6om leave messoge LEASE PURCHASE NewUsed BARRY'S Sarosoto 800-330 3468 STOOLS i 3j toll. $20 i tuAKoa arm wrnty, 9tofJ eoch 323 2876 p.ece) modular children UK et. All lorm.rn 18SO 343 9790 RETRKERATOR $125.

good condi TABLES Coliee 2 end table Early DSESSER TRIPLE" 9 drawer $75 5 TV, waktec to buY fb6nch furniture artwork paintings Oriental RUGS KARASTANS JFWElRY DIAMONDS JOStPH GALLERY 895 2361 JJJ2 9th ST Open Mon-Sal 20 Off All Stock Thru Dec 3rd Exef Hummels, lay Away Now For CHRISTMAS, Quality Antique! AUNT FRANK 206 Beach NE iQ 8pm Sun 12 5' 822 782 CHMETT KELLY JU COllECTiblES many pieces, most hand signed by Emmett, Also plates A painTings ELECTKONrC 00VET tryle, m.croehumidilier. voc- lEOROOm Sfh 4 pc 100. 3pc $100. tion. 340-B404 American.

Solid maple High qua). 2471 uum, chel. w'bed. ceil Ian, bow. ch.it $50.

7 pc kit tet $150, drawer chest $60. Pr of chain $150 Coffee 13" Sony 867 4545 FVciian Power, Orion. S200 each. 323-2876 ity trenent vj jv, TWIN MATTRESSES ond Spr.nrn RfFtiSESATOR 16 cu It Kenmore. pump.

bike. $495 all 545 1362 TYPErVRITER compute, model WfriHT iAACHlNf tW lik. new, Cat $400, el $250 Co 539 7530 leave meoae HIEONICS ooitor 700 wotls. END TABLE 1 coffee table Beout.fuf Beer On tap R.fr, grated un.t C02 and (tamless steel top $500 I 5555 leave message. BENCHES- St Petersburgg7eri; I reproductions.

$100 Better than IcemalieT Frosl-lrrr. 14V5. 595 3290 set. lirm. hardly ud, $99 lor both 391 4325 7500S ha many feature.

$475. 596 3373 i ohm stool. 45u. 323 7876 ei4Ht MACHINE SolofUAt, e.cellent iRPRISERATOsTM 5 cu ft Sid by 'WALLTTNIT Oak finish. solid cherry.

$150 both 2 living room chairt. Brocade, off-white. $150 both. 545-1509 UTILITY TRAILER 12 completely en- KARAOKE Sing Alonol CDs. Topes, 4-drower, lold down deli, light condition New Bands.

$500 B94 265? ide. Auto a watr diipenser. Almond color Excellent condilion. 1500 Call 791-3625 END TABLES white. $90.

Coffee cioea. ekreiient condition. OUU. Call 526-2450 ing thruout vcio WALl UNITDESK 36 72. lighted Pioreeer Losr Diki ft Player.

AAics. Ham. ft Cmnrrrrcral Sole Rrmtots. Discountl KrUAONu round. 2 63cl, color HI.

clarity l-l, appratiod 120.000. Sorl. 1 1 4J060. J. 84V5 1 57 SiAl66 SfiUTAlRf 3, -4 cl E.crrl.

loin ouokiy Aoor 11250: $695 Term I 884 89 JO, Tompp KaApONTJ TENNIS oRnCiLET. 4 ct wt loiid I4K Never worn Appr. $4700 784 9I70 HtMCut flNNli BRACf LET worn 2 carat Apprcnved $2,000 W.I iak $950 442 2881 ISUAtSflO trt 00l4 SET KT. A 2 Ouakly. I4ITT bond Appraried Jlrd Sel $4O0 442 4331.

5lijAOifilwEL NO ONE PAYS MORE 586 6OO0 Dtr flVfJ I tn 90O metre riAl. table, matching, white. itMJ. Pnrk 1 rwe- 1 9 i 7 HA tOdl MONT fRAC Pro mode(, hire new-hordly used. $475 firm.

Call eve. 9V0-6366 UTILITY TRAILER 6.8 (TEFRiSERATOff 3 6 cf opt siie. 1-)U 5 f.olt tup gnf doors, drawer 3 573 3905 DV5 PROD ft SAIES 577 7111 FlObida ROOM 3 pieces, sofa, love removeable tide H25 734 86j Sanyo, designer btork. mmt, in bo. $99obo.

596 6857 WALC IIHIT Mahogony. 12 6 seat ond chew, like new. ijC3. 397 6257 REFRIGERATOR 4 8 culm it. UTILITY TRAILER Heavy Duty.

4 6. pieces, eisuu. (-an 0O-JOJ. MRTAILF DISC PLAYER Sony 15, rechargable, wcase, heod- phones. $200obo 596 6857 POWER IMP HAFLER 220.

1985. 41i BiCYdes Runs great. $45. FURNITURE Leather sofa $300 Re truck room top expand. $200, obo CoH 787-1128 Lrm 34-500.

WATXTWITS Glo. ook Enterloin- Panasonic OA jWS morhyeHow. 12 REFRIGERATOR $65 up F.eeiers VACUUM CLEANER Hoover upright cliner $20 Dming rm set $50 End co*cktail tobies $40 Floor model color TV i50 875.07AI ment 4. china unit, cottee tbl end tbl incl $500 344 6642 alt 6 drape etc J6-02VD. BEDROOM SUITE fhomaville.

6pc. Pecan, area! cond, 11100obo. Call 3270697; IEDS 2 antique, pini $100 lor both Dining rm table w4 rhairi, maple, $100 Soto, $50 796 92 1 5 BEDS (2) Double, 8 rail, Simmons, Sacrifice 1 200 or wiH leparote fan 867-7363 IEDS 2-fu i.ercomplete $60 $85. Dr (fiier mirror n-ghUtand $50 343-589l BEDS (2) One fult i 'l Twin. Alio maple dining table with 4 clvairi.

$450 obo 323 0053 after 5pm BEDS 2 tweed Banamo bed corner table A lamp, $750 866-0865 aft 5pm BEDS FURM newuted. nire select t.on 49th St Furn.ture, 7061 49 St. N.521 3876 LARRY LEW. BEDS twin, like new, Ethan A Hen, dark pine, $390 or best offer 397 58 1 1 EWTEtUAiB CEHTEfi O). glo door, bra trim, 18" deep, dori wood 11.15 tg.

79 4762, Conservatively rated Ot 1 15 wpc. Upgraded input lacks, excellent. $295 526 0310 Utillti bUILO provides Spaces available to lease lor th sale of Antiques Collectibles Prime dw location, parking Designers Gujld Inc 53J-5802 8 BEST" PRICES PAID POP FINE ANTIQUES Jeff irhord Assoc 821-1167 HlBEL Kmos Plate. $49 Kmas Do Hand Carved, $750 Orig Stone Lithograph $29 5, 'up COBB'S GALl RY R25 RvR ft ronan, warranty. Excel service.

7756 Central 321-7777 rxcei working oroer. ju con. Cod Richord at 347 2760 originals i Cal! 895-9663 BOAT RAFf 8'. rubber, inflatable $60 Biown metal de wi th drnwers, $75 Ca 344-3228 Cabinets for sale Great for garage shelving $500 or best offer 442-6753 CARPEf lOO yds. Berber, st.ll factory wrapper.

Asking $13 75 yd fartory cost 937 5359 1 2e 16. mauve tones, good cond $60 small wood dinette tobl $50 393 2695 CARPET 160 yds. soft green, sculptured Per.ert (ond, only 3 yri. old Can be seen on Moor tH 12, 6. $3 yd 784 0848 Carpet iijfup e-g discount iob' of rolors 100 fin.

821 8412 CARPET $3 99 yd Flee esT Ait stvls for home hut 585 5181 dtr WATERBED- Sookcoi. l.ogiue. 6 class cases 2. 2 i h.gh unitt SPEAKERT B.L., model LX 35, un VACUUM Kenmore DryTech. drawer, end table, Ore armoire acre $425 391-0023 Of ass, glass mica, wiignrt.

Ong $4800 Never used Ask $3000 522 8423. 347-5929 Upright Dry clenning New $250, $75 525 1663 REFRIGERATOR almond 3 ri yrs old, icr maker textured fronf- $275545-4470 REFRIGERATOR Amano 25 aer warraniy, excel cond. obo 545 8722 31 orig boxe 197 WATERBED FRAME" Queen. Hdbd appr SPEAKERS Klipsch La Stolos Raw VACUUM Rainbow, coniter. Good NlOE A IED Loveseats.

Two wheal wlight mirror $100. Queen Bor springs mattress, Scaly, Pd 1800 Socrilice $350 521-4081 speed, beautitul condition. etro'i 150 CoB 393-1685 Mountain bike. 15 tpd. new tires, lust tuned, locAs r.dese.rel $'00J obo.

446 3822 bike mem 26" stl- verbtue. light weight series, tike new cond $135 545 2628 IdsT mens 26 10 speed, blue, hardly used $125obo. 7S4 9't63 after 6pm AIAi6NIC28 I0sp. Iht bfu. afu- minom, good condition, $100 oi i4 ltr jpm side by side.

1 25. CoH alter 6pm. 575 6062 birch finished maple List $1900 Sarrif ire $1399 BJJ-Aim condition. $100. CaH 586-0619 nil 2om color, like new.

$200 each neaol.oble Call 526 6005 Chipendale stvl ball clow STEREO Alpine. cd REFRIGERATOR A mono, side by VIDEO CVAME Worki loob good. WATIRBEO King, 12 drawee Hide a beo sofa loveseat match- side, frost Iree. ice maker, 67 1A 1 Cl? 7Q4 11A.O Chrng lav. (crd.

pneft V.I IVm rem pod i 75 544 3I9L EMf SALS SOcllAltf 52 cl. Lorn Calornbia, good color, aval rut, mounted 350546 5787 IRACElET Man 18 kl. 27 gram. Cubon $500 le new. No inscription 799 266 tauttie, wires, custom box tor Comoro SoOOobo 785-5843 threat Lnr.ttmos gill jw obo.

Tpa, 626 1 599 mirrored headboara. tnciuae b-oier $395 392 4582 teet, dork Wye plaid, excel cond $375 Old low boy chest pine $I00 Call 733 0362 WEBER ORIENTAL RUGS INC. JFL3LQ10J1GS 347 3359 REFRIGERATOR free, Frigidaire VIDEO GAMES Genem Great title 'WATERBED King" 6 drawer pedeitol. ng set, cream color, excellent rond $400 ati 79 1967 A. 11ITCH Irg solid wood country ttvle, name brand, $350; Kitchen fable, jKhne, JSj4A IZi AhS2m STEREO- I0SE 901 speakers spatial tuner amp.

Perfect. Sacrifice, Carpet installer has yard of at areat orir 9aames lor $760 17 cu. Almond, (ike new cond. S1SQ ahm, 3pm has everything but mattress, nurtured hdhrd $33a53l-J06 $135 8286 X. Coll Soi 0075 unused carpet.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)
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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.