The Cambria Daily Leader from Swansea, West Glamorgan, Wales (2024)


following at Swansea Guildhall, for The candidates were nominated Saturday the the seats vacant on the County Council: VICTORIA WARD. John William Cadwalladr, schoolmaster, No. 50, Mansel-terrace, Fifteen papers. William Henry Mill, retired jeweller, No. Richmond Villas.

Thirty Tour papers. MORRISTON WARD. Heury David Williams, Morriston. acpountant, Seventeen No. 16, John street, papers.

Lewis, Trades' Union official, No. 245, Chemical-road, Morriston. 1 papers. FFYNONE WARD. Richard Martin, spelter manufacturer, No.

3, Ester Villas, Uplands. One paper. LANDORE WARD. David Davies, newspaper editor, No. 27, Bryn-road.

Seven papers. ALEXANDRA WARD. George Payne, quarryman, No. 63, Wat kin street. Twelve papers.

BRYNMELYN WARD. Morgan Hopkin, butcher, No. 14, Goalstreet. Four papers ST. HELEN'S WARD.

Edward Williaro Jones, solicitor, No. 18, Beynymor-crescent. Three papers. CASTLE WARD. Alex.

Sinclair, C.E., No, 6, Richmond Villas. Forty-two papers. ST. JOHN'S WARD. William Henry Morris, blacksmith, No.

16, Hafod-street. Eight papera. William Grey Waiters, estate agent and surveyor, Maasalton-road. Fifteen papers. EAST WARD.

Benjamin Thomas, coal esporter, Can Bailey, Mount Pleasant. Five papers. POWERS' NEW PROPOSALS THE LATEST NOTE TO THE SULTAN. the Vienna, "Zeit," Saturday the Austro Russian nute just -According presented Macedonian to Vilaget the Porte shall be allowed a Chrisdemand that each control deputy, over to the have Vilayet. right The of actions of adequate Pacha will be closely scrutinised by Powers.

The new suggested administra control is to apply even to the smallest communes. This information, however, yet confirmed. -Central News A LOVER'S PRESENTS. SORDID END TO A ROMANCE AT WOLVERHAMPTON. At Wolverhampton County Court on Friday, Judge Howland Roberts heard an action which William Griffith, of 32, Church-lane, Wolverhampton, sought cover from Sarah Ann Elizabeth Harper, 145, Oxford-street, Bilston, £22, the value a number of articles which had been given the young lady whilst they were the engaged be married, or, in the alternative, return of the presents.

Mr. T. P. Hasiam peared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Wilco*ck for the defendant.

It transpired that an intimacy sprang up between the parties four years ago, and they out" and wrote to each other. The plaintiff gave the young lady several presents, and, later on. he went to West Africa, whence he also sent her a number of nativemade articles. mother, also, on his instructions, gave her a locket and silk shawl. A formal engagement was entered into Christmas, 1902.

In June last, however, the plaintiff wrote asking to be released from his each other at least for a time. He said engagemont, and said they had better give "Heaven only up, knew what his resolution had cost him," and he added that the defendant had broken his heart, wad life had no farther prospect for him The parties, however, made up their differences, but a month later the engagement was finally broken off. The plaintiff returned his presents, and asked defendant to return those he had given her. She, however, only sent him a few articles, and said she had given the others away relations. The articles which he had asked to be returned included three rings, three native cloths, three sets of native beads, small ivory tusks, three brooches, quantity of eagle and other feathers, a silk shawl, gold locket, two brass candlesticks, handpainted fire screen, a flower stand, unbrella, and a pair of native slippers.

For the defendant, it was stated that plaintiff had written stating that the young lady could do what she liked with the sents, and she had accordingly disposed them The defendant, in her evidence, said had given the articles to relatives, but had kept the engagement ring. in decided to sue the plaintiff for breach promise of marriage. His Honour said there was no doubt an arrangement had been entered into case of a quarrel, the articles were to given up. He gave judgment for the the articles to returned, or which he estimated at £15, to paid, together with the costs. CANON BERNARD SMITH.

DEATH OF THE "B.S." OP NEWMAN'S APOLOGIA." The Central News announces that Canon Bernard Smith, one of the few surviving clergymen died identitied at Marlow with the Tractarian Saturday in his eighty-ainth year. Canon movement, on Smith rector of Marlow for 53 morning and until three years ago resolutely fused the assistance of a curate, contemporary Apologia he is referred of Cardinal Newman, CLAIM AGAINST A DENTIST DISAGREE AFTER AN HOUR'S JURY ABSENCE. sitting was held by the County Court special Judge Gloucester, of Friday, try which Albert Edward Freeman, a caraction remitted from the High Court, an in sought to recover arom penter, the sum of 2661, for loss of time and personal injuries. The parties Apperty, dentist, live at Suvad, suffering at from toothache, went and Christmas last plainuff, defendant's place of business and saw his who was to son. He was, alleged, recommended not to have the tooth estracted, but stopped with preparation of cocaine.

said As he soon felt dizzy. plaintiff got friend into took the him home, and he became street he losing sense of feeling called in his in, umbs and fainting. A doctor was in the course of his evidence on Friday, said be at first thought plaintiff was suffering from funk, but came to conclusion afterwards that the illness due to Plaintaff two elements- cocaine and nervousness. was ill for sis months, and unable to folhis employment. The defence was that his illness not due to the cocaine.

good deal of expert commenced evidence was eleven, called, not the hearing, which at being concladed till after six o'clock. -The jury retired, and after be an impossible absence for of an a hour, said it would them to come to an agreement, they were and discharged. CANADIANS DISSATISFIED. the ON THE ALASKAN AWARD. The Ultawa, Uctober 25rd.

is exhad pressed at the official leading correspondence to the appointment the Alaskan Boundry Comcerning the negotiations up mission. No blame is placed on the Cana the dian Government for not backing out of the agreement, but some hard for things plunging are said into for el the imperial anthorities arrangement without sufficiently Dominion. discussthe then ing the matter with the Every new development in the unfortunate episode Car- is making the matter worse from the Canasee dian standpoint. Some official statement soothing to the Dominion feeling, it suggested, should be issued trom the Birmingnam Post." Large said to numbers be deserting him in New York, 11.50. of Mr.

Dowie's followers the E. are disheartened by the failure of his campaige. Between three and four thousand Hickman people Helen in were present at cemetery on Friday. the funeral of TO- DAY'S FOOTBALL SW.ANSEA CARDIFF. The Swanson football of the team season -the played their serious match have been possible to which it would their opponents, on the backers for on Saturday.

would Arms Park, that this match exaggeration to in South Wales than aroused greater interest the season not esceptprevious oue week's engagement of Carthe and previous Newport. The old rivalry of East was one element in this game matter, would an 1 West the belief that was whether the phenomenal scoring opening the matches form the indes Swansea entered Whites." with a record of games, all contest 163 scored to ail. points victories over the District, and included and Devonport Albion; Penarth, Bristol, Newport and their total defeat 61 by points 14. was admitted all cided hands largely that by the the forwards; would that Cardin be would be outclassed at the two balf-back; and that the lines would contest be between worth watching, particularly in view of the would be opposed to fact that Rees and the Swansea Nicholls and centres, Gabe. The CARDIFF.

teams were -Back, A. R. threeWilliams, E. Q. halves, Nicholls, Jones R.

quarters, Gabe, L. Cecil Biggs; J. and Grid Neill, Hughes: Sergeant forwards, Smith, W. Jenkins, G. Northmore, Hutchins, A.

Brice, A. Spackman, and Harding. George Davies; threeDan Rees, Arnold forwards and quarters, halves, Owen and Jones; (selected Davies, from) D. W. Thomas, Parker, Scrines, Bevan, Joseph, and A.

Smith. David atorgan, Mr. D. H. Bowen.

Referee: had such a large crowd Not many followed the Swansea team of spectators Metropolis. Long before the darting Welsh time, crowds of people stretched across the a square before throng High street sought--and Station, while inside large and vacant some cases the waiting train. Excursions from sought vainlymats in brought thousands of hill into Cardiff, and the Arme Park prethe Risendds vented a Scene of the for greatest the kick animation. off, drew 5.15, the huge tme crowds of spectators surrounded fixed which numbered at the lowest 20,000. The afternoon was the ground, estimate but The dry.

ground appeared to be in good dition showers that spite had fallen during the in the few unimportant morning. The referee, Mr. Bowen, was greeted the stand he was seen enter cheers from ground some ten minutes before ing kick-off time. A rousing cheer went up the the All Whites entered the 3.20, field, and from river end of the ground, their at beartier one greeted later. opponents Brice a kicked off for Cardiff from the calf dozen seconds street side.

Arnold returned to gate The first scrum took the Cardiff the ball, and W. centre. bere. down the got field. George Davies beautifully, and sent into touen kicked near took centre place once here, more.

till Dick Jones gained Several ragged other side of the field with kick. still A kick enabled Swansea succession to gain Swansea ground. rietorious in the scrums, and Jones put Twice in with short the kick result which that a Cardid three-quarter well followed tackled almost on the line. Some eiting from the scrum. The bail moments followed round of started the hands of Owen, Jones and through try only prevented Jowett knocking o0, The next moment Rees most was over.

almost over, under the posts, from the wing. He long on given the line, and it looked hauled moment if be was over. taking however, a transfer followed from next Owen, cleverly the scrum. the ball travelled to Rees through, the and wing man scoring the first minutes after the but opening failed of to the On took restart, the Swansea came back kick, the the Cardiff quarters. ground, By but his clever Jones Owen went gained Gabe relieved some astray.

abort kick to to a long kick from touch, and moment Windeld A replied subsequent penalty enabled Cardid Davies. backs to reach the Swansea line. this taken out of the pack and moment it noticed that in been three-quarter line. The ball had the to the Cardiff side, but Parker, tackle of Williams, nipped the the and bud. the Swansea forwards nest kicked A Cardiff player ball, the feld, till Nicholls brought him picked up pall kick to from the too of the home touch.

George Davies up Swansea were penalised for off-side tics following kick. enabled However, Swanses some sequent touch finding assume an aggressive position. Inter Arnold kicked over the line, beaten in the race for the leather. minor realted. The game had opened dull but dry conditions, but now downfall had set in which made the the backs particularly ditticult.

now returued to the scrum, he widently been sent out for defensive took poses only. centre, where, by couple of Play at this stage, the a movements Swansea reached the twenty-five. Danny Rees, fielding and the struggled past which seceral led to opponenta. a slight and pass, moment later Dai ground, following up smartly, fielded the almost got over. When Cardid got Jones, mid-field and ace some more, more mulling followed, Trew dropped a ball being too to handle; but picked up smartly and of sent safely saw to round passing tackled in an attempt to Cardiff were penalised for off -side part ebarged of down.

Hughes. One of the Cardiff George Davies's long kiek touch. Jones lost ground by dribbling away and moment later broke this finally passing across the field. dimeult to handle, but it up and pat in a beautifal the touch-line. good prevented seoring.

The neat moment from a scrum near the line. over, however, was disallowed for One of the Swanses men had to sore after the nest scram, out long pass to Rees. drop for but the posts. From a subsequent Davies made his mark and for gual. The attempt was moment later half-time Half-time Score: SWANSEA-1 try.

Joseph restarted for touch. Swansea, Filliams returned poorly to rush by the Swansed by Owen, reached the Cardit tried to drop a goul, but the bail going across the goal being George Davies put in a fielded by Nicholls up run. and put his Arnold subsequently made a high punt. A Cardiff little late, between the but Nicholls kicked down who followed up smartly Swansea's custodian was A moment later, George Cardiff its first minor, in kick of Winfield's to roll out After some Swanses Jones field, enabling to centre line once more, Biggs kiek into scrums, marked by remarkable of both packs, the continued he line. Swansea were Davies returned well, and Dicky Owen, following uP a who put in a short punt The homestera, however, the line, where distinguished Off -side play around the Cardiff a penalty, until but no smart change the position by backs peached the Attempting to one dropped the hall, ward swooped on it and Cangerous rush.

George Davies ball from thei? toes, and touch Exchange again toes. and dangerons rush was well' saved by Lockman. rom the nest set Tresize got away on the blind sid, and after covering some little ground, passed out to Iris forwards. Arthur Jones, who tackled him, was shouted at by a section of the crowd for his action. The succeeding scrum saw Stephens get away cleverly, pass out ow.

A. Jones, who in turn slung out bad pass to Gunston, who, however, tool. the bail cleverly, and gave to Harrison, who brought to earth by Harrison. Another round of passing saw Cardiff almost under the W. A.

Jones, who last received making shot for gual, which missed yards. Cardiff playing remarkably fine and this point the homesters were being beaten. Hopkins, however, nest obtained the ball, and threw out to Aubrey, who kicked right across into the 1 Winfield, who made his mark aud the Swanson 25. Scrums followed monotous rapidity. Eventually Rapay got away, and took play to the Cardiff line, where missing lost a possible chance, A rush down the field by Jones, found Lockman wanting, but Hopkins, who had run behind, the position.

From a loose rush, Jennings gathered the ball prettily, and threw out to W. Jones, his transfer to to Simston was, however, badly given, and promising chance astray Prom most scrum Rees the hall, but foolishly kicked into the bands of Harrison, who opposing bat was brought down by Lockman. Cardiff passing boat, but W. Jones made shocking attempt which left the centre. plaint plainly noticed that Swansed 0 combining down badly, AL last, bit which drew forth the the crowd.

Hopk in fielded kicked down to Winfleld, into touch. followed, Rays obtaining sion, the blind feinting fell over the with failed to out, Cardiff rushed Lackman made his mark. into touch. Harrison. up to Win tackled formed the backs called for off-side AL frantic stand.

the incident by wither pounced, with the scare: Halftime SWANSRA ENDSCARDIT 208-M RESERVED FOR LATE Final score: NEATH-2 goals 2 tries. PEMBROKE-Nil. Half-time score: ABERAVON-1 penalty goal. CILFYNYDD-Nil. ABERAVON CILEYNYD CAMBRIA DAILY champions of the Swansea and District LETTER.

SATURDAY MORNING. loss to Great Britain blare in the Commons a sense of his value ardent admirers of his very glad when he ite out of place in the tired to his study. He the King bestowed 0. rit. A peerage had having no children.

him to sacrifice him lie notice in the Gilded have been very unhappy and his Consort visit people there are very pe, and the clergy are ove the Embassy to that out that the coleny any other in London all over Soho, but the ave kept much together. out how ardently the as shewn on the annk Mount Carmel. That ccasion, and the story of ouch the heart of King because of its simple ardour. Bat there well cause the Royal pair cal exiles are rather arter, and the streets th would be narrow. Whe all the eyes looking would be friendly, hand would be open no sympathy with the olony wants to see the must come into the open tie mountain should com has left for home one time contomplated, innected with the forth Windsor remain to itation lists will be issued their Majesties have ingham.

'Particular atten to the Italian colony though smaller than the well-to-do ranks, presente the blend with its wealth nts. The invitations to be will be supervised by the effort is being made of ess the and Court pleasure to secure for ons of hospitality. hat Miss Hickman's death have ceased in the minds potent to judge. Even the has accepted the other idea of suicide, vis, heard le, however, lady doctors reatly annoyed at the the male M.D.'s that hard a one for women. the lady M.D.' 's, because men shew at holding octors or surgeons of matter of fact, the lady nly established in the neighs riey-street.

No amount ottie her. allenge for a chess match by nited States next spring the question now is team of ten to hold play of the Yankees clever or of special importance, win or tie can be registered presented for these contests wnes becomes the permanent Brooklyn held the Chess cup, for five Club. The now ins to and one it back on this side tie--and it seems it get is to recover another ophy which, though in of the figures more largely hatever happens, however, annual cable matches be ide They running well into three are expensive affairs, the th here and in Americs the led as the great chess event place in the team amateur can aspire to an most interesting of the ed will be the Conference called ravellers, by, to the association for be held to day ngdom, which should be refuses above and at any rate Then on Tuesday, November ated Chambers of Agriculture they preferential would "prefer to prefer tariffs. Bo far ation; whom I at have any rate, talked many share whether views, the labourers would. though it Roman Catholic pilgrimage nice before the new Pope is and being more prepared, and will pre influential deputation next to Pins month.

first English rims to pay honour royage from to Italy when Leo the United States. The reached them by wirelose hen requiem service St. was held deputation was on announced Peter's the election was of the Stars and Stripes 1 church later on, attracted to much flag then displayed the St. Louis Exhibition, together cap at their audience. which the pilgrims ing if not reminiscent altogether of the unique rolls kingly of Great Britain some four ago, Royal has just United Service Institu been placed in the the chall.

This consists of a quaintly: model of first used on board a caravelle or warship were It was this nier year or 1486. basket-shaped top at the mast, succeeded by the which was constructed the is model. believed The to ship, be the only ries in old, existence, although another, ind preserved in 100 addition years, the Whitehall complete series fifteenth of types century of to British from the rement Turf of Mr. not W. C.

unexpected, Whitney but ward erican has millionaire been the during the time was of a petron universal of now racing that in definite this country is made. The on attersal! the have subject received is instructions whole of his stud, the llantrae, early thoroughbred in is December, to be but! fine again next week. bridgeshire this one of at season in remembered, race Mr. Whitney pular running at Doncaster and undoubted chance for osing race her at Newmarket being ance of this kind An action 634 as a genuine sportaman. HY OLDEN REGISTERED RETURNS of Archer's Iden Perfection of Pipe Returns The Con.

out for Fabian's Bay Eisteddied, Friday, at of the late Miss Hickman Kings Hall. funeral on Friday afternoon place at sympathetic crowd watened the ze of and the from the mortuary de cemetery. There were large The inscription on the reaths. "Sophia Francis Hickman; 15, 1903; aged 29 ast out for Fabian's Hall Bag Friday, as Kinge Cardiff line, but when the gained little relief they were once more penalised, and Trew having for him, good but the ball placed and Cardiff concede da minor. The visiting wheelfor- wards, who, up to now had ing tactics, came back to the line They almost wheeled immediately after the drop out.

and the halves She sore bat mdown Arnold to the gave line, Trew very ba There was race between the Trew Swan- and man Nicholls time to send into touch. for the leather, and got up in of nest incident Curdiff was but round the Swans the backs, tackling keen, and no ground gained moment home man again handling, dropped and ball in course of some tine rush, it over moment, looked as sore, bat the try Winfield kicking out Final SWANSRA-1 try. CARDIFF-NIL the Way. The of the matches to date G.T.PL G.I.PL -District League. 9 3 54.0 0 30...0 0 -Bridged 23...0 0 Total: 163 points to nil.

Cardiff record Por. G.T.PL. -Distria 2.00 14...01 -Bristol -Devon. Albion 12..1 Total: 61 points to 14 Played 6, lost 17-Newport 0...1 ELEVEN SEASON'S RECORD. SWANSEA.

CARDIPE. Season. GT Pta. Pa Winner Oct. 01 .0 0 0 Nov.28...

0... 000 Draw Jan. 12... 0 0 0 92-93-Oct. 5...

0 Swanned 91-82-Apl. 18... 0... 3 Cardit 10... 3 Swansea 25...

00 11 00 6 2... 0... 3... 00 -Mar Peb. 28...

08 6 Cardiff Cardiff 0 0 96-97- 20...41 18 Cardiff 9 Card'S -Nov. 3... 0 5 97-98-Mr. 5... 0...

0 Draw -Nov. 5... 3... 0 Draw 14... Swanses 98-99-Mr.

99-00-Peb. 18. 16... Swansea 90-01-Oct. 10...

17... 3 18... .0 0 0 90-01-Mr. 30. 1 14...

0... 8 0 Swansea Draw 91-02-Mr. 15...41 4 15... 0 Swanare 91-02--Oct. 26...

0 0 -Oct. 25... 2 4 0 Swans -Oct. 28... 0 0 0...

Cardiff Total 26 220 11 25 126 Swansea, Pointe: WOD, Swansea, 220: Cardiff, 126. 14. Cardid won There were twenty thousand went people the ground. and Three the 1.30 traia was excursions up Swansea, crowded with people. Cardiff Arms Park was in a beautiful The state when the rain fell.

Serines came in for a great reception he entered the field. The Cardiff ground has been laid out fresh. For a wonder, the arangements were great deal better than usual old prominent footballer South Nearly Wales every was at the match. Most of the members of the the Welsh watched the play of the opposing centres. Committee who were vi Park, NEATH PEMBROKE COUNTY ALL BLACKS OPPOSE A MODERATE SIDE AT THE GNOLL.

The annual match between the tatives of Neath and Pembroke County place at the Gnoll Ground visitors on have Saturday been 1 noon. In the past the third lot, and nobody for garded moment as a doubted the ability of the AM Blacks to win comfortably. 'Neath made one alteration in their three quarter line, Stephens, of Resolven, Tom Davies. having been The former picked in preference to of course, played in his Svendsen original and position Howel in the centre, and Jones (writes were I do not selected wings Personally like the arrangement, this for Tom that Davies ne has certainly been ing his well place. season Them.

again, Svendsen not a wing man, and if he does not play sp to his reputation, the selection have team only themselves good one, to and should the forblame. Otherwise the wards be is able to control the serum big score will certainly be the result. sides chosen were: PEMBROKE COUNTY Back, W. Evans: Geo, three Harries, quarters, and Alby Rees; halves, Manning Ewart Jones, Mabe. and forwards, Grimtas (captain), T.

Davies, J. Thomas, J. Booth, M. and Thomas, C. Edmonds, Davies, NEATH Back, Bevan; three nold, H.

and Jones P. Svendsen; halves, J. (captain), J. Stephans, T. Burchell and Jones, J.

A Thomas; N. Other, D. Davies, Arnold, forwards, J. W. Matthews, T.

0. Heory, and Moore. Halftime score: NEATH converted goals. SWANSEA IL. CARDIFF IL.

second As the strings St. of Helen's Swansee Field and on Cardiff eptered Saturday, upon to their first real Swansea Seconds have been match of the Up engaged date, in the three matches, all of which they have won, and in which they have had scored scored goals (1 penalty), 9 tries, Thus, having glance, against them soured two 65 points against scor9d by their opponents, The three teams they have ready College, played and Britonferry. If those are: Mynyddbach, Llapd criterion, quite safe the this least that strong they were last in season. the team changes but the experiment triedmade last placing season, Raysey outside hait- has happily turned out complete success, teams fielded Back Winfield follow: CARDIFE Litchfield, A. Jones, three and Harrison halfW.

backs, H. A. Gunstone, Tresize and B. Bence: forwards, Brown, D. Reed, D.

L. Evans (captain), Rumbelow, JenH. W. Ham, and T. -Back, Mclean.

Lockman; SWANSEA three Hopkin, quarters. and W. Aubrey half-back, R. Rees Coad, W. Thomas, Rapsey Phillips, W.

forward Webb, H. Hunt, H. Evans, Jones, J. Morgan, and D. Davies.

Counick, W. Referee, G. Morgan (Hamelly). not The in the teams best fielded of late. condition.

Considering The ground the weather, there was an or two escellent changes crowd present. There were one at the Cardiff team. but tion end. May started, immediately from the settled down Recres whene from scrum Tresize in the centre, the ball smartly badly away. and the His of a flying kick, play taken to twenty-five.

mhere, cleverly Rapsey started loose Winfield fielding, sent the gall out of the scrum, the goal. kick-out, the distinguished Swansea run to where of the field. moment Evans ad Brown, of Cassiff, through the with ball League), and Both Morriston, the runners up. keen contest anticipated. Mynyddhach Lad made but they guod against managed to make Swansea a draw against Dany; the Scounds, last Notarday.

Bath Escels. romped over Penclawdd last Natunday. There number of spectators. Both a goodly teams were well represented. Bath Excels.

-Back, Syd. Griffiths; threequa.ters. J. Butler Evan Davies, D. Williams, and R.

Harris; half-backs, and D. G. Taylor, J. Davies, H. Stadnavies Jones; forwards, T.

Thomas, Blacker, Bevan, Morgan, and W. Lewis. den, H. D. J.

Evans D. Davies, three-quarters, and D. J. Williams: backs, Emmannel, Jones and Davies: forwards, Thomas, Mock Ley, M. Roberts, Joe Llewellyn Lewis, Williams.

J. K. Jones, Williams, and Ike The teams fielded at 3.45. There heavy wind. Mynyddbach kick ball, being returned to halfformed at half-way, and scrum was kick awarded the homesters, ground gained.

forward The A scrum took visitors were a fine game. homesters' twenty -ave, fine in the opening being initiated by G. Davies. little ground was gained however. scored somewhat sensational try minutes after, No goal resulted.

fresh vigour auto the seemed to put A boat of passing then took place the Mynyddhach three-quarters, the between ball being taken to touch close by the free-kick given the tors' line. homesters in the visitors' twentyfive. Nothing Bath Excels. were having decidedly the to gained however. The of matters.

Half-time BATH EXCELS, 1 Matches at Morriston, Played at the football PEN ground. PLASMARL V. PLASMARL 1 try. STREET SCHOOL V. TIB MARTIN DEUNAW.

TIRDEUNAW-1 try. STREET- 'ASSOCIATION. TREHARRIS V. PORT TALBOT. engagement, under the League tion code, played between and Port Talbot, on the Treharris ground, take on The Taibetites were able to Saturday.

along PORT strong TALBOT. Goal, F. Street backs, a eleven. and J. Fasdale; halves, F.

JenBrewer kins, L. Groskop, and D. Pugh 1. Robson, Ivor Morgan, Bob Miller, yer, and J. Thomas.

A. Underhill; W. backs, A. Sivans and J. Herbert: halves, Fran- Jenkins, A.

Williams D. and eis; forwards, P. B. Andrews, and D. T.

Roberts, J. Hugh Williams, Grilliths. Glamorgan ground of Stars the v. Henrietta and resulted in -Played for the Glamorgan Stars by 2 goals to the former, win WILL THERE BE WAR THE CRITICAL SITUATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND JAPAN. sensational report happily uncorroborated at an early hour on Sat us' morning -is telegraphed from Honolulu, has stating received that information that war with Russia had been the Japanese Consulate there declared.

In well-informed circles the believed to have no foundation. No mour is farther news had up to Friday been received at the Japanese Legation in London, but the Jananese Minister in Paris flatly denied the alarming story. It is not denied that the situation remains very critical, but it still hoped that hostilities may be averted. MR. VICTOR CAVENDISH.

EXPLAINS HOW NEAR RESIGNATION HE WAS. Victor Cavendish, M.P., Financial Secretary to the Treasury, was present on Friday at the annual meeting of the west Derbyshire Unionist Association at Derby. The proceedings were private, declared but it understood that the hon. member that he did not altogether approve of Mr. Chamberlain's method of putting his views the fiscal policy before the country.

He not Protectionist, and though did like the word retaliation, be supported Balfour in his poticy in the belief would, in certain cases, benetit our fortrade. What the Government sought that at the neat general election the constituencies should return candidates who would them power to propose taxation purposes than revenue. At one he far considered his position member of this Government that he had out his resignation, but after reading Me. Balfour's Shetiteld speech, in the light of his pamphlet, he decided a post He believed that he could port Me. Balfour on the lines of speech, and in that belief had his present position in the Ministry.

With regard to the Duke of Devonshire's the latter had assumed is to prevent the Government going too far, and to be their wheel. The hon. member thanked for his services. ELECTION RESULTS. NEW MINISTERS RETURNED WITH MUCH REDUCED MAJORITIES.

The result of the polling the and Leanington election was deciared on Friday night, the figures being: Lyttelton 2,609 Berridge 2,499 Unionist majority. 190 At the last contested election in 1900, the Unionist majority was 831. Speaking after the declaration of the poll, Mr. Lyttelton thanked his supporters for escellent and valiant welp al tame great disadvantage. Mr.

few remarks, mid it had been big fight. fortnight ago, he came there as raw but he was BOW finished article buge crowd awaited tia the poll. BELFAST RESULT. The result of the poll West Belfast declared on Saturday follows: Arnold Poster 3,916 Dempsey 3,671 Unionist 245 At the last contested election, 1892, Arnold- Porster was returned by majority of 839. day, the trial was concluded Thompson Stafford, Edalji, of Friday, solicitor, of of Birmingham, and Great yeGeo.

Ernest key, on the charge of the maliciously Great Wwley wounding horse, belonging to The jury found prisoner guilty, with Company. to merey on account of commendation Sir Reginald Hardy, in position. passing sentence, of seven years' penal servitude, said Court thought the verdict was right. Court had taken into consideration also the commendation of the disgrace jury, which bet they the outrage to had consider inflicted the on the district. Hafod At Mr.

on Friday, H. a meeting asked whether Morris's the extension Swansea of Cricket their lease. The candidate's Clubahad applied Yes." The an asked answer if the club could not supply ratepayer season 6d. each, the same as at diff. tickets -Councillor Morris said they should 8.

inserting that in their clause. Stocktonabout The King where he has been the guest of left Wynyard Park, an-Fees, and Marchioness of Londonderry, for marquis London on Saturday morning at His Majesty was accompanied by Capt. SEVEN YEARS FOR EDALJI SENTENCE IN THE MAIMING GREAT CASE. WYRLEY CATTLE hearing lasting into the four. After a Hon.

Seymour Fortescue, Countess Froderick which played has on a creat afternoon deal G. Ponsonby, Viscount Castlereagh, Lady the and was bot Myayadbach (the Stavordale, and the Hon, Mrs. G. Keppel. Myuyddbach, BATH EXCELS.

POPULAR MAYOR. ABERAVON'S APPRECIATION OF COUNCILLOR BURGESS. On Friday night an influentially attended meeting held in the Council Chamber, Aberavon, for the purpose of considering tse question of making the Mayor (Councillor T. A. Burgess) a public testimonial, as a tribate by the inhabitants to the admirable manhe had carried out the civic duties during year of offica.

It was resolved that fund shoald to started, Mr. D. E. Jones, solicitor, being clected hon. secretary, and Mr.

Charles Jones, J. hon. treasurer. resolved to have the presentation made at the banquet which will follow the bridge opening ceremony by Sir Arthur P. Vivian, K.C.B., Thursday nest.

The Mayor's great popularity is certain to raise the fund to a substantial amount, and provide Sent worthy of the town, and of the pient. Already the subscriptions total a conte siderable amount. ABERAVON ELECTIONS. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES. For the four seats on the Aberavon Town Council, vacant on November 1st, the last day of notination was Saturday.

Three the touring councilor, Tom Owen (railway signalman), Aaron James (licenced victualler and farmer), David kin Jones (licenced victualler), offered theta selves for so-election, and in addition there were five other candidates nauinated, Meers. Moses Thomas (solicitor), Williams (clothier), J. Mills (boot and merchant), Harry Edwards (auctioneer farniture dealeri, and Won. Willians (slate merchant.) NEATH ELECTIONS. THE NORTH WARD CONTEST.

On Friday night Air. Wan. T. Jones had good meeting at the Independent Schoolroom, Pesyare, waich was presided one Mr. Wat, Griffiths, who, in a few remarks, opened the meeting.

Mr. David Morgan (auctioneur) spoke in support of the candidate; a native of the town he had a knowledge of its requirements, and being a hoary night be trusted to look after ecocomical delay of the pabmoney and the keeping down of the rates. (Applause.) -Mr. Tom Gear and Mr. A.

Mr. Lowry strongly seat supported the claims of Jones for a on the Council. -The didate well received, and said that Callie out independent of any party clique, and solely to serve the interests of the public. He in full sympathy, with the working classes for better housing accommodation, and comfortable homes. (Applause.) He also desired that the town should be made more attractive for the residents and visitors, and advocated long-seeded improvement in the markets.

lie wished it to be fully understood that he was not the nomine of any party, and would decline to follow criticised any clique whatever. (Anplause). He the action of the Council in raising salaries of the officials at time of trade any of depression; them, bat the Council ought say to have he had nothing to against held their hands till they could show better financial position. -Mr. Russell posed vote of confidence in Mr.

T. Jones, and Mr. Tom Gear dulged carried in a little unanimously, election and Mr. T. W.

Jones, in thanking the electors, again up pealed to them to support him on Monday, the and of November vote (polling of thanks day), concluded by moving a the chairman, which was seconded by Mr. Jeffreys (Tiger-inn) in Welsh. PONTARDAWE POLICE. A BIG LIST FOR THE VALLEY MAGISTRATES. the Pontardawe Police Court, on Fri day Benthall, H.

N. Miers, H. G. Strick, and -before Messie Herbert Lloyd, Ernest Dr. Thomas- John Slattery, labourer, banos, was charged with being drunk disorderly in Station- A road, new Clydach, on Sanday, October 11th.

the Police Station police- in man took Slattery to cart. -Mr. Lloyd: Where had you been -Defendant: Mumbles, 6d. clusive. Others who were fined were: Thos.

James, collier, Brynamman, 8. DL. Griffiths, tinworker, Trebanos, Es. John Powney, labourer, Brynamman, Wm. Haywore, labourer, Brynemman, 8s.

Lewis Rees, col. tier, Alltwen, 10s. John Jones, collier, Alltwen, Chas, Collins, labourer, Clydach, Dd. Lloyd, labourer, Trebanos, Geo. Jenkins, farmer, Llangyielach, costs: and Richard Lewis, labourer, banos, 10s.

Wm. Roberts, blacksmith Wm. Thom collier; Evan Evans, labourer; and J. Williams. labourer, were summoned for lowing pontes to stray on the highway asked pay 4s.

each and costa. Harris, tin Ystalyfera, had be. for letting off squibs. similar summons against Dd. Thomas (9) was withdrawn on account of his youth.

Evan Hewellyn, collier, Brynamman, sentenced to month's imprisonment for stealing a parse containing 8s. 2 gd. Handel Isaac, collier, Brynamman, summoned by Martha James of the place, show cause, order for week was made. Thos. Millard, repairer, Ystalyfera, summoned for assaulting Percy Rees, 104 clerk at the Pontardawe Station, repent Saturday appeared that fendant had done seven days for being drunk at the same time of the case was, under those circ*mstances, dismissed.

summons against Wm. Francis, farmer, Crynant, was dismissed. He had been moned for driving without lighta. PONTARDAWE BRICK WORKS. IMPORTANT NEW INDUSTRY FOR THE VALLEY.

now brick works which has recently al P'outardawe, first set in motion on Friday, and the very gratifying. The machinery consists of a to reduce the to a suitable size for the grinding pan, is provided very with massive edge runners of 5ft. 6in. piece of machinery, 15in, the face weighing considerably more three tons each. The latter run massive solid iron track for pulverising the which passes through gratings -ottom, and collected second tised on the outer edge of the wed under the grinding part.

The ground material is swept by suitable irons into opening into at a its kind side, of and well, falls by provided means for of shoot From this well, it is taken purpose. buckets, fited on a travelling belt, elevated some when it is discharged wodden hopper, from whence again falls into a mixing machine provided shafts, fitted with blades revolving quantity of water is added, and the ground opposite directions. Here the necessary clay is thoroughly mixed to the necessary material plastic condition. From this the falls into an horizontal machine, to be further mixed, and is then forced through a lined ate or mould, whence it is received patent side delivery table, ten by which issuing clay is divided into bricks, cut and delivered on a moveable board, transfer to cara, which carry them desired position in the drying shed. floor of this shed is covered by iron fixed on walls forming a hollow floor, the steam having done its work in the engine, thereunder, and is again used passes drying the bricks.

The It whole is of the chinery turning is out very strong. bricks day. The capable terial is not handled in any way between first delivery into the breaker until it formed into complete brick, thus reducing the cost of production to the lowest figure. The makers, Mesas. John Whitehead Ltd, of Preston, have made the tion of clay working plant their chief for over 60 years.

Before the war, they large quantity to South Africa. The signing and erection of have been carried Mr. under the supervision the engineer, D. Maw, the managing director. SUDDEN DEATH ALLEGED CHILD NEGLECT GLAIS BEFORE THE PONTARDAWE BENCH.

AWFUL REVELATIONS OF LIFE IN THE VALLEY. 19th last and divers other dates. Mr. Viper Leeder prosecuted on behalf of the N.8.P.C.C., whilst Mr. C.

B. Jenkins defended the man, and Mr. Jeffreys the woman Inspector Pearce deposed to visiting the house on several occasions. On the first casion be examined child named sianiel, aged six months, in emmpany with Sergeant Button, from Clydach. it was a miserable looking little thing.

Its body was very thin, and its arts legs were almost like At the Pontardawe Police Court on FriJohn Davies, collier, Pantyffynon, Glais, and his wile Gwen Davies, were summoned for neglecting their children on The legs drawn up, with the almost resting the stomach, and they were pulled down they imspang back again into the described. At the time the child at a teat, with piece of putrid rubber-tubing attacked. Both parents were at the time, and the bushand took through the house, which was fairly There piraty uf and fuel there. There were being in indescribable state of the stench die (the inspec. asked the mother bow she secounted such condition of things, and she can't do nothing, bensure he knocking 16 about, He beat me en Saturday night." la reply to hushand said: Rive her It's too much of the bottle that's the cause of it.

She don after the little child nor the home. working 15 hours out of every 24, and I come home have no heart to anything. She used to be a good like this lately through When I came home last Satur drunk, and had that Mrs. her. That's the reason he visited the house on Septem the woman was sitting on the door and appeared to be stapited with drink.

the children, Gwendoline, Was She was small for her brown with dirt, and ber face caked with dirt. The only she had on frock, which stinking. The home at this time unbenable. The back-kitchen floor with three inches of bole in the roof. The foor front covered with One of the beds was by this time awful state.

The mother told him children slept on that bed. She complained to him that her husband ber. On examination of the otb children, he found them to be pale and verminous. P.C. Mercer, Glais, maid he had often to the house on account of the fendant's quarrelling.

Mrs. Davies greatly addicted the to house drink. account Un of August went to on screams. He found Mrs. Davies with in her outside.

The door locked. The baby had a large braise on at was much swollen. Mrs. him shat she and her husband had quarreling. Mr.

Davies inside house, and he failed to arouse him. procured a ladder and went up to the window, which he opened. He the baby until the mother went through the window and opened the midnight on October 22nd be was called to the house. On this occasion, had been locked out. The woman drunk in the house, and when she door she carried the baby recklessly.

husband then made a statement that baby had not been washed or undressed days. Mr. Davies fairly-sober hard working He had to go miles to his work, and left his home o'clock in the morning. In defence of the husband, Mr. C.

Jenking said that the man had strong Section for the woman up to about months ago. Although the woman not get any drink herself, it was her Lise to go to the house of some other who would with obtain the drink. her That husband did money every Jeffreys, for the wife, said she the daughter of a respectable family in district, and some her people sponsible positions. He contended that hasband had brought about that affaire. He continually beating his conduct had become quite Loyd, addressing the had been guilty of a serious neglect, A more shocking case he had beard before.

She had sunk down depts of debanchery, and, tence upon her. She they would have would for three months with hard labour. To the husband Mr. Lloyd said: had been debating as to whether they send him to prison as well. if he could Bind proper provision for the children, would only be bound over in the £10 to come up for judgment when apon.

Husband (sobbing) I beg to ask if you could give the mother a chance Mr. Lloyd: No. we can't do that. Davies promised to take charge and he was discharged. DEAL IN WATCHES.

REMARKABLE CASE OP THEFT AT LLANELLY. LOCAL JEWELLER CHARGED AT THE CARMATHEN SESSIONS. the Carmarthen Quarter Sessions, Friday, Earl Cawdor in the chair, in a case considerable interest was heard which Richalise, jeweller, Llanelly, appeared charge stealing silver Patches, China, valued at jeweller, the also of property Solo28th. Llewellyn secute, and by Mr. defendant conducted his Edmunds, Prior to opening the Mr.

Williams informed the chairman that Richa in the habit of carrying had already threatened to shoot solicitor, Mr. Edmunds. Under the circ*mstapces, be suggested that defendant should searched before the proceeded. Richelieu was then charged, pleaded He subsequently below searched of court. Me.

stated that Rehaelies obtained the watches from Chin, and would he explained fully when prosecuter went into the box. Solomon China said Richelieu called shop and as the result of a conversation agreed to sell him sis watches. should call It arranged that the ou witness Richaelien's house the following day. This, he did. He entered by front door, and Richaetien lad him into parlour.

Witness put the watches on table, and Richelieu then took out a cheque book and asked witness to make out ceipt. He made out a receipt in the Instead that doing so, Richelieu however was he took up pay. the going to watches and receipt, and then declined to make payment. He that stated that all he right, and the ceipt, the war to do business. Witness but you call this business, what do you roguery.

Inchaelien turned however the house without making any payment. to vently information given Prisoner was found guilty of larceny police. trick. The chairman said he was very sorry a man of his standing descending to mean sideration his plea of delicate health, and trickery. The court took into would be sent to prison for sis months the socond division.

Prisoner appeared faint away on hearing the sentence and ascisted below into the cells. MORRISTON EISTEDDFOD the Calfaria Baptist, Chapel (Morriston) Eisteddfod, at Public Hall, on urday, the following wese some the Pianoforte solo :1, Stanley Oven, Swansea 2. Ivy, Bonnets. Recitation, 1, Miss M. J.

Hill, Morriston. Solo John Thomas, Morriston; solg J. Edith Morrison: 2, D. J. Hall: Geo.

Wills. Jones, Landore. Drawing, Morgan, Violin solo, 1, Etta Joseph, 2, DI. Hill, Morriston. DOWN SON for PARLOUR SUITES.


ran Mr. Dinna Ken, Bunch Flowers, Tonsure, Sir Pat, The Bun, Demonstrator, Posilipo, Linkless, Albemarle, Love, Betting: Kineton Boy, Lankiess, Galloping Albemarle, Helen, 6 to Porcelain, 10 to 1 Wild Apple, 100 to 6 SELLING STEEPLECHASE of 100 Two miles SANCTISSIMA IL. 1, PADISHAH 2, BUCKSFOOT 3. Betting: ran: 7 to Chelford, 4 agat Sanctissima, Real, 3 Benita. to Marcha Padishah, 9 to 2 Bucksfout, 5 to 1 Chelfurd, 1 Marcha Real, 100 fo 7 Benita.

-THREE YEAR OLD HURDLE RACE 100 sove. About one mile and five longs. CLOTURE 1, DICK DONOVAN 2. RISING FALCON 3. Also ran: Absent Friend, March Pahswith, Surettingion, WestenOld Bock, Tuscan.

Betting: 6 to 2 apt Cloture, 7 to 2 Stret6 to 1 Dick Donovan, 6 to 1 Rising PARK Kahswith, HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE 200 Three miles. KING 2, COOL.OCK 2, COTTONSHOPE 3. ran Dam, Katremetteur, Ronny 8m. Betting: 1 to 1 3 to 1 Coolock, to May King, Cottonshope, to 1 3.30-HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of sovs. Two miles.

COMMUNIST ROYAL ROC THOAS Betting: 5 to 4 1 agat Gran Tree, Communist, 10 Park, 8 Chiselhampion, Royal Ronge, to sis. STOCKTON HILL. DICAP 1.30-BLYTHEHOLME PLATE of 200 NURSERY Seven longs. EDELIA 1. MONANGE 2, WILLIAN'S HILL 3.

Also ran: A.R.A., Tirdale, Marlborough Swell. Betting: to 4 agst Fidelia, William's 5 to Hi, 2 Tirdale, 100 to 1 Mon Ange and others. -TEES HIGH -WEIGHT mile HANDICAP PLATE of 100 One ROSGLASS 1. BELLARMINA TARANTCLA Also ran Brother Tom, Gallia Lovin, Amnesty, 5 1. St.

Barts, Bellarmina, Amnesty 2 Betting. Ro glass, to 7 to 1 Brother Tom, Methelios, St. Barts, 8 1 o1 Loving, 100 Tarantula. PLATE of 250 sovs. One mile and a STOCKTON AUTUMN HANDICAP THREMHALL 1.

MINO 2, co*ck THE ROOST 3. ran Ethelbruce, Time' Table, mount, Wilton Castle, stone, Rock Castle. Betting: 7 to 2 agst Rock co*ck o' Castle, the 6 Roost, Mine 1 to 1 Folkastone, 100 to Wilton Castle, 8 bar 3.0 CLEVELAND SELLING NURSERY HANDICAP PLATE of 100 furlongs SJUIRREL LINFORD 2. PORESIGHT 3. Also Speranza, Downside, Palm, Cross Roads, Vatis, Jenny MG mist, 5 Sonata to 4 agst Miraist, 6 to 1 Roads, Betting: 100 to 12 Downside, Ponsight, to 1 Linford, Sqirrel, 100 to 8 PLATE others, 5.30-PACKBY HANDICAP Vive furlongs SUNFLOWER 1, SEVERNA TION Also Mandi Gree, Mailed Times, Levenshall, Curious.

Betting: 5 to 2 Mailed 10 Separation, Mandi Gras, 100 import school. SINGULAR FAITH HEALING CASE. Mr. George addressing meeting of his Wyndham, Chief Secretary Ireland, Dover, night, d' himself league of the He Premier, regretted Imperialist, seized escellent 1 fight, and he appealed for unity party marching united Empire, from H. result if retaliation where adopted.

country mast the fundamental HALF-TIME FOOTBALL Births, Marriages, a Deaths RACE Also Shot, Sept. Oct. The Sept. A Oct. the still some the in dark con- with the Westtouch place fielded the scrums the free furthe: were in up.

passing, passed Rees, Dan with for Success, Jones, broke and try game. convert. again run, pass to with later, George the At Serine placed came by passing gut the down with the forwards, taesub- to moment but Only under rapid work Serines having place Cardiff: ball, gave gain Thomas, ball and back to pass from the Arnold toueb Rees through. play O0 kick backs regained fruin the beauthe Arnold rum alone Jones The forfine but latter went kick, tried ineffectual, called. subforwards, end.

without suemouth, sent into kick, folmen mark, and a round backs broke to George only to find Levies conallowing of bounds. down beyond touch. keenoccurred wage around penalised, moment kick, hustled into the Swanses sed-not nest occurred dribble sea sticks. knees soon mediately Lion sucking present him furnished. fire both and tor) for plied: always awful the woek.

getting. look am when bat drink. The son of Joseph Barton, on returning from his wurk, shortly after eight on Satur day morning, found his 4. father dead in bod his No. rhiwtyn, of age, retired in his usual health about Neath.

Deceased, who years half past nine the previous night, Misty to 1 1 others. 2.0 Also 6 to 23 of Daisy, hanger, tington, Falcon, 3.0- of MAY 5 other. Bally 6 dry 8 20 to 8 8th door. again and opened Toe the for four about 499: could to imprisoned They should only sum called you, again. 5 of 1 any 200 1 Eteo HAN.

fur- to Gallia, to half. OP CraigPolke- to five. Five Royd Cameron, Cross 10 of 150 SEPARA- remarkable "faith-healing" sions given on Thursday, Alfred in case at tailor, summoned for neglecting Vera, five The child knocked down his faith-beeling. fractured refused to by a summon baker's called and found an evangelist of the days later, Inspector Offord, who told the offices child was Catholic Church in Zion Back's on nicely, and that "the symptoms lovely." Ewntaally magistrate's and the child moved the hospital. De.

Brown said evidence 5 tractured bones overlapped reunited would without baman Sach his own behalf, such things been cured agency of God. When the child had doctor advised that the bones should after be cat and allowed to grow straight, but adopted the faith they took it to God had and it took cured. The also child They that child healed. Sach called. She said she The child's believer of prayer.

began to get right from the first found day of defenthe treatment, -The Recorder jury said it was not indignity of prison, Dublin Commission, on Friday, Swords, charged with Callaghan, for laving, by driving motor manner and caused the of Richard Brady Park, Dublin. On July prison. boy's motor-car bicycle, and Brady killed. The collided with the deceased found prisoner guilty, and Madden sentenced him three imprisonment. ZIONISTS AND FAITH CURE.

New York, October 83rd. -There have by very the few Zionists, but the Prophet is barred recoveries from the colds contracted from serving out punishmept to those ing in faith. because be has fallen all with and he is having no personal application the faith considering cure. Some of sis attendants say he is calling in a physician, as he has been do Zion City, when the case apout paratus of his own body the sin prodaced illness. not charged sadiciently to drive It impossible to verify this.

however, for NOW much a reporter's life worth to approach the ham Past. Paddingion Borongh the Council, Public on Libraries Friday, Act decided for the whole adopting borough, and consequently rejected Mr. Carnegie's offer the £15,000. Etruria Colonel Cody, who sailed in with his mornin, Wild states definitely that be will West Exhibition, on Satur. day England nest year for a second return to tour.

The Rev. Prof. Charles Harris, B.D., will officiate at There will be a special service for St. Mark's Church, Swansea, on the afternoon, when the Sunday. men will speak on the subject: "Why we seljeve in trod." The "Standard" Berlin correspondent derstands that the British should Government made it known that, Germany Clause the nest Anglo-American Commertend to omit the in Treaty, Engine would take similar of BIRTH.

the 2144 35, Gwydrwile of George Harvey a 500. 66410 MARRIAGE. the 24th Waiter-road Congregational Church, Robert Kason of Kadkti, to Louise, eldest daughter of Themse Ashton, 80, Cw1dunk in-terrace, DAVIES- JONES- -On the 22ad, at Wesley Church, Swans, by the Rev. IL. Hodder, E.

G. Davies 500 the late Wis. Davies, M. Contome, 4 to Miss Louie E. Jones, only daaghter Mr.

C. H. Jones, 8, Brynymursoad, Swan67410-24 place Chapel, Swansce, on October 20th, the Rev. E. Mynddin Thomas, Walkin Wilham Griffithe, to May, second daughter of Mr.

T. D. Pitchford, of Danygraig. THANKS FOR SYMPATHY. Mr.

John Williams family, of Duke street, Morriston, desire to tender their deep thanks for the many efpressions of sympathy in their bereavement TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. WANTED General Servant; snail Alexandra family: good -Apply Face, Newton road, Mumbles. 67A10-30 CLERK Wauted have for must lodge of Book -keeping; ous has Accountant's Oilice Ledger, Leader Office, Swansea 67A WANTED, an Intelligent Lad Nows for Reader's Department, Loader Office, Swanson Shares fog Sale National Trust, pid; offers wanted Address Shares, 66410-2 Daily WANTED, Trevor General Uplands Swansea WANTED, Shin Plumber Sharp Boy Apply R. D. for House Plumber, Me, Victoria coad, or Gorse-lane.

67.410-31 Traveller in the Wine WANTED. Spirit Traveller, Leader, Swans. 67A10-30 NEW special Overcoat show and now Rainproof being made. Costing: Costumes a Alabaster and Castle-street, opposite Western Mail" Offices, Swansea. NEW spocial Overcoat show and now Rainproof made.

Ladies Costumes -Alabaster and op Swansea. LADIES Special Show All Parisian London Styles LADIES Special Costumes! Show AlL London Styles. CHAPEL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SCHOOLROOM, 28th, SILOAM FRIDAY, 300h, ABERDYBERTHY SCHOOL ROOM, BABELL, SCHOOLRUOM, UNICIPAL 1903. ST. MEETINGS MR, W.

GREY WALTERS Will be held as MONDAY, OCTOBER 264h, Vivian and J. IL E. David Philip Jenkin H. Chair to be 8 o'clock MARK'S CHURCH, WAUNWEN ST. REV.

PROF. CHARLES HARRIS, B.D, Will Preach TO MORROW (SUNDAY), in descending which a Belle Neath lady was injured, sage most driver, unskilial Collins, manner, and to this the manipulated his brakes dent must be, the great company extent, should fit their He urges wheel cars with slipper brakes. that eight the the Unionist resalt Free of Food League, largely meeting on Friday tended by Conservative members of Partia, ment and others, the subject of Free Trade important was issued Protection. on The proposals of Mr. versus Mr.

would, unpose on the consumer a greater Chamberlain and stated, than the yield of the suggested new burden effect of such a policy on the tases Empire The would be to promote its disintegr its anion, and there tion rather than manifesto affirms, in the in nothing, the condition the country which a return to Protcetion. dustrial There New arrived York, by the Campania, the In at Liverpool on Saturday, from Chief of the Mahatmas, who has beet dian touring the Mates for the propagation theories. His name given Paramahaust in the tris passenger list as Agamga dressed in pictarerque Gurn Indian Being In an garb, interview he attracted described much himself as occupying the same position the in the Roman Mahatma Catholie world world. as the taught Pope does in ideals of life. He duch cO the where highest in particular, but his infsence wat the whole universe, as it came front felt over the and, soul! therefore, had only ole were meal a secondary day! Material things was proceeding to Oxford to discesa im questions with professor Carpenter, (portent RAYER" MEN ONLY.

in 6.30: All Seats Hymn Books David Haled, injured on board the Montana on the Hospital on Friday. Middles A private Saturday telegram morning, that Col. bore, Sadler on (Conservative member for the met with an while from York White Star Laverpool, Celtic Land Stanley was duly nominated for Houghton division of Lancashire West Satarday morning, the vacancy being Sherif sat for the customary time, by his appointment an Postmaster candidate was on the side, and Lord Stanley clared duly re-elected. Some burglars during Friday night into Kearney Railway Station, window in the booking office being a open. large number place of was tickets being strewn The thoroughly floor, whilst two automatic machines burgiars only succeeded in scaring a open.

from toe Luckily, till the money A Councillor meeting W. in H. support Morris held in Phil of the candidature delphia Chapel Schoolroom, on the day night. candidate said the Labour party the course responsible for the erection And street (A Voice: mess they from start to finish. made of it It 1 blunder responsible for it.

(Hear, bear.) Lieut-Colonel Von Donop, accident reporting on to August the 12th Board to of a Trade tram-car on the travelling from Margate Ramsgate, where the Vee-road, driver lost Ramagate, control to 27 in £15 10, and Rey164, folk and Daily Co, City from Afoninto had and 8. Taylor divisions remain sine. Tommy and three Cecil quarters, Hill; Johnny Jones Geo. Harry Toft: Will Jones, Kenfick, Tom Maiden Johns, S. Fred.

Smith, and Bailey. LLANELLY MAESTEG. Saturday 1 red for the -letter big day match of the in football circles at season is the fisture of the homesters with the Menelly Chub. Naturally, the Valley men made preparations a have gate always for large and great game, vanquish their opponents of toThe Scarlets day, managed and to the match was not looked upon serious gne so far as the visitors were conLast season, when the teams met in cerned. the first encounter Stradey, the Lanelly men put on 2 goals (1 dropped) 2 tries to try.

Unfortunately for Maesteg, abandonment King Frost of the stepped retarn in, fixture on their ground, a splendid and caused the being lost as the result. There was no gate gainsaying the fact that the ground was too hard to play upon that day, and after an inspection, the referee disappointment declared of the the match large off, much to the crowd lining the ropes. Fresh from their victory over Neath last week, the tinplates journeyed up the Valley the to of give the elect Wil- of a lesson in art Rugby. lie Davies took the place of Harvey in the Scarlet three quarter line, so that on paper, the team was even stronger than last week. The homesters trotted out their best avail.

able team, and as all the men were in the pink of condition, they then. hoped to The give the Visitors a fight worthy of fifteens selected were: Bob Bichards Morgan Williams, Ned backs, Roberts, Ben Willie Davies Davies, and Jim Downing; Jack Davies; halfwards, J. Watts (capt), D. Walters, J. W.

Thomas, Bob Thomas, Tom J. Davies. Phillips, Jones, M. Watkins, P.C. Back, M.

Handing; threnquarter-backs, W. half-backs, Williams, J. Cash, Thomas and another; and Ned Jones; forwards, J. Foley Sup man, T. Davies, M.

Coleman, W. Thomas, Lake, W. D. Taylor. At M.

mon June not and the the his and with in of steelon the each to The plates and for its and produestudy sent de out KILLED the the the the the belief that said call into the by sach conhe to was.

The Cambria Daily Leader from Swansea, West Glamorgan, Wales (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6580

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.